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Problems with the Clans

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#121 Mar Helmer


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 02:21 PM

> I choose you, GROGNARD!
> But it doesn't affect enemy GROGNARD!
> But it doesn't affect enemy NECKBEARD!
> But it doesn't affect enemy GROGNARD!
> But it doesn't affect enemy NECKBEARD!
> FORUMUSER fainted!

Edited by Mar Helmer, 16 June 2012 - 02:21 PM.

#122 Aaron DeChavilier


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 03:10 PM

View PostMar Helmer, on 16 June 2012 - 02:21 PM, said:

> I choose you, GROGNARD!
> But it doesn't affect enemy GROGNARD!
> But it doesn't affect enemy NECKBEARD!
> But it doesn't affect enemy GROGNARD!
> But it doesn't affect enemy NECKBEARD!
> FORUMUSER fainted!

I am a neckbeard and I approve this parody (even though I dont really have one ;))

#123 GearBoxClock


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 03:50 PM

Why do people who play OP stuff always turn to fluff justification. It's FICTION. Fiction changes all the time.

#124 phelancracken


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 06:49 PM

And why do people who can't accept that different tech is different tech is saying it's OPed? This isn't Counter Strike.

#125 phelancracken


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 07:15 PM

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 16 June 2012 - 01:42 PM, said:

so the only thing that makes the clans unique is over-powered wargear; I'm sure plenty of clan players would take issue with that statement. Do you not really read your opponents posts, or what? I said I was working on a humble 2d space shooter with a friend, we have two factions to balance, I use the clans as an example of how NOT to balance factions.

you really don't read my posts do you...see the following, I bolded some to help you.

also, I'm not your buddy, friend. I don't know what you're trying to prove with:

" WW1 lots of things were invented. Chemical warfare, Machine guns came of age, trench warfare. Why were the tanks invented? Machine guns buddy. The German machine guns were cutting down thousands of allied troops trying to cross no man's land. Shall we keep going?" Okay, and look what happened in WW2. Germans had some of the best tanks for the experience. It's called progress. Clans have done that for over 200 years. Ignoring that when the original developers whated that won't get points on that.

didn't you fail to mention that: in WW1 both sides used machine guns, poison gas, trench warfare. Or how about the Allied machine guns were cutting down thousands of German troops trying to cross no mans land? Did you even understand the real-world parallel I was drawing with this tank example? I really think you completely overshot it.

By being so blasé about the crits of the DHS, you show your under appreciation of the mechanics of mech customization in CBT. Doesn't hot-loading have a draw back? I thought it did.

Maybe that should tell you something, or there's an undercurrent there you seem to be missing.

a side-issue at best, keep focus.

what does WYSIWYG have to do with unseens? do you just make this stuff up as you go along!? Hey bud, unseens means no more of that figure could be produced legally. Aka, when they were unseen, anyone that didn't have that figure already and they hadn't produced it was SOL?
what issue does 40k not have?
Whats hypocritical? that you have to pay money to get models to play the game?
what is this, I don't even...

As for BT then CBT rules, if you can't quote them, it states that any representation of a model as long as it has a front and is understood by all players what it's representing is fine.

Some games never get fixed, CBT is one of them; these things happen you know. Also, what's with trying to make 'IS Purist' out to be some sort of insult? I'm not really an IS purist, I've never posted on this forum the undaunted glory of IS anything. I've merely charge the clan tech with being unbalanced and broken. As for the factions, I meant what I said, there are two factions. All mech designs draw their wargear from the same list. Think of wargear lists as playing styles, or rather, weapons themselves as playing styles. Each has a way to be used and a strength, when more than one faction draws from the same list, then those two faction aren't actually different when they are played. The canon makes them different. Clans are the same way, they all draw from the same lists, they all play relatively the same. Therefore, there are only two real factions, and one is broken.

didn't I say somewhere above that story and fluff are malleable? I had to break this to winson as well, you can't use in-universe facts to prove/disprove gameplay mechanics which exist outside the universe.

sounds like a recurring theme here, that should clue you in to something.

where do I say I want 'one tech.' All I've been saying is I want 'balanced' tech, but you seem to shallow to understand a difference between 'one tech' and 'balance.' Hence I point you back up to my post about clan players screeching to high-heaven as soon as anyone utters the word 'balance.' It certainly has proven true here. I also never said the clans should have minimums, thats not balance either. See funny thing about balancing gameplay, it takes time, and trial/error periods.

no, you resorted to calling the opposition 'whiny' and only half-reading the responses. You also didn't challenge my assumptions, I've countered every point about this clan business, but you just ignore my counters anyway.

1. Really. Lots of clan players would disagree with me? I see more IS players than that trying to out word me. Sorry, try again.

2. Considering that tanks were a surprise to the Germans, which were invented to counter machine guns and trench warfare, the Germans learned real well what they could do, see WW2. keep going.

