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Gameplay - Movement Archetypes

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#61 Tennex


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:20 PM

View Posth4t3r4d3, on 02 July 2013 - 03:24 PM, said:

Don't forget static coefficient for determining at what angle the mech will begin to slide back down the hill.....

that would be nice too to replace the dumb slip "physics" they are using. that make hills feel like icicles

but one step at a time. For now i'd be happy if they used mass instead of dimensions for incline.

You'd think they would know how to do this. Since most computer engineers have to take physics.

Edited by Tennex, 02 July 2013 - 05:27 PM.

#62 Josef Koba


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:29 PM

View PostThe Scotsman, on 02 July 2013 - 02:03 PM, said:

i understand it could add some diversity to the matches, but it should be more obvious what you CAN and CAN'T climb. otherwise, you wast precious time only to find out, well, that all you've done is waste precious time.

This used to be true with Canyon, at least. It was nuanced, but visible. Now... Forget it. I've never been frustrated with a patch, but this one is just wow.

#63 White Bear 84


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:38 PM

View PostAugust55, on 02 July 2013 - 04:58 PM, said:

The pebble/shards in Desert shouldn't cause my mech to go to a grinding halt when I have full momentum going on. This goes the same for the rather not steep hills in Alpine.

If anything, all this does is hinder gameplay at the moment.

View PostTarl Cabot, on 02 July 2013 - 04:57 PM, said:

This. I will have to do more testing but in Canyons I am practically on the top but stop/stuck on like a pebble. hehe, reminds me of EQ where even a blade of grass would stop an arrow (shudders).

View PostDeathlike, on 02 July 2013 - 04:03 PM, said:

The transition of the speed drop is waaaay too sudden, and not smooth. This may or may not have to do with some of the inclines, but stuff like the basic rocks at Forest Colony at one of the main spawns has the most dramatic effect (it's almost as if the leg damage code that hurt lights frequently was back in). I'm sure there are many equivalents on other maps.

This needs significant rework to be viable.

PGI - Geometric length threshold. Boulders are a certain size. Take this into consideration for the movement impact. e.g. sloped geometry with a length less than 5m will not impact speed.


Disclaimer: This was raised in the feedback thread!!!

Edited by White Bear 84, 02 July 2013 - 05:45 PM.

#64 Blood78


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:40 PM

Great idea. OK implementation. Poor design and testing.

There are literally pebbles in the game that's considered incline and your mech will come to a halt or run into steep speed drop. For example, in Canyon I was running straight to close the gap with Dual AC20 Jager and I hit a pebble, my speed dropped to 0. Free hits from Dual AC20 jager because I wasn't moving.

Another example is in upper city of River City. There are some stuff on there that's considered incline even though it's not clearly visible and it drops your speed to 2/3.

Right now some of the environments just act as caltrops and pebbles on the ground that's considered incline are literally the most danger weapon in the game. If I could pack my missile tubes with it and fire. I would because it'd stop a whole 8 man chasing after me in their tracks. It literally stops people in their track when they hit something that's considered incline when its not visually obvious like a pebble...

Please roll the change back for further testing to pick out which ground level items are being flagged as incline. Or reduce the movement penalty.

Right now the penalty is also pretty steep. The little hill of radar tower right by spawn point in Forest Colony. There is a slight slope that Assault can't get up on anymore unless you do some funky move around it. In Alpine, if you start on top side. You can't get on the mountain everest side even with JumpJet and I was trying so using Quickdraw with jumpjets that run at 100 kph.

Edited by Blood78, 03 July 2013 - 02:49 AM.

#65 MCXL


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:49 PM

An object smoothing pass would be nice.

Additionally making it so jump jets can push you forward would be nice, as sometimes you stall out on a hill and cant move.

Edited by MCXL, 02 July 2013 - 05:54 PM.

#66 EnC3PhAL0P4TH1C


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:53 PM

Ok I'm going to write one last thing about this and leave it alone. I just tried to play again tonight and I will summarize my opinion of the movement "fix" and experience this way:

The game is broken.

I have logged plenty of hours on this game and dropped as much money as I would on a new, polished game. I love it. I never once have gotten on the bandwagon and complained about:

AC20 Jags
LRMs too powerful
LRMs too soft
ECM is ruining the game!
SRMs too powerful
SRMs nerfed
Snipers too powerful
Poptarts overtaking the game
Poptarting now impossible due to cockpit rattle
PPC boats

and on and on...

I've taken all of these in stride as nuances to the game, adjusted my play style, and overall I've had a great experience.

All of that said, and I hope I've established that I'm not one to cry in the forums after every patch, I will not play this game for another minute and I certainly will not spend another red cent (project phoenix) until they fix this "movement archetype" atrocity.

End Rant.

#67 Mechteric


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:53 PM

In my QuickDraw I occasionally got stuck on some very small rocks on canyon, but my biggest problem is that very often after having issues with terrain, many seconds later I would warp around because I guess the server thought I was somewhere else as the client finally synced with it. I'll see if the same happens tomorrow since I only had time for two games.

