Need an example? Here you go:
River City, me and my 3 lancemates go downtown, 4 mechs go uptown. One ***************** 4xERLL stalker stays at our base. He stayed at base the entire match. He waited for us to get all torn apart and played turret-warrior online.
He farmed the last mechs standing from our "normal" sniping/brawling, in the end he had like 4 kills an >600 dmg. The only time he moved was to position himself further away from the enemies enclosing. The last enemy Quickdraw was (I have to say, unfortunately!) too damaged to bring him down.
Do you have to do these challenges this way because IGP tells you so, PGI? They sponsor it because MCs are given away so they tell you what to do? It's a game based on teamplay, not on "Oh look I can killsteal faster with my PPC/LL/LRM-Whatever boat than you can kill with your totally viable SHS trial Atlas-RS.
I just don't understand how anyone can be so [redacted] to continue with these grinding-challanges. What is the advantage or the "joy" you want to bring in the game with these? And if you are just testing for your achievements coming in end of the year, is your conclusion that these tournaments are fun to play? In a "thinking man's shooter"?
Or are you just doing the last 2 for the heavies and lights so that all weight classes and player preferences are handeled equal? That's the only thing I could imagine to make actually sense.
- Solo-Weight-class challenges as they are do not encourage teamplay
- Solo-Weight-class challenges encourage exploiting like sync-drops, no interest in bringing the enemy down but blow everything but the head, CT and leg, intentionally leaving the rest of the team alone so you can tidy up the rest etc.
- Solo-Weight-class challenges will not help going further on the way to CW, your so-called "metagame", neither does it provide a good basis for new players: Trail-Mech? Sorry, AC40 Jager farming since 8 hours incoming. New Players get the idea that damage and kills are all that counts. Which is not and should never be the case.
I don't want to rant here, but to criticize. Would be great if we hear more background information from PGI about how you choose these tournaments, because at least to me they seem not very well planned and discussed.
Edited by Shrouder, 22 June 2013 - 03:20 AM.