SilentScreamer, on 01 July 2014 - 07:55 AM, said:
Just like the normal game, certain mechs will be most popular and dominate the Meta of MWO. My guess, in 3050 stock you are going to see a LOT of ECM Ravens like we did in early Stock Monday games....same game, still Meta, just different Meta.
It would be interesting to see how many players would launch stock. I would probably spend at least half my time in Stock, (especially to grind skills ), the other half in Community Warfare (in my custom mechs) and just ignore the current drop mode.
Certainly a concern, and I have noted that stuff myself since many of us begged PGI to change ECM, because it put a wrench into stock designs (among other things), but for now I think people really would like a true BattleTech experience. Something of an escape from the main mode. And that definitely can be provided with a stock mode option (hopefully separated by Tech 1, Tech 2 or 3025/3050 options).
Many that have attended the stock events have found through tons of play so far that some Mechs that are considered totally useless in the other mode to be extremely good in stock play form, which makes for very refreshing game-play. Sometimes I jokingly refer to Stock play as "Small Laser Meta," because battles can literally get down to the wire, everyone being totally torn apart with nothing left but one weapon each and stuff like that.
And speaking of Community Warfare, its a total drag that it won't be like the CW of MPBT3025, which was stock only Mechs fighting over planets.
I'm not sure what PGI's thoughts are on stock mode, but it was popular in older games. It could be a very good improvement and addition for this game.