July 2Nd Patch - Live!
Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:18 PM
- New Movement Archetypes.
- Mechs are now unable to traverse slopes greater than 45°
- Mechs will now slow down when climbing slopes from 20° to 45°, depending on mech size.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:31 PM
I fire my AC/5's, notice the incredibly awesome, manly sound. Nice!
Style of play is completely shifted on Caustic Valley. Nice!
Awesome patch all around, guys!
Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:03 PM
Incredibly loud, earsplitting sounds, which make my ears ring... I have literally turned off game sound effects.
Rediculous impassable paths dramatically slowed mech movement on even a small slope or berm, complete dead stops on paths as well as puddles, tiny depressions and pebbles. Dead being the operative word.
Style of play has not just been shifted, but dampened, dumbed down and crippled. Flanking is much more hindered or even out right stopped in many areas. Strategic versatility is being killed by this change.
Several of my friends have just gone off line out of frustration and disappointment.
I want this game to succeed. It has a lot of great things about it. But please revert this patch asap... its bad.
Edited by Seddrik, 02 July 2013 - 06:07 PM.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:14 PM
Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:42 PM
Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:43 PM
wDraco, on 02 July 2013 - 05:01 PM, said:
some maps like Alpine were already hard to get paths now only 2 routs are possible.
Slow the mechs, they have humanoid features and a nuclear engine, a small ramp shouldnt be hable to stop a mech, slowing them is ok, full stop is dumb.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:58 PM
Seddrik, on 02 July 2013 - 03:35 PM, said:
(1) Recently you changed the map icons. The old ones were better, less space consuming. The new ones cover huge areas and even hide mechs. Old icons were much better. Don't you have better things to work on? More important things? Please revert the map icons.
(2) The new sounds... really? Way too loud. Did I say way too loud. So loud that I turned the game sounds on the lowest possible setting AND turned my computer volume down. Can't hear anything in game now... just these new effects. I used to hear the hum of my mech, the stomp of feet... now... I can't. Old sounds were WAY WAY WAY better. Don't you have better things to work on? More important things? Please revert the sounds...
(3) The new effects do not even sound appropriate. Wierd, reverberating, tube banging sounds. Not ballistics or laser sounds. And missiles... echo echo echo echo echo echo... did I say echo? The ER PPC even has this horrid, grating iron nails on metal screetching sound when fired... : / Old sounds were WAY WAY WAY better. Don't you have better things to work on? More important things? Please revert the sounds...
(4) The new sounds also are not directional. Before you could get an idea of where somethign was fired and whewre it hit. Now... its really not discernable. And know friends who have made the same comment. Please revert the sounds, they were much much cooler before and useful in game. The new sounds are LOUD, ear ringing, painfullly loud, and entirely useless. They are flashy showy effect, not practical. Please do not take away form great featires of this game by turning things into showy, annoying and useless qualities.
(4) As for terrain changes/climbing... I can understand trying this. But please... let this be just a play test that QUICKLY reverts to the previous settings. Half or more of the team can't walk up small slopes now. Slopes are also death traps, instead of strategic points. Why? Your speed is so dramatically reduced you may as well not even try. Dashing for cover with that speedy enginge? Better watch out for a pebble! What used to cause you to bounce and shake before, now will stop you cold... and as a result makes you an easier target. And many access routes are completely inaccessible now. Before it was a challenge, you had to know where to get up but you could get there. Now... theres so few access points... its absurd. This is adversely affecting the gameplay, the versatility, the flanking, maneuvering, etc. because of the forced terrain limitations. Several players who have also invested in thee game, said that they will be taking a break from this game until they feel like playing it again.
When I first started playing this game, I thought the average mech speed was pretty slow... but considering the size of the maps, it wasn't bad because you could still move, flank, get across even the big maps in a reaosnable amount of time. Now... we are force to grind, drag, and go inch by tedious inch up even small slopes. Its... annoying to put it kindly.
Not the reaction you were hoping for? Just so you know, reducing player controls, abilities, and enjoyment on such a scale will get negative responses. We are your customers. But if we are dissatisfied with the produce, we won't continue to be paying customers.
Agreed+++ Especially the PPC sounds terrible with that shreakingnoise, not pleasant to listen to.
The AC sounds hollow, at least it doesn´t hurt like the PPC does.
Edited by Moofi, 02 July 2013 - 07:00 PM.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 07:10 PM
Majorfatboy, on 02 July 2013 - 05:15 PM, said:
PGI's going way to overboard with the dirty/worn appearance. I'm pretty sure they've still got water hoses and spray paint in the 30th century. The legs on most of the mechs look awful, way too over the top with the simulated dirt/grime.
One of the selling points for the founders package was that the founders mechs would visually stand out. I now have a mech that I payed real-world money for, who's paint job is supposed to stand out, that is now a dark smeary mess, and the colors I paid real-world money for can't be seen on it. Granted,I don't use My founders Jenner, but still, this looks awful.
The Founder's mechs are supposed to look worn and well used to signify that you have been piloting them for a long time. Also, adjusting the brightness and gamma and removing the film grain in your user.cfg makes it look allot better.
