Ralgas, on 30 July 2013 - 04:42 AM, said:
ok 35 point, 2 ppc and a gauss..... when they kill the current meta what did you think the new one was going to be? 0.o
give em convergence, it'll become lrms or run in and high alpha close enough the cof/spread doesn't matter, leave it pinpoint end up with what we have now, manage ppc's out you get twin gauss again. What's you're magic solution btw?
My point is that heat neutrality isn't a problem. If heat neutrality was a problem, then GR builds would be dominating right now. They aren't: instead we have 2xPPC/GR builds, and yes, even 4xPPC (or 2xERPPC/2xPPC) builds are still functional, and none of these build are even close to heat neutrality.
As for my "magic solution," I would attack the current meta in four different ways:
-Dump heat scaling
-Stat tweaking
-Missile recoding
First off, I would dump the current heat scaling method for boating control. Its unintuitive, it hurts new players, and it doesn't solve the underlying problems of MWO.
Secondly, the issue with the current sniper meta is, and has always been, the lack of restrictions on how much damage you can plant on a single panel with a single trigger pull. I would go for a method that adds cone of fire to weapons over a certain threshold, over a certain time. E.g. if you fire 2xPPC, they converge perfectly. If you fire 4xPPC, two of them converge perfectly, the third one diverges to a degree, and the fourth divergest to a greater degree. If you fire 2xPPC, and then another 2xPPC after 0.5s, both pairs converge perfectly. If you fire the second pair in <0.5s, they diverge, the degree determined by how early you fire them after the first pair.
Homeless Bill has written up a much more fully realized system. Everyone should read it.
Third, whether you fix convergence or not, you need to tweak the numbers for several weapons. The main problem is that mid to short range weapons are currently underpowered relative to long range weapons (PPC/ERPPC, GRs, UACs/AC5s). A few minor stat tweaks would solve alot of these problems:
-Drop AC20 and AC10 heat dramatically (e.g. to 3 and 1.5, respectively)
-Increase LBX10 damage to ~12-14 and tighten spread
-Increase AC20/10 damage to ~24/12 if convergence limitation system is added
-Drop ML/SL heat to 3/1
-Complete overhaul of PL stats (too much for a short list)
Fouth, locking missiles need to be recoded in one way or another. The quickest fix, for LRMs is to remove splash damage, and change tracking behavior to match SSRMs (i.e. each missile targets a different section). The CT-bias of LRMs is entirely due to splash damage (splash damage means that almost every missile hits CT, regardless of where it actually impacts). Changing tracking behavior would also keep walls of LRMs from insta-coring mechs. I would also drop splash damage on SSRMs for the same reason. Next, LRM and SSRM damage can be boosted for balance.
However, if I had power to do whatever I wanted, I would completely scrap the way LRMs and SSRMs are currently implemented. For LRMs:
-LRMs no longer lock (and therefore do not require a targetable foe/ECM doesn't neutralize). They fire straight forward, at a much higher speed than current, in a slight arc, or in a high arc, and lower speed, if the player is targeting a mech with no LOS.
-LRMs travel straight untill they get within a certain distance (tweakable for balance) of an enemy, at which point they start to track (tracking angles also tweakable). Tracking angle is such that you can't just fire in the general direction of an enemy and expect to get hits: you have to lead your LRMs so their initial angle of approach is shallow enough.
-Artemis IV makes LRMs track earlier and tighter, but requires LOS and is neutralized by ECM
-Narc and tag have the same effect as Artemis, but does not require LOS (i.e. for tag, another mech could be tagging), and is still neutralized by ECM
For SSRMs:
-SSRMs do not lock as they do currently
-When you pull the trigger with SSRMs, SSRMs will attempt to lock for ~1s. This requires you to keep your reticule on target for 1s
-If the target leaves the reticule during the lock process, lock is broken, and you have to try again
-If the target remains under the reticule during the lock process, the SSRMs fire at the end of the lock process and track as currently implemented
This implementation would require some degree of aiming for both SSRMs and LRMs, and IMO would make LRMs much more useful, and make it possible to increase SSRM damage without breaking the game (i.e. nullifying lights).