our fellow mechwarrior test drives the FM2 A10-6800k Richland APU
- AMD A10-6800K APU
- AsRock FM2 A85 Extreme 4 motherboard (http://www.asrock.co...85X%20Extreme4/)
- 2x4 AMD Radeon™ RP1866 Performance Memory (http://www.amd.com/u...tem-memory.aspx)
- Fractal Arc Midi R2 Case (http://www.fractal-d...roduct&prod=113)
- Fractal Tesla R2 650W Power Supply Unit (http://www.fractal-d...egory=3&prod=86)
- Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 2.5" 60GB SATA III Internal Solid State Drive (http://www.kingston..../ssd/v/#sv300s3)
- LG 24X DVD Burner
- Windows 7 OS Disc
best of luck with the test