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Cheating On Tournaments


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#161 Zolaz


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 07:22 PM

Some people push the rules and the spirit of the game. True champions win regardless of poor sportsmanship and my hat is off to everyone who won with integrity. That being said, Im glad that Comstar isnt turning a blind eye to cheaters.

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#162 PropagandaWar


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 07:30 PM

View Post30ft SMURF, on 03 May 2013 - 09:29 PM, said:

First I don't see why sync dropping should be considered cheating. If you didn't want it to happen/work fix your own game instead of blaming the players who utilize the way it works. Second... thanks, I guess, for trying to add something extra for us to do while testing this game, but could you come up with something for the people who actually enjoy playing the game with their friends? We keep getting these competitions that are specifically for solo players, but this is supposed to be a team game right? Last, though I could keep going, perhaps it would be more worth our time and money for you to spend more time figuring out why the game doesn't work right than it is to run craptastic tournaments. As usual I guess thats too much to ask for.

ok that's lame as hell.

#163 BlackDrakon


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 07:47 PM

View PostAbivard, on 05 May 2013 - 03:02 PM, said:

What percentage of the top placed players played during the 'dead of the night' when very few others were around to get matched with. in other words, it would be very interesting to see what their ELO was compared to the players they fought to get those great games?

I noticed the time of day has an influence on the quality of players I am matched up with,when the player pool is low, I find it far easier to rack up the kills than during 'prime times'.

Completely agree with it, its not the same ppl, and its easyer to win early in the morning around 12 to 3 a.m. in the morning or later... We cant say nothing about it though.

#164 McBrite


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 12:41 AM

Syncdropping and Colluding? What about "classic" cheating like aimbots and wallhacks? Why does nobody ever mention them?
I NEVER read anything about aimbotters getting banned?

#165 TB Freelancer


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 02:37 AM

View PostSalagoth, on 05 May 2013 - 08:55 AM, said:

I would be more worried about the amount of Bots running around, I admit I am a mid level player, I have excellent rounds and terrible rounds but I know people are going nuts with aiming bots. Some of the hits I took made no sense at all, I know how to hide my mech, use cover, advance safely, but the bot usage is really annoying.

Its far more likely that they aren't using aimbots but custom CFGs that allow them to see clear through the haze on Caustic, or Frozen City while the blizzard is going on as a pair of examples as clearly as you could on Alpine. They can see you clear as day hundreds of meters past the point where an unmodified game blurs them out completely.

There are hundreds if not more people running modified CFGs, sweetfx and the no film grain thing. There are a lot of guys using them in attempts to get better performance, openly discussing them here on the forums teaching others how to do it. But from my experience, when there's a way to get a definite advantage without any way to get caught...people are going to do it and custom CFGs can very easily be abused to give a definite tactical advantage.

Edited by TB Freelancer, 06 May 2013 - 02:39 AM.

#166 30ft SMURF


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 02:56 AM

If anyone used aimbot or anything like that I'd say ban'em... if they sync dropped in your craptastic tournament and played with their friends f off if you call that cheating. Why anyone would solo drop in this game is beyond me, if any of their friends were online... unless they were realy into the tournament structure and wanted to win... that being said... the solo players still get thrown into games where other players are running 4 mans and how yer realy supposed to figure out who's the biggest billy badass amongst the crapshoot doesn't seem very likely considering how f'd weight/elo sets up each match. I don't want to keep complaining about this game... I'd rather it worked right and was more fun. I'm currently not spending any more money till I believe it is worth it, but I do hold out hope and am still playing somewhat frequently. Tryin' to save up cbills and xp for when more content is released... one quick (long) note before I make 2 suggestions... I also don't condone people sync dropping to be on the enemy team and allowing your buddy to freely dps/kill you to stat pad for a tournament. BUT! If you were just sync dropping to play with or against your friends and you fought against them fairly I don't see a problem with that. Cheating should be made as impossible in the game as possible and every time you find someone doing it during beta suck it up and be happy that your player base is helping improve the game by showing you flaws in the system... As for honor and whatever glory there is to be found in these solo tournaments please refer to the jankass bugtastic game that will likely be jacked up and unbalanced for a good while longer till we're much closer to an actual release date. How you can feel all that good or bad about a tournament where almost half the team has a hud/map/texture/dc/no Iff/whatever other bug is beyond me. As for the suggestions you've probably heard it before but... 1.) Solaris 1v1 maps with 5-10 different small arena maps and a new game mode that would allow 1v1 battles and a spectator mode that lets others in the arena join and watch the show... 2.) An opt in tournament that requires either 8/4player teams to post scores over however many ranking matches yada yada... It would encourage and reward players who take the time to find and play with others in your player base and could even revive some interest in players who've been playin' the game on autopilot wondering when they were realy gonna get to have fun with the game again... I could be wrong about the fun part. I've played against some realy coordinated/good teams and it can be frustrating, but nobodys gonna learn how that works and ever learn any way to deal with it if all most of the gaming population does is solo drop because their friends don't bother logging in for 'lame' tournaments that require them to ignore their friends who are online and hope to avoid getting in the same match because people might know they're in a unit/merc company together and could be accused of cheating if they're any good. Well... sorry if you don't like run on sentences I've been awake too long playin' the game, just dropped by to see how this conversation was goin' and had to drop a few cents more cents on the page... As much as i'm glad PGI is trying to keep us interested in the game and perhaps these tournaments might influence or provide valuable data for upcomming community warfare, it would seem more important to balance weapons... Missiles are still nigh worthless atm and untill thats fixed I'm gonna continue to be resistant to spending money and will eventually lose intereste in this game all together if left unresolved. Bla... too much to say not enough time for anyone important to read it most likely. Hope you enjoyed another wall of text ;P

