I thought about posting it there, but didn't want to force everyone to see the rest of my designs.
This is NOT finished but far enough to put out for people to give opinions on ....so Please do!
I wanted to keep a lot of the visual ideas from the classic but steer far enough away to where people would say "What's that....wait is that a Marauder?" ....and less of the immeidate "Nice Marauder redesign."
Let me know if I accomplished that.
*I realize my coloring skills are sub par and too loose/blurry...but this is a skill i'm still honing in on.
---AS ALWAYS: If you'd like to recolor this and give it a better paint job, please do! I'd love to see them, and by all means post them on this thread, or at least throw me some credit it if it goes else where.

Edited by Foxdie, 10 July 2013 - 07:54 PM.