The post Paul made unfortunately doesn't tell us what they were specifically trying to tweak and fix, so I'm going in with these assumptions:
- Trying to fix focused damage problem with boated weapons
- Trying to fix high heat alpha builds that have no real disadvantage, other than periodically shutting down (non issue at range)
- Trying to balance heat and damage output in a way that is not too complex so they can code it and meet the release date, and still makes sense to players.
I'm aware of TT rules, and I believe it was said before that the TT rules for heat penalties were too complicated. This proposal, however, I think is even
MORE complicated, and I can't imagine being in PGI's position and
having to balance all the different permutations of chassis, weapons, heat thresholds, etc. This is pure craziness. And then when the clans show up?!
My feedback is this:
The TT rules are simple, easy to tweak (and hopefully easier to code), understandable, and should deal with all 3 assumed points. You don't even need to implement ALL of them to gain the desired effects and fix the parts of the game that have issues.
Your proposed changes are (my feedback and opinion, again)
opaque, add complexity to the game (with your system, you are implying that we are going to have to refer to a forum post that tells us chassis+weapon combination=heat penalty because there's no way in hell I can remember all that)
, and introduce "fictional" heat that does not necessarily make sense when IN the game. Again, your approach seems to be the untested sledgehammer method, whereas I think the TT heat penalties are more subtle and don't cause anyone to absolutely stop their playstyle now, and it affects ALL mechs equally.
As I recall, TT rules go something like this:
- >X% heat, aim suffers slightly
- >X+Y% heat, aim suffers more, speed reduction
- >X+Y+Z% heat, aim suffers even more, even more speed reduction, random damage to random internal
- >X+Y+Z+T% heat, all the above, plus more movement or rotational penalties with random damage to random internal, chance to blow ammo (hey, make CASE more of a strategic and important decision!)
- >100% heat, chance to blow ammo, shutdown but can be overridden
- >125% heat, chance to meltdown core
- >150% heat, BOOM (I wouldn't actually suggest this as part of the MWO though--well, maybe a chance to explode outright).
Aim penalty could be illustrated by a flickering HUD, or, just use that random divergence you introduced with JJ in increasing amounts. That fixes point 1, not for the first shot at 0% heat, but it won't let someone continuously abuse it. In my opinion, this balances the player ability to place shots where he wants them, but not abuse the system to do it repeatedly.
High alpha builds can no longer just alpha strike with no risk, other than minor damage, nor can they alpha strike with 100% precision. This deals with point 2 regarding no risk heat management.
The TT rules are a simple set of rules that apply the same EVERYWHERE, and, at least having never seen the source code of your game, should be a simple routine to code since it does not require complex logic and knowledge of what kind of mech + what kind of weapons+ timing of weapons, etc etc to code. Just "if heat > x%, increase weapon divergence, slow mech y%, etc." It's a gentle tweak that can be illustrated easily without reading manuals or memorizing formulas through HUD warnings ("WARNING: Heat at X%, with illiustrative effects that demonstrate what happens to your mech--ex. HUD flickering, reticle expanding or swaying, flashing speed indicator to show you aren't running at max speed, so forth). This should maintain the spirit of point 3.
I seriously hope you reconsider this, or else I think you will be drowning yourself in whack-a-mole balancing everytime some new tech or chassis is released. Or, you'll be dealing with obsolete weapons and chassis that are never used because of some heat penalty issue.
Edited by dyndragon, 11 June 2013 - 02:57 PM.