Viper69, on 02 July 2013 - 06:57 AM, said:
Dude, forget if you want but Paul did a interview and said it went against their pillars of game design. If you don't believe me its fine man but I am not going to defend myself to you when I and everyone who saw the post knows what was said. So go find it yourself if you don't believe me pal.
You know what, 5 minutes of googling yielded me this.
He said they will investigate 3rd person for special game modes very far in the future. he also said MWO would be 100% 1st person view. So read that and see what you will.
Ah, the same post that everyone foolishly links to. At least you openly admit that 3rd person is for special game modes (and you do realize having a seperate queue for 3rd person that can not be used in merc v merc scheduled battles fits the definition of special, right? Also, I would consider a year later to be in the far future).
There is also this:
While we appreciate those who enjoy 3rd person, MWO will be 1st person out of the gate and in the near future
You don't say that if you are promising never to have 3rd person.
It is 100% first person view only.
Note how this is in the present tense.
So Paul's post has two statements saying 3rd in the future, and one saying 100% 1st in present tense. And you are wondering why I call out everyone who says they promised no 3rd?
Look, you can hate third all you want, but don't ever argue that this was some broken promise. I knew this was coming back when I read that post way before I got my Founders.
The argument against Coolant has so much more standing as a "broken promise" than third ever has or ever will.
You know hammerreborn, I think people would be more open to your arguments and perspectives if you didn't insult them every.single.time. Calling someone a "whiner", or a "basement-dweller" because they disagree with PGI's business practices and game decisions is not only fallacious argumentation, but toxic as well. It destroys any chance of dialog that may exist and serves only to polarize the discussion even further.
When one is alone with one's beliefs, it generally a better idea to take the high-road when advancing them.
Yes, because there is soooooo much maturity coming from your side. You know, the ones call 3rd person training and have it panned so far back you can see the training wheels, or the lies (see above), or the guy who said call 3rd person the child necro philas, or the person who said I'm illiterate and live in a trailer park.
Don't want to be called a whiner? Don't cry an ocean every single time you don't get your way for something that was announced over a year ago as a possibility. It's really all that simple.
Edited by hammerreborn, 02 July 2013 - 09:38 AM.