Storm Fox, on 04 August 2013 - 07:30 PM, said:
Apalling, giving how the game has actually been backsliding in terms of game balance and game play value/fun factor (not too mention failing to keep up with your own promised following of the timeline.
Oh, whats that you say? Good news for us mega-founders from the last pre-pruchase?? If you fork out another $80 we can get a special cockpit airfreshener........for realios?
Would have been far classier and more professional to give existing founders the 'new' founders rewards, and let newer players Buy the Phoenix Project, to join with us exisiting founders as supporters of the game.
Oh well, not this grizzled old pilot, I know a (money) trap when I see one.
Really? Really? Really?!?
You seriously think us founders deserve to get the Phoenix rewards for free just because we bought the original founders packs?
Really? Seriously?
No. Just no. This sort of attitude is what gives founders a bad name. We got _exactly_ what we paid for. We are owed _nothing_ more, and any claims to the contrary are beyond ridiculous.