MaddMaxx, on 13 June 2013 - 09:49 AM, said:
So you blame PGI for the players apparent overwhelming need to carry ONLY the BIGGEST and the BEST weapons? Really? Your solution to change that "overwhelming need" would be what exactly?
Make 1 mech, with 4 hard points, 4 weapons with 4 different feels, but similar, damage profiles? They we all pick our choice.
I have the perfect FIX. Remove the (er)PPC, the LBX10, the Gauss Rifle, the AC20 and the (er)LL, Large Pulse from the game. Now everyone will have to fight over what left for max firepower. Missiles are a crap shoot and can be left in.
Now we have only the 6 damage per, non-missile weapon units left. Surely that will make game play more interesting...
God forbid people disagree with you and think pinpoint alphas of mass damage is a boring mechanic, eh?
The problem I have is with the homogeneous nature of all the high damage weapons, as it is there already really only is three real weapon classes in the competitive side of this game, PPC, gauss, and AC/20. Anything that doesn't put amassed firepower into a single location is inefficient and not suited for high-end play.
There is no need to build a balanced 'Mech, you are disadvantaged. That is a problem because in turn you end up with a game where 2/3 of a drop is carrying nothing but the three weapons mentioned, and people who aren't carrying that are looked upon as a liability by their team and an easy target by the enemy.
My soultion would be one of two things:
1. If we're going to keep the locational damage system of Battletech that only worked because weapons couldn't be amassed and directed into a crucial spot like the CT every time the trigger is pulled, we have to introduce some randomness, at least to grouped weapons or;
2. redesign how damage works completely and make a brand new system instead of using parts of the old Battletech system and breaking it with features like pinpoint aiming and massive alpha strikes as it was never meant to handle such abilities.
Edited by DocBach, 13 June 2013 - 10:13 AM.