3. When the unseens were declared unseen, they weren't making so many minis. In fact, took quite a few months for the minis to be redesigned and then produced. Those models were out of stock long before then. If they were not available and someone wanted to play in a tourny that was WYSIWYG, they were SOL. Shall we keep going. Also, when someone who just started the TT game in teens, they don't usually have a lot of money to get rules, maps and 10s of mechs.

4. Sorry, factions are sides. Tech is what they use. If your going to use both interchangeably, your going to be corrected a lot. The differences in tech gives the BT game it's flavor. So to just make one tech, or as you would like to call it, balanced tech, what's left for the game play? US and Soviets fights don't have balanced tech. The US one side has superior tech and the other side usually makes up with numbers. Part and parcel for gaming. \

5. Wrong on that. I saw quite a few IS clan haters calling clanners whinny players. Don't even attempt to go there. I call it like I see it. IS want's only IS tech. Sorry, but if the tech is perfectly balanced, your playing either only IS or clan. Can't have both and the flavor.

6. Hot loading LRMs depending on the rule can have draw backs. I won't deny it. But then again, depending on what the IS has come up with in the later years might not be an issue.

#126 phelancracken


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 07:20 PM

View PostGearBoxClock, on 15 June 2012 - 08:27 PM, said:

The Clans are just IS +1, which is boring and unfun. This thread is full of whinybaby clanners that don't understand that.

Aaron, you might not have started the clanner whinybaby, but another one who your liking his posts did, and first. Beyond Ubertron X. I ignored his one. So, care to say clanners started the name calling? This was the second incident of it. Keep going and please keep the facts straight on this.

#127 Aaron DeChavilier


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 08:21 PM

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 07:15 PM, said:

1. Really. Lots of clan players would disagree with me? I see more IS players than that trying to out word me. Sorry, try again.

this is a fun one, I've been told up and down this forum by some of the most vocal clan players here, that all or most of all the players that play clan are here for the story, not the tech. Maybe you're getting confused as to what I actually said.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 07:15 PM, said:

2. Considering that tanks were a surprise to the Germans, which were invented to counter machine guns and trench warfare, the Germans learned real well what they could do, see WW2. keep going.

you're not countering my original example though. I said, in WW1, the Germans had no problem retrofitting British tanks to suit their purposes despite how brand new the entire device was. That was what I said, and I said it to give you a real-world example of how there's no such thing as 'tech one side can't figure out.' But again, you willfully ignore it.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 07:15 PM, said:

3. When the unseens were declared unseen, they weren't making so many minis. In fact, took quite a few months for the minis to be redesigned and then produced. Those models were out of stock long before then. If they were not available and someone wanted to play in a tourny that was WYSIWYG, they were SOL. Shall we keep going. Also, when someone who just started the TT game in teens, they don't usually have a lot of money to get rules, maps and 10s of mechs.

::I do apologize for the anecdotal evidence; but I was not in the internet or tourny scene of 40k, so its all I know, even at local hobby shops what I encountered was the same.::
So...you're point is? TT games cost money? I dunno about you, but when I started 40k with my friends, no one complained about losing cause they couldnt afford stuff - they made do with what they could buy. Yes, let's keep going, cause I'm still seeing no point to what you are saying.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 07:15 PM, said:

4. Sorry, factions are sides. Tech is what they use. If your going to use both interchangeably, your going to be corrected a lot. The differences in tech gives the BT game it's flavor. So to just make one tech, or as you would like to call it, balanced tech, what's left for the game play? US and Soviets fights don't have balanced tech. The US one side has superior tech and the other side usually makes up with numbers. Part and parcel for gaming. \

Where did I interchange the words 'faction' and 'tech.' I said multiple factions draw from the same pool of wargear, are you even trying to use comprehension at all? And again you sound off with the whingy "oh if they b-b-b-balance it then we're dooomed!" junk, c'mon man. Also, US vs Soviet; you're still on that idea? wasn't it said somewhere that Battletech != real life? I'm starting to agree with Clock on this, you seriously do have trouble distinguishing fiction from reality - implications unpleasant. The 'numbers vs high damage' thing is not 'part and parcel' of gaming. 40K is an example of this, let's have space marines fight Eldar. oooooo but the fluff says Eldar are way more advanced than the dirty old Imperium. So how come a battle of 1000 pts, both sides are almost equal in number of models? how come both sides have a fair shot at winning? Seriously man, its not 'part and parcel' you just need to go play other games.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 07:15 PM, said:

5. Wrong on that. I saw quite a few IS clan haters calling clanners whinny players. Don't even attempt to go there. I call it like I see it. IS want's only IS tech. Sorry, but if the tech is perfectly balanced, your playing either only IS or clan. Can't have both and the flavor.

Your point? you're whining as hard as 'they' are, just because they 'started it' doesn't mean you're exempt from your actions. Also to generalize IS players so quickly, well is it any wonder you get mad when clan players are generalized? How can a player of a game talk about player skill, when they're playing the game with the equivalent of a stacked deck? If you can somehow justify this one, I'd actually be impressed. Another thing is that you refuse to even consider any sort of accommodation or middle ground, like some sort of extremist, you'll only calm down when everything goes your way.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 07:15 PM, said:

6. Hot loading LRMs depending on the rule can have draw backs. I won't deny it. But then again, depending on what the IS has come up with in the later years might not be an issue.