#167 Yanlowen Cage


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 02:58 AM

Honor. There is no honor in this game. Wake up and smell the coffee. Almosr everyone in this game runs some sort of min max build and will step in front of your alpha to get a kill. They will boat. They will hack (if they can). They will team up and rofl stomp pugs to pad their score. They have no compassion nor do they care. Be the last light v. 6+ enemy and call for 1vs1 and watch how fast they don't care and attack en masse. Not mad. Just saying. So stop the pie in the sky, honor and TT lore crap and realize we are dealing with humans. And as the say goes. If you ain't cheatingyou ain't winning. Accept and move on.

#168 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 03:47 AM

View Post30ft SMURF, on 06 May 2013 - 02:56 AM, said:

Why anyone would solo drop in this game is beyond me, if any of their friends were online... unless they were realy into the tournament structure and wanted to win... that being said... the solo players still get thrown into games where other players are running 4 mans and how yer realy supposed to figure out who's the biggest billy badass amongst the crapshoot doesn't seem very likely considering how f'd weight/elo sets up each match.
The reason is because it is a solo tournament Now that we get dropped against no participants and teams is a fail but that is no reason for the participants to not follow the rules of the tournament. If you are unable to abide by the rules you should not participate.

View PostYanlowen Cage, on 06 May 2013 - 02:58 AM, said:

Honor. There is no honor in this game. Wake up and smell the coffee. Almosr everyone in this game runs some sort of min max build and will step in front of your alpha to get a kill. They will boat. They will hack (if they can). They will team up and rofl stomp pugs to pad their score. They have no compassion nor do they care. Be the last light v. 6+ enemy and call for 1vs1 and watch how fast they don't care and attack en masse. Not mad. Just saying. So stop the pie in the sky, honor and TT lore crap and realize we are dealing with humans. And as the say goes. If you ain't cheatingyou ain't winning. Accept and move on.
In the actual game. Where it is a battle for survival... 100% true. For playing a tournament... you cheat? Really? As to honor... My honor is my Life. I do my best to live every day with honor and integrity in everything I do. Even this game.

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 06 May 2013 - 03:49 AM.

#169 DeaconW


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:33 AM

View PostYanlowen Cage, on 06 May 2013 - 02:58 AM, said:

Honor. There is no honor in this game. Wake up and smell the coffee. Almosr everyone in this game runs some sort of min max build and will step in front of your alpha to get a kill. They will boat. They will hack (if they can). They will team up and rofl stomp pugs to pad their score. They have no compassion nor do they care. Be the last light v. 6+ enemy and call for 1vs1 and watch how fast they don't care and attack en masse. Not mad. Just saying. So stop the pie in the sky, honor and TT lore crap and realize we are dealing with humans. And as the say goes. If you ain't cheatingyou ain't winning. Accept and move on.

You are not wrong. All this makes want to do is go back to playing single player games...

#170 Nightcrept


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:34 AM

To be fair It's going to be near impossible to figure out if someone was purposely cheating (sync dropping or helping out a fellow clam member) and who was a clam member but playing fairly.

The difference between playing fairly and not playing fairly would look exactly the same unless you where on their ts server.

#171 DeaconW


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:37 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 06 May 2013 - 03:47 AM, said:

I do my best to live every day with honor and integrity in everything I do. Even this game.

As do I...but that is why I (and presumably you) are frustrated with the state of the game...because others are playing by a different ruleset that gives them advantage. You know, that gives me a thought; maybe that is at the core of why the true MW/BT fans here are so frustrated overall...the game and lore was based around a code of honor and now that the COD/HALO kiddies are in this game all that has gone out the window...sad, really.

