Johnny Two Legs, on 23 July 2013 - 05:32 PM, said:
Not the count of tubes for missiles over all is important, also the the different number of tubes for each weaponslot decides if you can fire the used SRM in one or two volleys.
For example:
You got 2 tubes in the head, so if you place a SRM2 in there you will fire one volley of two missiles. But if you place a SRM4 there, you will fire 2 missiles at a time in 2 volleys with some time between both. (don't know the exact number)
--> aiming at moving targets with this is difficult and you will miss with a lot of missiles... so a smaller SRM is more effectiv most of the time.
For the same reason SRM6 in your torso are a problem, because you have got 5 tubes in there, which would cause a second volley.
This works for LRMs too. (Chainfire a LRM20 in 4 volleys!)