Thought so, meanwhile Clan LRMs somehow work fine inside the minimum range..you don't need 3 centuries to figure that one out which only shows how bad some of this writing can be to try and justify stat boosts.

Games work best when: the fiction is written to reflect the gameplay, NOT the gameplay written to reflect the fiction.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 07:20 PM, said:

Aaron, you might not have started the clanner whinybaby, but another one who your liking his posts did, and first. Beyond Ubertron X. I ignored his one. So, care to say clanners started the name calling? This was the second incident of it. Keep going and please keep the facts straight on this.

who the hell cares who started it, you're being just as bad. Making an issue about something like " care to say clanners started the name calling? " seems more like you'll take any fight, rather than talk about the issue at hand. It's also hard to take your request of 'keeping the facts straight' seriously when you yourself seem to ignore large portions of what other people post, and their historical examples they bring up. Also, why the 'incident counting' and how come you're only counting when somone you don't agree with does it? your bias condemns your arguments.

Edited by Aaron DeChavilier, 16 June 2012 - 08:22 PM.

#128 Skylarr


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 08:25 PM

View PostJaroth Winson, on 15 June 2012 - 11:43 PM, said:

I disproved that point earlier in this thread IIRC. The Clans are better trained & thus better skilled. The canon says so. They fought IS units & won long before Omnimechs came onto the scene. Nevertheless as time went on yes, they did have better equipment. We get that, however it is not all that makes them. The IS advantages have always been numbers & tactics. As Focht realized, the Clans are designed to fight short campaigns & as seen on Tukayyid, do not fare well on long campaigns.

I am guessing you mean the Wolf's Dragoons use of Clan second Line Mech. Because the clan's front line units use Omnis

View PostGearBoxClock, on 16 June 2012 - 08:26 AM, said:

The M1 Abrams is an awful tank, fyi.

Based on what? It can be debated as to which tank is best. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses.

View PostGearBoxClock, on 16 June 2012 - 08:26 AM, said:

The USSR and NATO were pretty evenly matched when it came to technology during the Cold War. Hell, the USSR put a man in space before NATO could, by a considerable degree.

It was NATO against the WARSAW Pact.

Yes the Russians did put the 1st man into space. It was an automated flight. The cosmonaut had no control over anything. The Astronaut the US put into space had some control over his craft.

Edited by Skylarr, 16 June 2012 - 08:50 PM.

#129 SlagMaster


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 08:38 PM

Ummm, why are we talking about this? the games not out yet....

#130 Aaron DeChavilier


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 08:43 PM

View PostSlagMaster, on 16 June 2012 - 08:38 PM, said:

Ummm, why are we talking about this? the games not out yet....

Because racecar! ;)

#131 Tim East


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 08:48 PM

View PostJaroth Winson, on 16 June 2012 - 02:02 PM, said:

As far as Clan mechs not being versatile, Omnimechs. They are specifically designed to be versatile hence the omni part.

I already mentioned omnitech, and how it makes clan mechs individually versatile. I was stating that IS mech design is more varied than clan. For instance, I know of no clan mech that has a melee implement, and these have been around for quite a while. In fact, iirc, the clans deplored melee combat with mechs as uncivilized or something.

#132 phelancracken


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 09:08 PM

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 16 June 2012 - 08:21 PM, said:

this is a fun one, I've been told up and down this forum by some of the most vocal clan players here, that all or most of all the players that play clan are here for the story, not the tech. Maybe you're getting confused as to what I actually said.

you're not countering my original example though. I said, in WW1, the Germans had no problem retrofitting British tanks to suit their purposes despite how brand new the entire device was. That was what I said, and I said it to give you a real-world example of how there's no such thing as 'tech one side can't figure out.' But again, you willfully ignore it.

::I do apologize for the anecdotal evidence; but I was not in the internet or tourny scene of 40k, so its all I know, even at local hobby shops what I encountered was the same.::
So...you're point is? TT games cost money? I dunno about you, but when I started 40k with my friends, no one complained about losing cause they couldnt afford stuff - they made do with what they could buy. Yes, let's keep going, cause I'm still seeing no point to what you are saying.

Where did I interchange the words 'faction' and 'tech.' I said multiple factions draw from the same pool of wargear, are you even trying to use comprehension at all? And again you sound off with the whingy "oh if they b-b-b-balance it then we're dooomed!" junk, c'mon man. Also, US vs Soviet; you're still on that idea? wasn't it said somewhere that Battletech != real life? I'm starting to agree with Clock on this, you seriously do have trouble distinguishing fiction from reality - implications unpleasant. The 'numbers vs high damage' thing is not 'part and parcel' of gaming. 40K is an example of this, let's have space marines fight Eldar. oooooo but the fluff says Eldar are way more advanced than the dirty old Imperium. So how come a battle of 1000 pts, both sides are almost equal in number of models? how come both sides have a fair shot at winning? Seriously man, its not 'part and parcel' you just need to go play other games.

