Another solution to the massive usage of huge alpha builds could be to change how huge damage weapons work:
Atm AC/20, PPCs and Gaussrifles are much to close to the TT rules imo. Reading the novels especially ACs are not really firing a single shell, but most of the time they fire a burst of shells.
If you read up on AC/20s on sarna it says:
Autocannon is a direct-fire ballistic weapon, firing HEAP (
Piercing) rounds at targets either singly or in bursts.
Different manufacturers and models of autocannons have different calibers (25mm-203mm) and rates of fire. Due to this, autocannons are grouped into generic "classes" of autocannons with common damage ratings, with
Autocannon/20s doing massive damage while having very short range.
An example of the rating system: the Crusher Super Heavy Cannon is a 150mm weapon firing ten shells per "round" while the Chemjet Gun is a 185mm weapon firing much slower, and causing higher damage per shell. Despite their differences, both are classified as Autocannon/20s due to their damage output."
"...PPCs fire a concentrated stream of protons or ions at a target, causing damage through both thermal and kinetic energy...."
Only the Gaussrifle really fires single Canonballs:
Gauss Rifle utilizes a series of electromagnets to propel slugs of ferrous nickel-iron alloy at extremely high velocities..."
So my solution would be to recreate ACs to fire bursts instead of single bullets, this would spread the damage a bit, similar to lasers that need to be aimed on target for their entire duration to do a good amount of damage. Same modification could be done to PPCs, so that they also apply their full damage on a single hitlocation only if you manage to stay on target (maybe the PPC should applay its damage a bit faster than the lasers). Regarding the Gaussrifle - half the damage and double its RoF.
This way we can have more Dakka, while adding skill to the game - as keeping your crosshair on target is definately more dificult, if you need to do it for a longer period of time - and we add fun to the game by getting a greater time to kill which means, people can stay in a game for longer, as they are not being Alpha'd to death in a single volley anymore. This would be much more enjoyable, especially as getting into a game and getting into contact with the enemy already takes quite a lot of time and being alpha'd to death at the first glimpse of the enemy can be rather frustrating (PS2 has a very quick TTK but you respawn within 10 seconds, so no big deal).