In other games balance between different classes and types is done with special abilities exclusive to that class these abilities give it a role. However in mwo weapons pretty much represent abilities the armour and speed differences alone is just a really bland dynamic and not enough to make them interestingly different. Heavier mechs can simply have more weapons and take more hits taking a lighter mech normally means that your main force ends up getting out numbered and out gunned once they are done all is left is top mop up the lights.
I believe a chassis limit for matches should be in place but I also believe that just that on its own is a copout to creating a diverse and interesting balance and I don’t mean a light can down an assault with ease more like making different mechs bring something different to the table.
For example the pilot tree why not make that different for different mechs, for example a raven pilot tree unlock could allow visually marking up more than 3 mechs and relaying that target info back to the team. Currently you need to target a single mech to have it target-able. Or another have UAV a unlock in the light tree or give it a cool down for lights? What about just having modules exclusive to certain weight groups things like seismic? Other things could have a cool down like artillery / air strikes for the lights.
Under-powered mechs that are meant to carry a lot of energy weapons like the awesome could be improved by allowing them to carry double 9x9 flushes faster heat dissipation or something along those lines.
In regards to table top there is a whole other dimension that comes into play in the game that does not exist in the board game and it is not currently being addressed this is the 3d dimension im specifically talking about visual shape of a mech, this can make a mech that is supposed to be good horrible for example a stalker will annihilate an awesome simply because of its shape hence these mechs should have other advantages in the pilot tree or in moduels.
Mediums also should have the engine scaling looked at and their visual model size reduced (look at centurion’s arms next to an atlas) the engines can’t get that much faster than a heavy without gimping themselves. The only thing you can really do effectively is stack 1 ton weapons to gain that speed but whats the point when a light can do the exact same but run faster? Perhaps giving them better handling acceleration/deceleration possibly allowing full stop in the pilot tree to allow you to stop the mech and change direction allowing you to trick people trying to lead shots etc.
As for weapons I really feel we are missing some monsters that would fill a huge gap mainly LBX20 ultra ac10 and 20, heavy lasers streak 4 and 6 any of these would give a stronger punch to the mediums and heavies in close range for the tons they cost.
As for current in game weapons I suggest these changes:
increase internal structure hp to make crit seeking more worth while
Increase srm damage to 1.7
Increase velocity of lbx to hit near instantly within its optimal range
Put ppc velocity to match gauss
150% heat has chance to explode a random single heat sinks causing damage to that location like a ammo explosion keeping the CT damage at 120%.
heating up slows mech speed increasing with the more heat present
Edited by Le0yo, 08 July 2013 - 01:32 PM.