Your point? you're whining as hard as 'they' are, just because they 'started it' doesn't mean you're exempt from your actions. Also to generalize IS players so quickly, well is it any wonder you get mad when clan players are generalized? How can a player of a game talk about player skill, when they're playing the game with the equivalent of a stacked deck? If you can somehow justify this one, I'd actually be impressed. Another thing is that you refuse to even consider any sort of accommodation or middle ground, like some sort of extremist, you'll only calm down when everything goes your way.

Thought so, meanwhile Clan LRMs somehow work fine inside the minimum range..you don't need 3 centuries to figure that one out which only shows how bad some of this writing can be to try and justify stat boosts.

Games work best when: the fiction is written to reflect the gameplay, NOT the gameplay written to reflect the fiction.

who the hell cares who started it, you're being just as bad. Making an issue about something like " care to say clanners started the name calling? " seems more like you'll take any fight, rather than talk about the issue at hand. It's also hard to take your request of 'keeping the facts straight' seriously when you yourself seem to ignore large portions of what other people post, and their historical examples they bring up. Also, why the 'incident counting' and how come you're only counting when somone you don't agree with does it? your bias condemns your arguments.

1. Your view of the game might say game fiction might reflect gameplay. The game has the fiction backing the game play. The core rules were out in 1990. Wolf Source book 1991. This was when the clans came out. I have the books and know the copyrights. So, what about that? Again, your trying to balance something that was engineered and made the game flavor what it is. If it was that broken, 22 years and several revisions it hasn't been "balanced" to one tech or one that's watered down to IS tech. The game has survived rather well. I see players that want it changed. All I am saying is why? If it was that broken, people would have left the game to die.

2. You seem to forget that the IS had lost lots of tech. They were set up as a scavenger society. The survivors of horrendous WMD wars. Read Succession war 1 and 2. Your going to say that's fiction, but it was written to back game play.

3. Reread my previous post of what you said about factions drawing their wargear from the same source. This again isn't Counter Strike. Or any other FPS. It's based off TT Battletech.

4. Whining? LOL! Just countering what your saying. Stacked deck that's rich. An IS player wants clanners to fight with a numerical disadvantage with nothing to adjust for that? Talk about double standard. 10 v 12 is a stacked deck. Or worse 5 v 12. If the piloting skills are the same, how to balance if not for tech? That's where BV comes into play. Sorry, that will keep coming into play due to seeing it work countless times in other games. Does it work perfectly? No, but it works for what the game can control. Balancing units for their respective strengths.

5. I ignored that tech of WW1 for one reason. Can you fix a car? Is that hard to learn? Not compared to fixing something more complicated such as a Tank of today or a nuclear armed warship. In that day of WW1, the idea of a tank hadn't been thought of by the Germans, but tracked vehicles existed in the early 1900s, aka bulldozers. The tanks steer roughly the same. What I mean by that is the basic principle of stopping or slowing one track to turn or starting one track is the same. Engines, simple to figure out, weapons, not that hard when it's BASIC. It's combining the techs that make it harder.

Can you create a tank with the current skills you have? Can you know what weapons, suspensions, engines and such will work together in that application? I don't know you personally, so I am guessing might not. The principle is the same. Clans have developed the Star League tech for 200+ years without ANY and I repeat any contact with the IS. Operating systems, connectors, simple basic things will be different.

An IT person will tell you integrating different computer systems that were built differently, have different operating systems, different work programs, is at times a nightmare to intergrate. We don't know the nuts and bolts of the clan differences. You seem to think that they should work exactly the same. I disagree. 200+ years of isolation will most likely create a different path even if the ancestor tech is the same.

6. You know, it's funny your calling me an extremist. There is no middle ground between IS and Clan tech. They are different techs, the fiction was written AFTER the tech came out. So, there we have it. My example of US and USSR tech is the same basic thing. They are different, it's what give any game that uses said tech some of the flavor. You seem to want just one tech for everyone to play. If that was the winning way, the TT would have done that ages ago. But it don't sell.

7. If the game don't sell, it don't stay in business. How many games that were TT based are still around 28 years after they were introduced and still getting new updates? Not as many as there are others that aren't.

D&D is the only one that I am aware of that's that old or older and it's not TT based.
40k Getting close
Shadowrun. Getting there.

Star Fleet Battles is older. But not very commonly played.

They are a few.

So who is biased? I am biased in keeping the game as it is. It's proven to work for 22 years with the clans with minor tweaking. I have heard it all about the clans being OPed for decades. If it wasn't working, why hasn't it been tweaked? Ranges changed, minimums changed, that's right that old nemesis, BV comes roaring in and takes care of that. Player skill cannot be counted. Unless your tested daily the clan way to be in that game to play your mech. And I think I can safely say majority of players would not stand for that.

