Nebelfeuer, on 11 July 2013 - 03:55 PM, said:
You might want to get rid of the idea that a mech that carries a big weapon loadout is supposed to fire it repeatedly together.
Look at the stockloadouts and you will notice that most mechs are not capable of alphastriking repeatedly without getting heatissues. Though the method is differend the result will be closer to original rules in effect fo a good part of the weapons.
The current aproach may not be the best but it at least goes into the right direction and at least incentives to try differend loadouts then pure boating and pinpoint alphastrikers. It will probaly need a few adjustments like the ER/PPC fix anounced for the later patch and AC/gauss intergration and a few value adjustments but it might work out in the end.
An aproach closer to TT rules(heatchart+values and/or convergence) might solve the desired probles more efficiently though.
Here's the thing - those stock mechs can do this without needing an arbitrary extra heat production value. Heat is just simple addition, and comparing the result to a table to figure out the effect.
This is a convoluted solution.
But there is also the other misconception that mechs are supposed to overheat. Some mechs do. but the idea of heat is just to create an interesting design space when making mechs. You have a trade-off to consider - sustainability vs burst damage potential.
PGI's heat system is rigged for something else - you'll overheat eventually, because you sure as hell ain't gonna install 20 standard sinks or 10 DHS just to run 2 Medium Lasers (well, on a Spider you might have to). They seem to want everyone to overheat eventually and try to avoid people being able to build heat neutral mechs. But that's not necessary at all, because there is always a trade-off to consider - tonnage spent on sinks to become heat neutral is tonnage not spend on guns, ammo or armour that you might have needed in a critical situation,where a few points of heat wouldn't have hurt you that much.
PGI's heat system uses a high heat cap, which makes it difficult to actually achieve the kind of trade-offs the system needs. Those Quad PPC Stalkers aren't heat efficient in MW:O, they overheat fast. But they don't overheat fast enough, you can pull out 120 damage before you overheat even if you basically take no time to cool off.
But that is just the heat side of PGI problems. The reason Quad PPC Stalkers are popular is not just because they are "heat effective", so to speak - it's because 40 damage alphas to a single hit location is just too good to pass up. And this problem isn't really heat related. It's just that precise application of damage is very, very valuable in a game with multile hit locations with each their own hit points. You don't get any consolation prizes for shooting half the armour off of 3 locations. You get a prize for shooting off all the armour of one location.
This is the problem they need to fix, and they should find a solution that interacts with this directly, instead of indirectly via the heat system. Just note that their table doesn't include the Gauss Rifle, despite everyone in CLosed Beta remembering those Dual Gauss Snipers that got to circumvent the heat system problems and delivered pinpoint precise alphas. And that was without HSR! The only limit back then was probably the same limit that we have now with the AC/40 Jagermechs. It's just a 65 ton mech. There are still mechs that can bring 35 tons more to compensate these advantages. The Quad PPC Stalker had only 15 tons above it, and that seemed insufficient.