Pater Mors, on 15 June 2013 - 12:28 PM, said:
My point still stands but maybe I didn't put it across the way I meant to... You can customize the crap out of everything in your Mech but you leave the dodgy old TC in there? I don't think so. The TC would be optimized to take into account all the variations of the stock weapons that could be loaded onto the Mech. So if you take a Swayback for example, why would you install a TC with good missile or ballistics tracking? You wouldn't, you'd install one that could handle a large load of energy weapons. You take an A1, you're going to install a TC with great missile tracking etc. Or more likely, you're going to install a high end Targeting Computer and then run the appropriate software for the loadout you've chosen.
Anyway, it's all moot because it's fluff and we technically don't even have a TC that's visible or able to be modified in any way (aside from the addition of Artemis IV for missiles).
All of this just leads me back to my original points of disagreement with Homeless Bill's arguments in that; I agree with everything he wants to achieve, but I think everything can be done with modifications to the current systems without adding an additional, complex system on top.
I do get what you're saying and while I am definitely not as proficient on BT Lore as some people, I did spend a huge chunk of my childhood reading BT stuff. However, that's just simply not what has happened or is likely to happen in this game. We have state of the art Mech's that are fully customizable in any way that we want them to be. If we're fully following lore then MWO is as broken as it gets and we basically already have OMNI Mechs. There's no systems in place now to simulate us having crappy old patchwork Mechs (aside from some peoples piloting skills!

Actually, the wechs we have are better better.then on paper Omnimechs already, Because Omnis have fixed armor,structur, engines and in some cases a few fixed weapons.
People are drooling over Omnis, but if we were to follow the rules they would be worse than what we have now, but have some universal hard points.
As for computers, ST computers are crappy, but I see your point. If I can jam an AC/20 in the same volume of space i can fit a MG, then I can throw in a better TC, or reprogram it and my gyro to not make my mech fall over with 30 tons of weapons on 1 side and 4 on the other.whatever too.
I'm good with Bill's idea, I'm good with cones of fire, but the silly crap PGI is heading for is just a showstopping ... whuh?
There is no bigger meta like rearm and repair (where the baby got thrown out with the bathwater, since it got implemented without any other meta gameplay to balance it out)
Everyone can do pretty much whatever they want to mechs.
Core mech structure can be upgraded on a whim.
Gameplay modes focus on dead mechs over all other considerations.
The game is painted intro a corner over a lot of bad choices made for short term over long term viability.
Even if costs were put in now,.. I know people with so many Cbills that any change is irrelevant to them, because of Beta really being release and no rollbacks.
Sometimes it all makes me a little depressed.
I miss my TT days, and old school tournaments.
Had my mechs, some were patched up badly and had any number of quirks (like the Unit rosters you could buy, Snord's Irregulars etc.) where replacements and whatever were listed specially for every mech. Bob's LL had 1 extra heat because of a bad repair roll, and Ed's ran 1 hex slower because it had a limp.
We had bonuses for really good repair rolls, and you could get a gun with +1 to hit because of a stellar tech. pulled a whammy when replacing your AC/10.
All the mechs had personality. You never got to build anything from scratch, but tried to keep your pilots alive, and maybe sidegrade to a less beat-up mech, or one that worked with your lance makeup better.
Tournaments were very different. I'd end up playing premade mech rosters vs. people that were playing "chess" BT. they would win the match, but have nothing really left at the end.
My favorites were weekend long eliminations, usually 3 rounds of elimination with a story. Usually you kept what mechs survived from round to round with minor repair time. You had a reserve force you could swap in to replace destroyed stuff, but the pilots were usually not good, and the equipment even worse.
It was weird to see those" chess" type players wipe thermselves out in round 1. They would sometimes win, but have 1 mech left + reserves for round 2.
It was fun to see people from "Super mod-O-rama" backgrounds being completely unable top play stock, or nearly stock mechs. They were used to too much firepower and cheap movement. Jump a mech in, blow an opponent in a stock away, jump out... Not happening with a stock Stinger....they often overextended themselves or fell prey to min/max range holes.
MWO feel like it is made of ( and maybe by) those 2 groups of people, not the people I used to play with.
I wanted to be that guy who was pretty well known for Piloting a Cent, and people going, "great, it is good that the house rolled out the cash to get that guy into the fight". But in reality, I'm undertonned, undermodded, underalphad... and I own 30 mechs,... and am far more well known from my forum posts than my gameplay lol.
I've actually taken to Piloting a Hunch J recently so I stood out from the whole 4 mechs everyone drives.
This game needs massive core system fixes to be MW, even more to be BT. I'd hate to see them screw it up for fast cash.
Edited by Traigus, 15 June 2013 - 01:24 PM.