Your biased in wanting the game to become IS based by adding minimums and such. Again, why? Due to every game that has 2 or more techs having choices that appeals to a wider demographic of players they tend to be more successful. You have to appeal to a wider demographic of players. Not everyone wants to play just IS or clan. But they want the choice. I run mechs that I run due to them working for me. I don't care for LRM boats, can run them, but just don't care for them. Same thing with assaults, I prefer mediums and heavies. For me, gives me the striking power I want with the mobility and armour that I desire.

The game isn't out, we don't know how the balance will come out, and we don't know how the clans will be worked into the game. Those are facts. BV works in TT. It works even if there are multiple players on each side. If each player has 30k Bv and there are 10 players total, 5 per side, balanced. Even if 5 players are using IS and 5 clan. It's really fun when those 10 are mixed between sides. Very interesting fight. Why change things in a video game unless it can't be made to work? Then you open up the can of worms of having to rebalance EVERYTHING.

You want me to compromise on my ideas. Sorry, I disagree with what your saying and will not change at this time. I have played CBT since 1990. Played both IS and Clans. BV is something that's going to be there, just have to deal with it. I am not going to compare this game, MWO, to any previous Mech game due to most of them not following the main cores of CBT TT. For example, and I think this is funny, since when do techs repair a mech to full armour while in a battle zone? They wait for it to come back to the repair shops. If it's disabled, they go out and drag it back before working on it. When the shooting stops 9 times out of 10. Those repair bays in the middle of combat like the full health restores in FPS crack me up.

Counter Strike isn't based of 31st Century mech combat. It's not based off a TT system like MWO is. It's a FPS that's based off more a infantry versus infantry game. My point that a 20 ton mech won't react like a person stands. Something called inertia and the fact that the game even reflects gravity and inertia with skidding, piloting checks, etc.

Play other games:

Flames of War
12 o'clock high
Navyfield. MMO naval warfare WW2
STO Currently play that as well
Nelson's war
Victory at Sea
Played 40k a couple of times, didn't strike my fancy
oh another, Babylon 5
Star Fleet Battles
Star Fleet Command 1, 2, and orion pirates.

how many more do you want me to list? Aaron, your walking into something you don't want to go there. I played CBT back in 1990. I played it as an adult then. Do the math. If you haven't played the TT version, for a while, throw out the MW series. They changed a lot of the core concepts of the TT to make it more FPS. Resupply of ammo while in combat, repair of damage while in combat, neither of these things are in TT CBT. You fight with what you brought into the game. When the ammo's gone, either withdraw or tough it out. I won't say they won't do that here, kinda hope they don't. That's one thing I don't agree with.

I am a gamer. I play what gets my interest up and keeps it. I liked Warmachine but it's basically a WYSIWYG game and didn't like it enough to get into the game.

Edited by phelancracken, 16 June 2012 - 09:51 PM.

#133 Aaron DeChavilier


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 10:04 PM

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 09:08 PM, said:

1. Your view of the game might say game fiction might reflect gameplay. The game has the fiction backing the game play. The core rules were out in 1990. Wolf Source book 1991. This was when the clans came out. I have the books and know the copyrights. So, what about that? Again, your trying to balance something that was engineered and made the game flavor what it is. If it was that broken, 22 years and several revisions it hasn't been "balanced" to one tech or one that's watered down to IS tech. The game has survived rather well. I see players that want it changed. All I am saying is why? If it was that broken, people would have left the game to die.

What about it? you're still acting as if what was printedd 22 years ago was perfection, when in most things its hardly the case. I also chuckle at your notions of clans adding 'flavor.' Last time I checked, during that period, CBT was getting along just fine without the clans, chock full of players who knew and loved the lore, played their faction not because it was broken but because they enjoyed it. I also wouldn't really call CBT in its current state 'surviving,' more like kept on life support by things like MWO, and neckbeards like us. And the idea that broken games are left to die, well then you're not really a gamer are you? gamers stick with certain games with a rare sort of loyalty that isn't easily matched. Many players would like to see their game grow or change, that is the nature of games, things that stay stagnant are left behind. With people like you, bashing down any attempts at change, it's no wonder CBT doesn't really advance, everyone here just wants to keep rehashing the Clan Invasion anyway.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 09:08 PM, said:

2. You seem to forget that the IS had lost lots of tech. They were set up as a scavenger society. The survivors of horrendous WMD wars. Read Succession war 1 and 2. Your going to say that's fiction, but it was written to back game play.

Correct, the IS gameplay backs the writing about it, the clans do not for their own.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 09:08 PM, said:

3. Reread my previous post of what you said about factions drawing their wargear from the same source. This again isn't Counter Strike. Or any other FPS. It's based off TT Battletech.

Again with the oversimplification. Yeah I said: as the game stands now, all IS draw from the same wargear, and all Clans draw from the same wargear, hence making only two real different factions. But the post about CounterStrike, which was several pages ago by now, was on the issue of 'competitiveness' in video and tabletop games. Stop mixing things.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 09:08 PM, said:

4. Whining? LOL! Just countering what your saying. Stacked deck that's rich. An IS player wants clanners to fight with a numerical disadvantage with nothing to adjust for that? Talk about double standard. 10 v 12 is a stacked deck. Or worse 5 v 12. If the piloting skills are the same, how to balance if not for tech? That's where BV comes into play. Sorry, that will keep coming into play due to seeing it work countless times in other games. Does it work perfectly? No, but it works for what the game can control. Balancing units for their respective strengths.

