Fabe, on 12 June 2013 - 07:23 PM, said:
I have no problems with competition I just don't want to be forced into a high stakes professional e-"sport" league where winning is more important then having fun.
[Trolling] But some have nothing other they can be proud of!!!11111Eleven[/Trolling]
If i understand the system right, everyone has 8 eloscores (1 for every weightclass solo and grouped)?
Witch elo should count?
Your Solo-Elo in one class
Your Group-Elo in one class?
Your average elo based on all 8 elo-scores?
Whats with solo only players?
Whats with group only players?
But what does elo reallys say?
Does it say you are good?
Or the team you are playing with that carries you or that you carry?
Or the teams you randomly droped in carried by you or that carries you?
Or did it say you had luck and were droped against lower enemys?
Is it inflated from pugstomping with groups?
The system says nothing about you,
its just is a score that reflects your games history
and it is influenced by 12-15 random people.
Sorry for breaking some dreams ....
Edited by Galenit, 13 June 2013 - 01:22 AM.