#68 SilvaDraconis


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:59 PM

If this is an enhancement, you're going to start getting those Microsoft "Feature" jokes. Some of these maps are practically limited to jump jets for any real mobility now. And don't even get me started on the Assaults unable to step over a single block of stone or through fences again. Didn't that get fixed in freaking Alpha?

#69 Hoaggie


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:03 PM

I like it, it makes playing an assault even more of a challenge, and now terrain is more than something to just hide behind.

#70 MavRCK


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:03 PM

Movement system is a good idea but poorly implemented.

Fast mechs become easy targets stalling at the top of small hills.

Slower mechs just can't get over small hills whatsoever.

All mechs get stuck on pebbles.



Imagine me hiking and stumbling on every mini rock... sheesh.. I have LEGS.

Make your maps smoother. CryEngine3 has smoothing tools for this. Our guys figured out to use it and RAISE smooth hills.. YOU GUYS DROP HILLS AND ROCKS ONTO TOP OF TEXTURES and it's all messed up.. argh!?!!??!?!!?!?!? :)



No more cool brawling over the mini hips and dips we used to enjoy!

Interesting fact: Abrams Tank can move up a 60 degree slope...

Hope we can adjust the slope angles and increase the speeds up a slope.

Edited by MavRCK, 02 July 2013 - 06:54 PM.

#71 aseth


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:08 PM

Feels really good so far. I was a little bit skeptical when I read the original proposal, but it seems to work fairly well.

#72 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:14 PM

LOVE IT. I JUST bought a new stalker. what a nightmare getting around! get stuck, swarmed by lights, its anightmare.

********* love it!!!!


#73 SolCrusher


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:20 PM

Glad I haven't purchased the Phoenix package yet! :)

#74 Ripper X


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:33 PM

View PostAugust55, on 02 July 2013 - 04:58 PM, said:

The pebble/shards in Desert shouldn't cause my mech to go to a grinding halt when I have full momentum going on. This goes the same for the rather not steep hills in Alpine.

If anything, all this does is hinder gameplay at the moment.

Yep this is a huge problem. A light that is doing 150kph and then suddenly stops dead in its tracks because of a small rock not a good thing.

Edit: Just did Tourmaline in an Atlas. That map is a total pain now. You get stuck on the smallest things. You have to avoid craters,small rocks and anything that has a sudden incline does not matter how small the object is.

Edited by Ripper X, 02 July 2013 - 06:54 PM.

#75 Mrllamaface


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:34 PM

I like the concept, but as others have said some of the ground debris randomly causes you to stop. Also I am not a big fan of how the slow down is implemented. I go from 100% speed to 70% immediately then back up to 100%. It gives a very jerky feeling to the movement and feels just off to me. I would prefer a gradual decline in speed as you went up the hills. Not sure if it is possible but that would be my suggestion.

#76 Dr Kevorkian


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:49 PM

This response addresses a couple issues.

New movement is a good idea: makes maps play the way they were intended, will make things more interesting tactically.

However, it is way too buggy right now, and the current numbers theyre using for it are too extreme. For example, getting stuck on trucks and roads in River City.

But more importantly:

Right now it has the effect of buffing the High alpha builds that everyone was complaining about.
LRMs have a buff, because people cant get close enough to cover to hide without getting stuck
PPC and Gauss builds have a buff because now you cant maneuver around them, and even slow down all the time to give them an even easier shot.

The movement can be fun if the problem of boating was addressed (there have been some interesting ideas floating around to address this), but to put it in without support only compounds the problem.

#77 Lightfoot


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:50 PM

Seems a little overdone for Assault class. Stopped by little rocks that the mech should plow through or kick aside.

#78 Nexus Omega


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 06:56 PM

They area's approaching the Crater in Caustic are difficult to climb at low speeds to to rocks stopping mechs,
Could you perhaps flatten rocky areas, the mechs should be able to step over small rocks.

otherwise good so far, had a Catapult escape me up a ridge, which is neat.

#79 DodgerH2O


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 07:18 PM

Played just a few matches, but went both extremes, atlas and spider. My primary issue is really that there's no easy way to visually identify what terrain will slow a mech and what will stop it. Atlas on Alpine would be stomping up a hill for several seconds and then stop suddenly. I'd have to twist around until the mech could proceed. As soon as I thought I'd identified the proper terrain and slope, I walked right through a patch of what I'd assumed would have stopped me. This threw my budding theory right out of the water.

I'm sure the minor hangups and bumps will be fixed, but I'd like a way to intuitively know what slope I can ascend. If I had that I would enjoy the movement changes.

#80 SolCrusher


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 07:23 PM

Give the hud a terrain movement identifier. Make it highlight terrain that can't be moved over red. Really these things should have some sort of terrain identification system that picks out the best path which could be disabled during brawling or ignored.

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