Who said the clans have to fight at a numerical disadvantage? you seem to have an incredibly narrow perspective on how game balancing works, then again you believe nothing should change, so that should come as no surprise.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 09:08 PM, said:

5. CBT is a game based on a fictiona, ALTERNATE, timeline. All comparisons to real world examples are thus rendered meaningless, If I apologize for anything it was trying to use that to counter you because you still don't seem to get it.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 09:08 PM, said:

6. You know, it's funny your calling me an extremist. There is no middle ground between IS and Clan tech. They are different techs, the fiction was written AFTER the tech came out. So, there we have it. My example of US and USSR tech is the same basic thing. They are different, it's what give any game that uses said tech some of the flavor. You seem to want just one tech for everyone to play. If that was the winning way, the TT would have done that ages ago. But it don't sell.

Yes it is funny, because truth can be quite funny. There's no middle ground because you choose not to visualize one, that is your problem. {Ignores your real-world example, see #5} Also, you do love putting words in other people's mouths don't you? must make it easier to deal with people I guess. I don't want one tech for everyone to play, that is your concoction that you desire to be what I said because it gives you a leg actuator to stand on.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 09:08 PM, said:

7. If the game don't sell, it don't stay in business. How many games that were TT based are still around 28 years after they were introduced and still getting new updates? Not as many as there are others that aren't.

D&D is the only one that I am aware of that's that old or older and it's not TT based.
40k Getting close
Shadowrun. Getting there.

They are a few.

again, I wouldn't really say that CBT's still 'around.' Many kids these days don't really know about, all they know is Mechwarrior the game if that. Longevity alone does not prove the quality of a game.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 09:08 PM, said:

So who is biased? I am biased in keeping the game as it is. It's proven to work for 22 years with the clans with minor tweaking. I have heard it all about the clans being OPed for decades. If it wasn't working, why hasn't it been tweaked? Ranges changed, minimums changed, that's right that old nemesis, BV comes roaring in and takes care of that. Player skill cannot be counted. Unless your tested daily the clan way to be in that game to play your mech. And I think I can safely say majority of players would not stand for that.

so...you're biased, you just admitted to being so. Also, gee, what's minor tweaking? oh right never mind, let us all ignore that.

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 09:08 PM, said:

Your biased in wanting the game to become IS based by adding minimums and such. Again, why? Due to every game that has 2 or more techs having choices that appeals to a wider demographic of players they tend to be more successful. You have to appeal to a wider demographic of players. Not everyone wants to play just IS or clan. But they want the choice. I run mechs that I run due to them working for me. I don't care for LRM boats, can run them, but just don't care for them. Same thing with assaults, I prefer mediums and heavies. For me, gives me the striking power I want with the mobility and armour that I desire.

I try to be objective actually, and what I've seen especially on this board is what has led me to this. Also, I like you're attempt to copy my point about games with two varied and balanced factions. I said that, earlier in this thread, but of course only what you write matters.

Edited by Aaron DeChavilier, 16 June 2012 - 10:04 PM.

#134 CanAm


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 10:04 PM

View PostGearBoxClock, on 16 June 2012 - 03:50 PM, said:

Why do people who play OP stuff always turn to fluff justification. It's FICTION. Fiction changes all the time.

There is such a thing as canonical fiction. To "change" that canon, you have to retcon. Retconning kills franchises.

You have no idea how the devs are going to balance the supposedly "OP" Clan gear. For all we know, Clan side will be at a 200 ton defecit when IS fields 8 mechs.

Let me restate from an earlier post-

View PostCanAm, on 15 June 2012 - 09:10 PM, said:

Didn't read the whole thread, but it's fairly obvious why the Clans have better gear- their whole society is crafted around their military. In the Inner Sphere, the military exists alongside society. Within the Clans, society exists to serve the military.

The Clans practice eugenics to breed better soldiers, are in a constant state of "culling the herd" through 'mech trials and combat games, and even keep their inter-Clan skirmishes to a minimum (most of the time) in order to serve the greater purpose of readying themselves to retake the Inner Sphere. They are always stingy and use force sparingly to ensure a combat-ready contingent always exists.

It only makes sense why the Clans have better military tech.

Also, it's not fluff when it makes the other faction INTERESTING. Fluff is little things that make X or Y faction the apparent bad guy. Canon is what establishes who, what, where, when, and WHY they are.

#135 Aaron DeChavilier


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 10:27 PM

View PostCanAm, on 16 June 2012 - 10:04 PM, said:

There is such a thing as canonical fiction. To "change" that canon, you have to retcon. Retconning kills franchises.

can you back that up with a few examples? that sounds rather broad.

