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Project Phoenix - Feedback

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#781 Steinar Bergstol


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 12:20 AM

View PostStorm Fox, on 04 August 2013 - 07:30 PM, said:

I am sorry PGI, but this just smacks to high heaven of outlandish greed. There are hundreds of us who ALREADY Pre-Purchased this game for $200+ dollars, and now you really have the balls to ask us to "pre-buy" again for another $80?

Apalling, giving how the game has actually been backsliding in terms of game balance and game play value/fun factor (not too mention failing to keep up with your own promised following of the timeline.

Oh, whats that you say? Good news for us mega-founders from the last pre-pruchase?? If you fork out another $80 we can get a special cockpit airfreshener........for realios?

Would have been far classier and more professional to give existing founders the 'new' founders rewards, and let newer players Buy the Phoenix Project, to join with us exisiting founders as supporters of the game.

Oh well, not this grizzled old pilot, I know a (money) trap when I see one.

Really? Really? Really?!?

You seriously think us founders deserve to get the Phoenix rewards for free just because we bought the original founders packs?

Really? Seriously?

No. Just no. This sort of attitude is what gives founders a bad name. We got _exactly_ what we paid for. We are owed _nothing_ more, and any claims to the contrary are beyond ridiculous.

#782 GetinmyBellah


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 12:22 AM

I see a lot of whines with nothing to back them up it's just the same ol' song and dance ... "You broke my game" ... "I don't want to give you my money without crying about it, oops I bought it, but I'm still not giving you any reason as to why I'm crying" ... " Balance is terribad, although I'm not giving you any details as to why I think the game is unbalanced" ... yada, yada, yada.

#783 James The Fox Dixon


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 05:34 AM

I changed my mind about the Phoenix mechs and through the help of my friends and clan I picked up the Overlord package. :)

#784 Steinar Bergstol


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 06:42 AM

I am going to assume you changed your mind because Thunderbolts are awesome. They are. Thunderbolts, I mean. Awesome. B)

#785 James The Fox Dixon


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:42 AM

View PostSteinar Bergstol, on 08 August 2013 - 06:42 AM, said:

I am going to assume you changed your mind because Thunderbolts are awesome. They are. Thunderbolts, I mean. Awesome. B)

I changed my mind because at first I didn't like the designs. However, the more I looked at them the more I liked them, so they grew on me.... sort of like how mold grows on food left in the fridge. :P

#786 Will9761


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:49 AM

I went for the Guardian just to get my thundy, most of the Phoenix designs look cool, though I'm not a fan of the Phoenix Battlemaster to be honest.

#787 Gharet


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 07:52 AM

Man, I want to go for it and get the overlord pack. $80 though and I don't receive anything for 9 weeks, not even the 90 days of premium time? That's the deal breaker for me and why I'm hesitant. I have to pay $80 for something I won't see for over 2 months, and have to pay for premium time in between if I want it. That adds a lot more to my short term costs. If it gave the 90 days of premium time right away, I'd be much more willing to bite off the $80 for a 9 week 'delivery' wait.

#788 Jell0r


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 11:53 AM

well I would have bought this but theres only 2 of the mech i'm bothered about but i'd have to spend the full $80 to get those two mechs ;) oh well will have to do without

#789 Metalice99


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Posted 11 August 2013 - 10:53 AM

View PostGharet, on 09 August 2013 - 07:52 AM, said:

Man, I want to go for it and get the overlord pack. $80 though and I don't receive anything for 9 weeks, not even the 90 days of premium time? That's the deal breaker for me and why I'm hesitant. I have to pay $80 for something I won't see for over 2 months, and have to pay for premium time in between if I want it. That adds a lot more to my short term costs. If it gave the 90 days of premium time right away, I'd be much more willing to bite off the $80 for a 9 week 'delivery' wait.

Q: Will the 'early bird' benefit of 30 Days Premium Time also be awarded also on Oct 15th?

A: No, the 30 Days Premium Time from the early bird special will be awarded on our next regularly scheduled weekly maintenance period after you place your order, and will be available for you to use immediately after it is applied to your account.

Its all in the FAQ mate. If you buy, your premium time is banked and ready for you to use in game after the next weekly maintenance cycle.

Edited by Metalice99, 11 August 2013 - 10:53 AM.

#790 Gharet


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 02:48 PM

View PostMetalice99, on 11 August 2013 - 10:53 AM, said:

Q: Will the 'early bird' benefit of 30 Days Premium Time also be awarded also on Oct 15th?

A: No, the 30 Days Premium Time from the early bird special will be awarded on our next regularly scheduled weekly maintenance period after you place your order, and will be available for you to use immediately after it is applied to your account.

Its all in the FAQ mate. If you buy, your premium time is banked and ready for you to use in game after the next weekly maintenance cycle.

This is only for the bonus time awarded with early bird special (which has expired). The time you are actually purchasing in the bundle isn't awarded until everything else on the 18th, which is 90 days worth on the overlord package.

#791 Taighe28


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Posted 15 August 2013 - 09:19 AM

I love all the designs of the mechs.. just wish you would have kept the old design for the Shadow Hawk.. My fav is Locust though.. Good work on that one.. :)

#792 Kaptain


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Posted 15 August 2013 - 02:11 PM

Wow people are negative.
I have been very happy with my Legendary Founders Package and feel it was a great deal.
I will be purchasing a Overload Phoenix Package here shortly. (IMO it is a far better deal than anything offered so far)

Some people are saying this is P2W? That doesn't make any sense. These mechs are not any more competitive than standard variants and those standard variants will be released for C-Bills. At most this is play to access 1-4 mechs early... which I don't see anything wrong with.

