nemesis271989, on 07 July 2013 - 03:42 PM, said:
How about to ADD lock-On Function on all weapons before a player will be able to release a trigger.
How it works?
1. Line of sight
2. Lock on weapons - lasers, auto-cannons etc. Then Trigger being released
3. Additional aim correction is required in order to put a projectile on the enemy's component. (No auto-aim just trigger lock/release).
3.1 ECM works as usual, for missiles only, does not apply effect on the rest of weapons.
4. Add more heat penalties 40 % - 50 % chance to explode. ( I don't care of TT rules. It is a proven fact that TT - rules do not work for a computer game).
5. Convergence.
5.1 Overheat will require re-calibrate weapon's convergence. ( 5 sec calibration). No calibration means ballistics, lasers and other weapon systems are shooting somewhere else but not at cross-hair.
6. Reactor. Overheat will cause reactor to go to the safe mode and generating 25% less energy. What it means? Movement speed, torso twist, arm aim/movement, jump jets and energy weapons will work at 75% capacity/efficiency. Reactor reload/re-calibration, restart will require to achieve 100% efficiency back.
Most of problems are solved.
Personally, I think it changes too many things about gameplay to be safe. It's a dramatic shift in gameplay, and without being implemented properly, it will have all sorts of unintended consequences. I encourage you to check out
this proposal, which may be more to your liking.
My proposal keeps this game as a Battletech-skinned shooter; Doc's proposal pushes it towards being a Battletech simulator.
DV McKenna, on 07 July 2013 - 11:47 PM, said:
Fear not, citizen. Once they answer my ATD question about release (which, admittedly, may never happen), I'll be begging for a response in the rest of the ATDs. It did get a lot more support than I was expecting buried on the last page, though.
Dantioch, on 08 July 2013 - 01:37 AM, said:
nice work dude, but this game has nothing to do with MW , for starters all the mechs run tu fast for 3025, sec. they have way to much HP s, thats why every sucker ,runns liht and med mechs, than the fire power of the lights and meds arw way to much,
so u r faster, u got the same fire power and u allmost indistractable compared to hvy and assault mechs, no falling make the pilot part lol ig, there is no skill involved when running around with a light +++,fix this that a jenner dies again from one aflfa of n hvy or assault than we r talking abouth MW, and normaly when u get hit from a hvy+ u loose at least body pards or massive dam to some, but this here is an ***** game made from ,for idiots and, why the f...... u just do pay content for the last year.
allmost every new map is cr ap,and the rest like the dropship mode and some real content is mising at all, so basicly u all got duped lol,but thats is no prblem, becourse u r conditiont to not think for ur self any more!
{Noble MechWarrior} F....
I don't think you're playing this game at all. Lights don't go fast enough (artificial speed cap), there aren't enough internal hitpoints (makes the critical system worthless), and lights do die in one hit - and all of those are problems. Instagib deaths have no places in this sort of game.
Honestly, it sounds like you'd really like the game in its current state; you should try it.
Falso, on 08 July 2013 - 08:05 AM, said:
I really think you have got something here, I think that laser beam time might have to be adjusted to equal things out a bit, (or ammo for ballistic weapons adjusted) but your system really makes sense!
I truly hope that PGI is able to implement something similar soon, I agree most of all with the idea of "prevent the ability to load high alpha pin-point damage rather than punish for using".
I have never been a fan of the Nerf bat, or blaming players for using what works,
It allows for skilled shots to still be used, but prevents the ridiculous ability to melt an assault mech in one or two alphas to the CT.
P.S. I'm really wanting a Mauler/Devastator in game, but not destroy game balance, heck, right now just a Warhawk (Masakari) would do what the Stalker does now, with Clan tech! You know there is something strange going on when light mechs are running around with ERPPC's
In my mind, if any weapons need adjusting, it just means my TCS numbers are off. Again, one of the biggest advantages of this system is that it's modular - it should not require a single other balance change to just plop in and start working. If a certain class of weapon is getting the shaft, up the TCS values to improve its boating viability.
Prevention, in my mind, is the only way to go. Even if they blow up in a single shot, why let someone mount 7xPPCs and fire them off all at once? All a sniper needs is one shot on anything 50 tons or below, and it's over.
Blaming the players is something I really detest
when I see it happening. Competitive players run whatever works the best, and that's not their fault. You can call it cheesy and unskilled, but it's really that they have no intention of giving their opponents a competitive advantage by not running what's best. When you play to win, you play with cheese. PGI need to fix the cheese.
I'm fine with skilled players continuing to kick *** at sniping. If you can put two shots on target spread across a second, you deserve the 40 damage to a single component.
The Warhawk would be less dangerous as a hill-humper, but infinitely more scary overall. Having those lower arm actuators means terrific aiming, and the increased engine size means it will have some serious speed and maneuvering capability. I just hope they don't go all-in on heat fixes and avoid chassis that can avoid the penalties.