View PostCanAm, on 16 June 2012 - 10:04 PM, said:

Also, it's not fluff when it makes the other faction INTERESTING. Fluff is little things that make X or Y faction the apparent bad guy. Canon is what establishes who, what, where, when, and WHY they are.

no, it is fluff/canon, both are in my experience interchangeable. What makes a fiction interesting is a healthy mix of gameplay and fluff. Clan fluff is neat, their gameplay however, is just IS tactics +1, that's not interesting thats munchkin tech, and clearly it worked because oh man are there tons of clan players. Never met a clan player yet that would play as a clan without the tech, and I can't really blame them ( I really don't, hence why I say the system needs to be changed)

#136 gamesguy


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 10:48 PM

View Postphelancracken, on 15 June 2012 - 08:22 PM, said:


did you fight in WW2? Seriously. If your going to say that the Shermans were that superior, why did the Germans blow them up at range?

The Germans didn't. Against the Americans German armor did better at close range than long range due to their poor target acquisition speed.


Why were our fighting men in that time placing sandbags and such to improve armour. In fact, why were our fighting men clamoring for better guns? Answer those questions if you can. In fact, if the Sherman was that superior, why did they even mount a 76 mm gun on it or the 17lb for the Brits? Your knowledge flies in the face of the facts. In fact, why did Eisenhower force the Army to send Pattons over to Europe? According to what your saying, the Patton was not needed.

Sandbags was an improvised attempt at spaced armor to reduce panzerfaust and panzershrek effectiveness, it had nothing to do with German tanks.

"Our fighting men" were "clamoring for better guns" because they were brand new green troops fresh off the boat fighting experienced German troops. Once the American tankers gained some experience and learned how to fight German tanks they slaughtered them as evidenced by the lorraine campaign(especially at Arracourt).

The Sherman had an enormous turret ring capable of accepting even a 90mm gun, so yes gun upgrades were useful, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a better tank to begin with, just that in war you need every advantage you can get.


Oh, have you ever played Navyfield? Same basic thing MMO where it's balance by BV. Yes, I have had that, part of the game. Deal with it. Been there, done that. Every game is different. Sides aren't chosen until the split. Then the host can only start the game. Yeah, it happens, and you just man up and play. So you want tech reduced in effectiveness just to balance something the game can't? Can we say impossible?

Navyfield is hilariously unfun for players in lower tier ships. When subs were introduced the battleship players whined up a storm because it finally allowed lower level player to do damage to high level ships.


Oh Gameguy,

I have played BV where not one person plays an army. Where you have routinely 6 to 10 players and chose different sides EVERY week, BV is proven. You have to work as a team. Even if your playing clan mechs, you take care of what your doing and trust in the teammates taking care of what's on their end. I have been playing the game since the clans came out. Try harder please. I did read your post. Got a chuckle out of it.

Name a single retail multiplayer video game where one side gets weapons 2x as powerful and more hp in exchange for having less players.

Edited by gamesguy, 16 June 2012 - 10:48 PM.

#137 gamesguy


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 11:00 PM

View Postphelancracken, on 15 June 2012 - 10:57 PM, said:

Ah, you screwed up big time. Now I have my German tank encyclopedia book. Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two revised edition

Authors Perter Chaamberlain and Hilary Doyle.

Page 89. PzIV A. That's right the first model. An auxilary engine was provided to drive a generator which provided power for the electric turret traverse. Want to keep going? Pg 95 PzIVF2 with the LONG L/43 7.5 cm gun. Introduced March 1942. Pg 99. PzIVJ, main chainge introduced with the Aust J was the elimination of the electric traverse and it's associated auxiliary engine. Introduced in June 1944. The PzIV was produced all through WW2 as a tank. It was the primary German tank after it got the long 7.5cm gun. PzIII wasn't due to not being able to be upgunned beyond the short 7.5cm or the long 5cm guns. It wasn't produced after 1943 in tank form. Stugs and recovery vehicles yep.

Oh noes, I was wrong on one variant of one tank. Are you going to bother addressing the rest of my post or just nitpick about that one line?


pg 158. Production of the T26E3s. aka, the M-26 Pershing, had begun in November 1944 and Ordinance Department wanted to ship them to Europe immediately in early December. However, within a week of this exchange, two German armies savagely hammered the US 1st Arm in the Ardennes offensive. "Among other things, this reverse spotlighted the inadequacies of the M4 medium with it's relatively light armoure and the 76mm gun." Guess that Sherman was really a super tank. Aka the Tommy cooker. Stated in the book the M4 had thin armour versus the germans. That tall profile was actually a drawback due to the US not having the engines to make our tanks shorter in the beginning of the war. I could keep going on and on. Sherman armour was maxed at 75 mm at the turret much thinner in the hull. Any long barreled 7.5cm gun of the Germans would penetrate said armour at 1500m. German tank encyclopedia mentioned above. This is fairly impressive range. If you hit. 76mm barely penetrates at 1000yds. 75mm forget it. 70mm at 500 yds. with the improved 75mm. BTW, 1500m equal 1,641.67 yards.

