Petition for Urbanmech
Posted 31 October 2011 - 03:40 PM
So, lets hear it: Who out there wants to see this thing in game!
Posted 31 October 2011 - 03:50 PM
Posted 31 October 2011 - 03:54 PM
The ÜBERURBIE will kill them all

Posted 31 October 2011 - 03:56 PM
Posted 31 October 2011 - 04:02 PM

Posted 31 October 2011 - 04:04 PM

Posted 31 October 2011 - 04:04 PM
ghost, on 31 October 2011 - 03:56 PM, said:
But the HUNCHBACK, which has been officially declared to be in there, has been designed for the urban combat MWO is supposed to be focusingon. And BETTER.
Posted 31 October 2011 - 04:05 PM

Posted 31 October 2011 - 04:25 PM
If MW:O is true to the universe, you will love the Urbanmech too, because it will be one of the first mechs you can buy that can slug it out with mediums and maybe even beat a few of them.
"Hurrdurr I won't drive it cause it's silly looking and I'd look silly by proxy." Yeah, we play mech games to drive the coolest mechs cause that makes us feel cooler. Yep.
I'm a huge fan of the urbanmech. It was specifically designed to mount heavy weapons in a cheap well armored package.
Newbies gush about MadCats and Fafnirs. Old schoolers have a big soft spot for the trashcan mech.
Yeah, the Hunchback was designed for the same role. It's also 3,457,875 C-Bills. An Urbie is only 1,470,125 C-Bills. So you could buy two Urbies for the price of one Hunchback with money to spare. In MW:O you're a merc, so you're thinking with your pocket book.
Posted 31 October 2011 - 04:37 PM
buck rogers, on 31 October 2011 - 04:25 PM, said:
If MW:O is true to the universe, you will love the Urbanmech too, because it will be one of the first mechs you can buy that can slug it out with mediums and maybe even beat a few of them.
"Hurrdurr I won't drive it cause it's silly looking and I'd look silly by proxy." Yeah, we play mech games to drive the coolest mechs cause that makes us feel cooler. Yep.
I'm a huge fan of the urbanmech. It was specifically designed to mount heavy weapons in a cheap well armored package.
Newbies gush about MadCats and Fafnirs. Old schoolers have a big soft spot for the trashcan mech.
Yeah, the Hunchback was designed for the same role. It's also 3,457,875 C-Bills. An Urbie is only 1,470,125 C-Bills. So you could buy two Urbies for the price of one Hunchback with money to spare. In MW:O you're a merc, so you're thinking with your pocket book.
This is the best response I've seen so far. The assumption I think most should make is that as Mercs this wont be BT:3025 style where the mech never goes away. Merc's always act with their wallets in mind.
Posted 31 October 2011 - 04:38 PM
buck rogers, on 31 October 2011 - 04:25 PM, said:
If MW:O is true to the universe, you will love the Urbanmech too, because it will be one of the first mechs you can buy that can slug it out with mediums and maybe even beat a few of them.
"Hurrdurr I won't drive it cause it's silly looking and I'd look silly by proxy." Yeah, we play mech games to drive the coolest mechs cause that makes us feel cooler. Yep.
I'm a huge fan of the urbanmech. It was specifically designed to mount heavy weapons in a cheap well armored package.
Newbies gush about MadCats and Fafnirs. Old schoolers have a big soft spot for the trashcan mech.
Yeah, the Hunchback was designed for the same role. It's also 3,457,875 C-Bills. An Urbie is only 1,470,125 C-Bills. So you could buy two Urbies for the price of one Hunchback with money to spare. In MW:O you're a merc, so you're thinking with your pocket book.
+1 Totally agree with Buck.
First time I saw an urbie was in the opening cinematics of mechcommander 2. When I saw it I said to myself, "What the frick is that thing?" Doing some research on it though, turns out its not such a bad mech for urban combat, especially when you want speed, maneuverablitiy over a slow walking larger tincan with a a/c with limited ammo, aka hunchback, love that mech too [esp. when it got owned in the first MC intro.]
Posted 31 October 2011 - 05:17 PM
Posted 31 October 2011 - 06:22 PM

Also yeah it's made for urban settings as the name implies, it'd be kind of a disappointment to not see it.
Posted 31 October 2011 - 06:37 PM
Posted 31 October 2011 - 07:20 PM
Personally, I would have no problem piloting an Urbanmech.
Posted 31 October 2011 - 07:43 PM
ghost, on 31 October 2011 - 04:05 PM, said:

*rolls a 3, taps 3x command post for +1+1+1 to die roll=6!*
BOOOMMM!!!!!!!!! +6 DAMAGE!
One of the best cards in the game, one of the best images it had, of one of the best mechs out there. Yeah, I said it, one of the best mechs out there. Heavily underrated, extremely cheap, with a big gun and jumpjets.
Fact: 2x urban mechs, in a city can handle a hunchback. Why? because they have jumpjets allowing them to outmaneuver the hunchback, to keep the hunchy out of range, to chose where to fight. The hunchback is great for pushing the fight to the other side's end of the map, because no one wants any of that ac20 action. The problem is that the Urban mech is great for picking where to fight, and it has greater range then the Hunchback. That means 2 x urbanmechs can simple get backshots on the hunchback in a city all day long, or at least till they burn their ammo, then pogo away from the hunchback to go reload somewhere.
In MW4:merc, one of the unofficial expansions added the urban mech in all its slow assed glory. I used to rush the other side on a hilly map and solo some of the heavy mechs. They laughed, they made jokes, they taunted the urban mech when they saw me coming, but I busted ac10 rounds all over their face, then DFAed them. Got up, AC10 to the face, DFA, DFA, then an urbie jump kick to the face(which is basically trying to jump just high enough to clip their head with your feet, instead of trying to drop on them from above.). Sure, they laughed before I got to them, but they never said a word while the beat down was in progress, at least not to me, maybe to their friends since their whole team came to spectate and or kill me. When was the last time you saw a madcat or thany mugged by an urbanmech? The game gets silent, but you know the urbie got some respect when the other team starts backing away from the urbie rush the next time I spawned.
The urbanmech is part of the game, to leave it out would be wrong. Small designs with a big gun, like the Urbie, are kind of a light mech's assault mech. It is design variation that makes BT great.
Edited by stonerhino, 31 October 2011 - 07:47 PM.
Posted 31 October 2011 - 08:34 PM
Posted 31 October 2011 - 09:50 PM
One of my favorite pre-clan light mechs in BT.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 12:53 AM
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