#172 VXJaeger


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 06:13 AM

There will always be ******** trying to iceskate uphill. It cannot be avoided.

#173 MechPorn


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 06:22 AM

I keep seeing missile hate in the forums, and how you cannot get any points with it. I used a Highlander 733 exclusively on day #6 and I got up to 999 points (5th place) after a few hours of game play.

No, this was not at 3:00 AM in the morning, but was between 8PM and 12PM CST, with a few breaks to get my kids into bed.

Most of my matches, I lead the team in damage and/or kills.

I had loaded 4 LRM 15 Packs (no Artemis crap) and about 2.5K of ammo with two medium lasers and no JJs.

Not only could I keep some 'Mechs pinned down with a few chain fires here and there, removing them from the battle for a few moments to a few minutes. I was also able to take advantage of the brawlers coming in to the main group, in an attempt to get additional points for the tourney.

#174 hammerreborn


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 08:19 AM

View PostTB Freelancer, on 06 May 2013 - 02:37 AM, said:

Its far more likely that they aren't using aimbots but custom CFGs that allow them to see clear through the haze on Caustic, or Frozen City while the blizzard is going on as a pair of examples as clearly as you could on Alpine. They can see you clear as day hundreds of meters past the point where an unmodified game blurs them out completely.

There are hundreds if not more people running modified CFGs, sweetfx and the no film grain thing. There are a lot of guys using them in attempts to get better performance, openly discussing them here on the forums teaching others how to do it. But from my experience, when there's a way to get a definite advantage without any way to get caught...people are going to do it and custom CFGs can very easily be abused to give a definite tactical advantage.

One of my teammates plays on all low settings to lower his risk of CTDs and ya, he thinks its absolutely ridiculous how he can see teams from across the map because mechs are the only models that are generated.

#175 Nightcrept


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 08:25 AM

View PostTB Xiomburg, on 06 May 2013 - 06:22 AM, said:

I keep seeing missile hate in the forums, and how you cannot get any points with it. I used a Highlander 733 exclusively on day #6 and I got up to 999 points (5th place) after a few hours of game play.

No, this was not at 3:00 AM in the morning, but was between 8PM and 12PM CST, with a few breaks to get my kids into bed.

Most of my matches, I lead the team in damage and/or kills.

I had loaded 4 LRM 15 Packs (no Artemis crap) and about 2.5K of ammo with two medium lasers and no JJs.

Not only could I keep some 'Mechs pinned down with a few chain fires here and there, removing them from the battle for a few moments to a few minutes. I was also able to take advantage of the brawlers coming in to the main group, in an attempt to get additional points for the tourney.

Your boating. Your boating to the extreme. That is the only way you can use them currently. Thus all the hate.
If you have a choice between using a lrm launcher or two or a different weapon system most players are going to take the other system. Lrm's are just not as combat effective as any of the other weapons.

#176 Koreanese


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 08:31 AM

Most op weapon of all time. Medium laser

#177 OvenRude


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 08:40 AM

Thread Logic:

Anyone who did better than me was surely cheating.

Clearly the "honorable" opinion to have, correct?

#178 Jabilo


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 08:40 AM

View PostYanlowen Cage, on 06 May 2013 - 02:58 AM, said:

Honor. There is no honor in this game. Wake up and smell the coffee. Almosr everyone in this game runs some sort of min max build and will step in front of your alpha to get a kill. They will boat. They will hack (if they can).

Min max builds and following the meta is not the same thing as actually hacking the game.

I would never hack the game or use cheats and I know plenty of people will say the same thing.

Running an effective build is not the same thing as hacking the game.

View Posthammerreborn, on 06 May 2013 - 08:19 AM, said:

One of my teammates plays on all low settings to lower his risk of CTDs and ya, he thinks its absolutely ridiculous how he can see teams from across the map because mechs are the only models that are generated.

Yes, this needs to be addressed.

#179 dranozir


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 08:46 AM

I dont know how you can have such skill Koreanese. If you make vidéo i want to see it.

I finish in 6th place at the assaut classement and i think its totaly possible to make better score i have made.

During this tournalment i have globaly no luck. Such deconnection , bug ...

#180 OvenRude


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 08:54 AM

View Postdranozir, on 06 May 2013 - 08:46 AM, said:

I dont know how you can have such skill Koreanese. If you make vidéo i want to see it.

I finish in 6th place at the assaut classement and i think its totaly possible to make better score i have made.

During this tournalment i have globaly no luck. Such deconnection , bug ...

Fantastic job in the tourney man!

Koreanese has made videos, you can check them out here:


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