Edited by Ed Steele, 02 July 2013 - 07:10 PM.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 07:29 PM
Ed Steele, on 02 July 2013 - 07:10 PM, said:
The Founder's mechs are supposed to look worn and well used to signify that you have been piloting them for a long time. Also, adjusting the brightness and gamma and removing the film grain in your user.cfg makes it look allot better.
really ??? isnt there any paint in the year 3050? no water? why does my mech that was blue when i bought it now is grey? guess its because i have been using it for a year, pls m8 do i really have to go to my user.cfg to clean my mech?
any good excuse out there?
Posted 02 July 2013 - 07:58 PM
That said, I still think the degrading visuals and the fact that I sometimes get stuck on "stubbed my toe"-height boulders is a mark against it. Still, something that I think can be corrected pretty easily, the latter in particular.
All in all 7/10 breddy gud. Fix the extremely low height "obstacles," adjust matchmaking, and buff SRMs and we're well on our way to hitting the progress prereqs for me to Grab Deal on Phoenix at the end of the month.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 08:02 PM
For some positive feedback:
Just about everything else in this patch is great! The terrain changes, while not perfect (yet) really make the smaller faster mechs stand out and shine........
Well, maybe not shine in the jenner's case................
Posted 02 July 2013 - 08:16 PM
wDraco, on 02 July 2013 - 07:29 PM, said:
really ??? isnt there any paint in the year 3050? no water? why does my mech that was blue when i bought it now is grey? guess its because i have been using it for a year, pls m8 do i really have to go to my user.cfg to clean my mech?
any good excuse out there?
Damned, cynical Davions. Your planet ran out of primer and the paint chipped off.
Edited by Ed Steele, 02 July 2013 - 08:16 PM.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 09:08 PM
Posted 02 July 2013 - 09:34 PM
Ed Steele, on 02 July 2013 - 09:25 PM, said:
There's still allot of July left, save your whining for the end of the month.
Where was I "whining"? All I did was point out that no one should be surprised that 12v12, UI 2.0 STILL have not made it to the live servers. It's not like PGI is known for making deadlines or anything.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 09:37 PM
its true some times you get stopped by some strange things like a bit of low recharge and there are spots non jump jetting mechs cant get to anymore but that just means the maps probably just need another pass to fix or change small things to make them work better with the changes.
I think most of the people complaining don't like the fact they cant continue playing/winning the way they were previously, but once they get use to the changes most of them will come around,
Posted 02 July 2013 - 09:39 PM
Do any of you realize how steep a 45 degree incline is? Have you thought about how difficult it would be for a massive, tens-of-tons war machine to climb such a slope?
Take a look at that and tell me again that you can't figure out why your 'Mech can't traverse a 45 degree slope. YOU would have trouble climbing such a grade, especially without using your hands. It requires an incredible increase in energy output compared to traversing flat terrain... or even a grade half as steep. These changes make complete and total sense.
Frankly I was surprised at how many inclines my 'Mechs are still able to climb. I thought it would be much more restrictive. You simply have to make different choices now. Its actually easier to escape from a bad situation in certain cases since heavier 'Mechs can't follow lighter ones over some terrain at top speed. Jump jets have a more relevant role now in terms of tactical movement.
I disagree that Alpine Peaks suffers from this change. There are still routes to take to reach most areas, they're just more restrictive.
I guess I just don't feel so doom-and-gloom about this. It never made sense to be able to climb some of the slopes that could be climbed. But hey, I also didn't get bent out of shape about the jump jet shake ruining pop-tarting, and the new audio changes don't bother me either - they sound great on my system.
Just like every other game, every time anything gets changed some people are going to get bent out of shape. If its not fun, why play? I'm having a blast.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 09:41 PM
Sound update is great. I love all new sounds, except for AC/2. Compared to all other ballistics it's too loud and discomfort yourself and your allies, especially when fired some simultaneously. Other ballistic sounds are awesome, PPC sounds are driving me euphoric and LRM now feels more alive. Ambient sounds are also cool.
Overall, I love this patch, and I think that people who's bragging over it (like over anything else) simply can't live up to changes.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 09:55 PM
Anyway, I personally love the sounds.
Maybe tone down the Bass on the LB-10X and "thicken" the sound for the PPCs some.
Otherwise.. complain about loud weapons? Have you ever fired a live gun before.. Uh yeah, they are loud.
So why wouldn't weapons the size of you be loud?
True you're in a Multi ton mechanic beast, but that doesn't mean it's sound proof.
The game does feel more War like. Louder battles in general.
I am still messing with directional sounds as someone stated before. It does need a bit of adjustment but I definitly heard directional sound when a mech was behind me or far away to the side. I don't operate on just two speakers as some seem to where they must nearly mute the game to play it because it sounds like a construction zone, somehow. Lol.
So far I have thoroughly enjoyed this mini patch.
Terrain movements dealing with inclines may and can be adjusted.. it is a Beta after all. Seems like people keep forgetting that and/or never have done a beta before. WorldofWarcraft Betas act the same as this, little content and lots of odd tid bits that are fixed on launch and Blizzard doesn't say anything about it. Instead datamined from a 3rd party.
Edited by ToxicValor, 02 July 2013 - 09:59 PM.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 10:07 PM
Now they will have to stick to things they have been engineered for - fighting!
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