FupDup, on 05 May 2013 - 12:11 PM, said:
Anyways, I tried to recreate the 2X described above in Smurfys: Guesstimated Raven 2X
It has AMS because I'm guessing you like AMS or something. Whatever. 38% heat efficiency with 12 DHS (half of which are only poordubs).
Here is a variant of it I hashed together:
Upgrade Version
This one bumps the engine up to 220 for 112.0 KPH. It 11 DHS, 9 of which are truedubs (your 4-ton engine version can pack 12 DHS total, and only 6 of them are truedubs). 9 x 2 + 1.4 x 2 = 20.8 heat cap/dissipation for my variant compared to 1.4 x 6 + 2 x 6 = 20.4. So it gains 0.04 more heat efficiency and moves a crapton faster. Smurfys is showing that the guesstimated version has 1% higher cooling efficiency but that doesn't seem quite right (see math above for the breakdown of heatsinks).
Ammo. The cookie cutter runs out too quickly for solo 3-L piloting and I like my Ravens running at 1.7 heat efficiency or greater. I run out of streaks rather quickly with just two tons, not to mention the ammo explosions I used to endure since the single tons were isolated in the legs and easy to detonate so I go for 4. If nothing else, then as padding as every time I lost a leg, I had an ammo explosion take me out.
Actually, anyone can hit an 86 kph Raven 4x. But when the choice is that or a bang cat, what do you pick? When the choice is the Raven or an Atlas? Who do you shoot? Splatcat or 4x? Stalker or 4x? There's an advantage in being labelled "inferior."
Today they went for my legs, and I reallocated armor accordingly.

Brawling Spiders when they first came out. Pre HSR, and when aiming was terribly hard. This is the first time running the 4X build since both the invention of the XL engine and loss of the ability to drop-kick Atlases with a single JJ. (Greatest strength of the 4x was the ability to jumpjet and 'kick' an enemy assault.) You didn't have an animated kick, sure, but you fall, hit them with your legs, and they fall over. Today I run it even better with HSR, better restraint in firing, and a number of things.
I miss drop-kicks though.
This is a slightly improved version of the 4X from this morning after being legged for the first time. http://mwo.smurfy-ne...5778e7c640c36bb It continues to vary depending on my mood.
This is the actual build with the 2X. I only use the AMS on the Raven 3-L because it always got into streak fights. The 2X and 4X don't have to worry about that because these days streaks are pretty weak compared to the rapid damage of twenty damage.
Last night it had ER PPCs. With ER PPCs, it has 1.17 heat rating in game. With standard PPCs it ran 1.38 heat efficiency. Actually though, simply having this moment to look at my original design has allowed me to see a way to improve the heat efficiency of the ER PPCs to 1.21 since I forgot to add endo steel. Though I do see that being able to add that engine is possible.
And true, that speed boost is nice. Looks like I'll be getting an XL 220 engine soon to give it a try. Then maybe I can play it a bit like I do with the X-5. <-- you might get a kick out of that.
Still, the 4X itself uses the XL 170 engine rather well. Also upgraded to a 180 engine but it comes with the sacrifice of the backup weapon or a jumpjet. Neither of which I like giving up.
In general the main reason I prefer the 4x, is because no other Raven can kill most mechs in just two well-placed shots, and then do it 3 times in a row back to back without heat issues. Sure the other two can do PPCs, but the heat! Of course 3 LL's could do it, but seriously can you HOLD those onto the cockpits?
Wish I was recording that match. Was playing forum warrior and forgot I launched into a match. I was the last player and screwed, sitting on our base in River City. Because of the situation I didn't screw around like usual and aim for the chest or legs as I do in the videos. I like fighting fair but 3 against 1, I had to fight dirty or look like a complete fool. Two Atlases and a Centurion were approaching. I didn't have a chance. I think I could have browned my jeans a little. Centurion arrived first. He came up to me and stopped, apparently overconfident in seeing a Raven 4x hiding with its back against some crates with only two barrels and two weapons. He shot me with twin medium lasers. His arms readily missing but his body still in good shape. Pesky zombies. I went for the classic closed beta bug -- I shot his mohawk. Bam, Head armor is gone. Again. He's dead. He cried hacker. The two Atlases came in from two directions. One slightly delayed through buildings while the other came by water. I went for the building one first, abandoning the base to the cries of the team. "Get back to base!" "Fight noob." I came up beside the Atlas who was squeezing himself between the two large unusually shaped towers and poked him in the back with the small laser. He turned around. As he turned I went for the eye. His medium lasers went through the air blindly, possibly a reaction? I stepped back a little to get a clear sight on my target as he looked down at me. Bam. Dead. By now the chat had less antagonism by my team. I moved on to the last Atlas who was on our base. I leaped onto the base itself and while in the air I turned to face him. Once I landed he looked up at me. Bam. AC/20 followed by a small laser. Squeezed in another SL before I got in a second AC/20 shot.
Two Atlases and a Centurion felled back to back by a single Raven 4X, never reaching above 20% heat. No other Raven can do that. That's why I love my 4x.
I confess the 2X is okay, and I do vouch for it. But both it and the 3-L are inferior to my 4X unless they can get me through a situation like that without overheating or dying.
Now Icefang, I tried using a Jenner in the same way as I use my 2X after our last disagreement on them. It does the same job, but I found that the Jenner's CT is so wide that they are easy to hit. I died more, and wasn't happy.
Before checking back here, I had killed a Jenner K in a close up fight with the Gauss Rifle variant of the 4X. When I came up behind him, I even said his name in chat. "Hey (name redacted)." "Beep beep. I'm behind you." He started running before he turned around and so we began the usual circle of doom. He fired his lasers. I gave him 3 slugs of Gauss, then I thanked him. Sadly he was my only kill. The sniper Treb I worked on was kill-stolen by someone who thought I needed to be rescued when it then rushed me with streaks. I was just waiting for the GR recycle time. The Gauss rifle requires too much sacrifice to be practical on the Raven 4x.
I like Jenners too, but it's much easier to focus damage on their front torsos since the sides of their saucers count as their front ends. They're like dragons in that aspect, where shooting the sides of a Dragon's belly still counts as CT. As such, I don't find them to be as good when it comes to sniping. Also with their PPCs so far off to the side, I had convergence issues.
The main reason the 4X and 2X Ravens work as escorts is people choose to attack the bigger mechs first. If they don't, back off and hide behind the bigger mech's legs until they do shoot the bigger mech instead. The 2X and 4X generally can't chase lights and if they do, they get isolated and die. The whole point of what I'm saying is that the 2X and 4X cannot play like the Jenner or the 3-L. Light mechs are ~Not~ created equal and so a different style of play needs to be adopted to do well with them.
You are correct in that the Ravens 2x and 4x in my style actually play more like proper Hunchbacks. They outperform the AC/20 4G, though they have trouble competing with the other variants it's true. However unlike Hunchbacks, the 4X and 2X don't draw the same kind of attention. Once someone sees what it is they go for a more dangerous threat, never knowing how badly they screwed up until it's too late. Besides. It's a lot more fun to chase and kill Jenners. They're like Spiders. Someone sees one, the ENTIRE team chases them!
Edited by Koniving, 05 May 2013 - 02:10 PM.