Phaesphoros, on 14 June 2013 - 02:46 AM, said:
@Homeless Bill
Now that I got it backwards in the GIMP'ed screenshot, why do you suggest losing the convergence first, then COF? IMO losing convergence is much worse than some randomness.
zorak ramone, on 14 June 2013 - 07:24 AM, said:
One, I think its overkill to both kill convergence and introduce cone of fire at 100. Killing convergence is a really harsh penalty with a steep threshold (99 = everything ok, 101 = can't aim). Its too much to penalized a player for going slightly over 100. Also, it would differentially affect mechs based on their geometry. A K2 with PPCs/GRs in the torso would hardly be affected while a Jagermech with GRs in the arms wouldn't be able to hit at all.
I suggest that you don't need to kill convergence, but rather, you start getting increasing cone of fire as you go over 100. Say, at 101 it would be .2 degrees and at 200 its 20 degrees (not sure if these are good numbers, but they demonstrate the principle). This still prevents convergence of massive alphas without penalizing someone too harshly for barely going over the threshold, and without unequally penalizing mechs based on their geometry and hardpoint layout.
This is one some people may disagree with, but I believe the convergence penalty is the most important preventative aspect because it solves short-range combat as well. This isn't a system to fix sniping - it's a system to fix all things. At short range, a cone of fire does virtually nothing. Without an immediate, meaningful penalty, I fear it won't be enough.
My thoughts boil down to this: if it can't solve
this 'mech, it's not a sufficient solution.
AC/40 Jagermechs, K2s, and Splatterboats will be unaffected if convergence loss isn't serious business. You can say, "Well, that's awfully harsh," but the TCL dissipates so quickly that I see no reason to give players a lot of wiggle room. If you set up your weapon groups correctly, you should easily be able to space out your fire without going over 100. Fired 1/100th of a second too early, lost convergence, and missed? That sucks, but it's one shot; cowboy up and fire again.
Cone of fire is really just there to further penalize snipers and things with multiple weapons mounted in the same place (3xPPCs on the HGN-732).
In short, if it doesn't hit brawlers with an immediate effect, brawling will be supreme and the long-range game will largely go away. Which I'd prefer to the current metagame, but my goal is balanced warfare.
ssm, on 14 June 2013 - 03:51 AM, said:
Make a test server, invite the goons, and after a week it will occur to everyone that only legitimate way to compete is facehugging with relatively small mechs boated with MLs and SRMs (or something similar)
Every "magic wand" solution to balance has flaws, and those flaws will be always exploited.
And so on.
That's why having separate TCS values for each weapon is brilliant: if it turns out that my current numbers encourage SRM and medium laser boating, you could simply increase the TCS value so you can fire fewer simultaneously
You say that every magic wand solution has flaws, but I'd challenge you to tell me what this won't solve. Every other solution I've seen is either draconian and un-fun or incomplete and useless; this one hits every problematic build without any foreseeable collateral damage.
HighTest, on 14 June 2013 - 05:46 AM, said:
This thread is great. Sadly, I just found it today, otherwise I'd have loved to be part of the discussion.
Involve a very slight random number generator effect when multiple weapons are fired simultaneously. Or heck, even add it to when every weapon (except homing weapons) fires.
What it will do is make long-range sniping a little less effective. But, you might argue, at 50m they can still boat effectively. Sure they can! But you would be able to fight back at that range too.
Never too late to join =D
I like that it's much easier to understand, but your solution removes a small bit of complexity for a large bit of solvency. First, I think the TCS values are necessary to properly balance the fact that it's far more okay to fire 4 medium lasers together than 4 PPCs. I would hate to see a Jenner's accuracy being penalized for doing what it's supposed to do.
Second (and this is the big one), without convergence loss, it will not solve our problems. It will just make brawling super-dominant. As I said further up in this post, if it doesn't solve the Hunchback IIC, it's not a sufficient solution in my mind. If it only affects snipers, we're in for a lot of AC/40 (and Splat, whenever SRMs get some love).
Haji1096, on 14 June 2013 - 06:13 AM, said:
in the sense that gamers will counter tcl mechancism by using small profile mechs boating weapons with small tcl
That's why each weapon having its own TCS value is so awesome: if people are boating small weapons, you can raise the TCS on those weapons until it's no longer overpowered. It gives PGI an entirely independent set of numbers to balance burst damage.
zorak ramone, on 14 June 2013 - 07:24 AM, said:
Two, I'm not sure that missiles need to be part of the TCL system. I think a preferable implementation would be to ensure by missile flight path that missiles tended to hit multiple sections. This would be more in line with CBT, and it would separate the missile weapons as a class from the energy and ballistic weapons. How to do this is another issue all together, but I think its possible.
All three classes of missiles need fixing right now, but I also think they should all be affected by this penalty as well.
LRMs - They need to do more damage and spread it around way more, but I also think that ridiculous salvos of 60 or 80LRMs are bad in the same way that huge pinpoint damage is: a single mistake means instant death. I'm not saying getting caught in the open shouldn't mean death, but I'm suggesting that it should take more than a single click to do. An LRM40 sounds like enough for a single volley to me (especially since you only have to wait one second to fire off a second one).
SRMs - They need to be at 2.0 damage or close to it. Once that happens, you'll see Splat back in style. And I don't see any reason that sort of build shouldn't be hostage to the same restrictions as everything else. The Splatcat would have been a lot less cheesy if it could only fire one ear a time accurately.
SSRMs - They need to seek the center torso less, but again, why should this type of weapon be exempt from penalties? I'm thinking Timberwolf Alt D (4xSSRM6 + 2ERPPC) when I'm thinking that streaks need the same limit as everything else gets.
To account for the fact that all of them spread damage, their TCS to damage ratios are very low compared to other weapons.
Edited by Homeless Bill, 14 June 2013 - 11:49 AM.