I love this game and while I don't agree with some of the decisions being made (Max Alpha ninja heat ghost penalty) I know I will be playing it for years and will easily get every penny out of this package.

#793 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 16 August 2013 - 01:46 PM

I hope they get the AMD/Avast issue fixed by the time they deliver the Phoenix pack.....

#794 ScientificMethod


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Posted 16 August 2013 - 02:42 PM

I feel pretty lucky that my wallet has a cushion to it this summer, even after the 3d printer (internships are wonderful). Overlord here I come. It's kind of cool that my excitement for this game is still around even with all the ups and downs we've had as players. I wonder if we'll have a package like this every summer.

Edited by ScientificMethod, 16 August 2013 - 02:43 PM.

#795 Goosfraba


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Posted 16 August 2013 - 08:33 PM

View PostScientificMethod, on 16 August 2013 - 02:42 PM, said:

I feel pretty lucky that my wallet has a cushion to it this summer, even after the 3d printer (internships are wonderful). Overlord here I come. It's kind of cool that my excitement for this game is still around even with all the ups and downs we've had as players. I wonder if we'll have a package like this every summer.

Piranha will probably have a clan package next summer. :lol:

Edited by Goosfraba, 16 August 2013 - 08:42 PM.

#796 DrSlamastika


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 05:39 PM

Overlord is mine too . . . I cant wait for 15th october ;)

#797 Metalice99


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 09:25 AM

View PostGharet, on 12 August 2013 - 02:48 PM, said:

This is only for the bonus time awarded with early bird special (which has expired). The time you are actually purchasing in the bundle isn't awarded until everything else on the 18th, which is 90 days worth on the overlord package.

My bad, cheers for clarifying this :D

#798 Shinzok


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 11:40 AM

Posted Image

How are you gonna justify a max engine of 170 , when the minimum engine size = 250.

Are you gonna change the penalty for the smaller engine , cause currently this mech requires atleast 4 heatsinks. and that is without taking the heatgeneration from any weapons into account.

Just wondering. that is all. I guess.

I would like to have this question answered in a normal way. (PM is also fine.)

SO please stop all the useless comments people , they are not cool. only makes reading through the forums that much harder. :)

Edited by Shinzok, 29 August 2013 - 04:36 AM.

#799 Tyr4nt


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 08:17 PM

I have issues with not being able to grab the variants of a particular chassis a la carte e.g. having the Storm tier locked behind the Talon tier and the Overlord locked behind all previous tiers. As well as part of the pre-order being sight unseen becuse the lack of transparency when it comes to the standard variants. I do see the value of getting 3 mechs with each tier, the phoenix variant bonuses and now the loyalty rewards such as getting 3 exclusive premium paints. It's the fact that the Locust 1V looks like a worse version of the Spider 5K on paper that bothers me. A similar build and top speed but with lower armor values. It really seems to me that they need to raise the speed cap or should have let the 1V outfit a larger engine for a marginal speed advantage over the 5K to compensate for the lower armor values.

I'm interested in the Storm tier but the current speed cap/the engine restriction on the 1V is what's turning me off. The idea that I'll be spending $20 on a flawed phoenix mech that I won't want to use and gambling on the standard variants. My head tells me skip it and just wait for the standard variants and save the money for MC for paints and medallions and hero mechs with Loyalty bonuses. I see the value in everything except for the Locusts.

If PGI has commented that they're raising the speed cap in an upcoming patch in the near future and someone can cite sources, then I will grab the Storm tier and think about the other ones. I don't want to feel like I'm getting fleeced out of $20 on mechs I won't use just to get the phoenix benefits and the mechs I do want.

#800 DirePhoenix


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:30 PM

View PostTyr4nt, on 20 August 2013 - 08:17 PM, said:

I have issues with not being able to grab the variants of a particular chassis a la carte e.g. having the Storm tier locked behind the Talon tier and the Overlord locked behind all previous tiers. As well as part of the pre-order being sight unseen becuse the lack of transparency when it comes to the standard variants. I do see the value of getting 3 mechs with each tier, the phoenix variant bonuses and now the loyalty rewards such as getting 3 exclusive premium paints. It's the fact that the Locust 1V looks like a worse version of the Spider 5K on paper that bothers me. A similar build and top speed but with lower armor values. It really seems to me that they need to raise the speed cap or should have let the 1V outfit a larger engine for a marginal speed advantage over the 5K to compensate for the lower armor values.

I'm interested in the Storm tier but the current speed cap/the engine restriction on the 1V is what's turning me off. The idea that I'll be spending $20 on a flawed phoenix mech that I won't want to use and gambling on the standard variants. My head tells me skip it and just wait for the standard variants and save the money for MC for paints and medallions and hero mechs with Loyalty bonuses. I see the value in everything except for the Locusts.

If PGI has commented that they're raising the speed cap in an upcoming patch in the near future and someone can cite sources, then I will grab the Storm tier and think about the other ones. I don't want to feel like I'm getting fleeced out of $20 on mechs I won't use just to get the phoenix benefits and the mechs I do want.

To be fair, the Locust is supposed to be one of the most common and cheapest 'Mechs in the Inner Sphere. It's essentially the BattleMech version of the old army Jeep that's been around since WW2 and still seeing service in some parts of the globe, and in other parts been replaced by...other more modern "jeeps".

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