Your book is complete crap. The Ardennes offensive was a disaster for the Germans. They threw their cream of the crop units with as much supply as they could scrouge together against a couple of depleted infantry divisions doing rear guard duty and lost. The battle of the bulge is full of examples of absurdly outnumbered American armor and troops driving off far superior German forces, showing how easy the Germans have had it on the western front because they were on defense the majority of the time.

The Battle of the Bulge conclusively demonstrated the superiority of American tanks over German ones. During most of the battle the American tanks were extremely heavily outnumbered, yet still performed miracles such as attacking an entire panzer division with four M18s and destroying 30+ tigers and panthers while losing nothing. Or going head to head with German armor in street fights(where they had the greatest advantage) and still managing to at least pull even.

The American response to the Ardeness Offensive was an even bigger demonstration of Sherman superiority. The 2nd Armored Division drove 100 miles in less than a day to relieve the besieged American forces. Something no German panzer division could dream of attempting because they'd all break down due to mechanical failure long before arriving. It's hilarious how often mobility is ignored by German fanboys when discussing WW2 tanks.

View PostThorn Hallis, on 16 June 2012 - 02:34 AM, said:

You asked for technical superiority, not battlefield doctrine.

German weapons were only "technically superior" if you ignored all aspects other than the size of the gun and how thick the armor plating is. By your logic the A-10 is technically superior to the F-22 because it has a bigger gun and more armor.

And why in the **** are all the crappy German stuff is being ignored? Having 1 F-22 and 100 F-4s doesn't mean your airforce is superior to someone with 100 F-15s. Tigers were rare, the bulk of the German army used panzer III/IVs, Stugs, and marders. Heck during Barbarossa the German army was still using the Panzer I, which was basically a go cart with a machine gun bolted on top.

Edited by gamesguy, 16 June 2012 - 11:05 PM.

#138 phelancracken


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 11:12 PM


LOL! What weapon(s) do twice the damage? Hmmm, come on, show me. Don't make it up. I saw the mechlab for this game and the damage for heat, tonnage and crits followed TT. Show me and show me what mech(s) have only half the hit points? I know the TT weapons charts by heart.

I stand by what I said. The Germans slaughtered the American tanks. It was airpower that did in the German armour. Yes, airpower. If that wasn't true, which btw, by the Ardennes, most of our troops were NOT green after fighting since June 6th, 1944 on Omaha beach plus others. The Army General Command FORCED the Pershing, pardon, not patton tanks to the ETO. Tank command was following their current doctrine saying that tank destroyers hunted tanks. Not our tanks. So our "mighty" Shermans were being destroyed for 6 months while the Pershing tank was delayed by army politics.

As for Navyfield, you know how it's done on the split. It works, and honestly, torpedo bulges weren't doing much for the torp strikes. I was there when the subs were introduced.

As for retail multiplayer video game, hmmm, lets see, you haven't aswered my questions on where your getting this wild double damage and increased hit points, show me. Oh wait, I know something, this is a TT adaptation to a video game. This isn't counterstrike or anyother FPS. It's battletech. So Let's see. Not having played Star Wars online games, maybe them. I just can't quite get into them. Love the movies and the books, just not quite into the RPG of the genre. Which if you follow Star Wars at all, the Imperial Star Destroyer was about equal to 2 Mon Calimari Star Cruisers. MC-80s class. That's a TT fact of that game and guess what, nobody complains about that.

BTW, when your a clanner fighting 5 v 12, you need every edge you can get to survive. Even if the IS doesn't gang fire on one mech, over two to one odds is poor even if you have superior tech.

If you were playing the game back in 1990, you would have felt the full horror of the clans. They have been toned down by BV.

#139 gamesguy


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 11:12 PM

View PostCanAm, on 16 June 2012 - 10:04 PM, said:

There is such a thing as canonical fiction. To "change" that canon, you have to retcon. Retconning kills franchises.

You should tell that to Blizzard, who retcons at the drop of a hat. Last I checked the Warcraft and Starcraft series are still absurdly popular.


You have no idea how the devs are going to balance the supposedly "OP" Clan gear. For all we know, Clan side will be at a 200 ton defecit when IS fields 8 mechs.

This doesn't really work for multiplayer games, no one likes to be on the weaker side with more numbers. The devs will just change the stats of clan weapons. A little birdie told me that they've already tweaked stats of several weapons to make them more balaned.


Didn't read the whole thread, but it's fairly obvious why the Clans have better gear- their whole society is crafted around their military. In the Inner Sphere, the military exists alongside society. Within the Clans, society exists to serve the military.

The Clans practice eugenics to breed better soldiers, are in a constant state of "culling the herd" through 'mech trials and combat games, and even keep their inter-Clan skirmishes to a minimum (most of the time) in order to serve the greater purpose of readying themselves to retake the Inner Sphere. They are always stingy and use force sparingly to ensure a combat-ready contingent always exists.

It only makes sense why the Clans have better military tech.

By this logic North Korea should have the more powerful army in the world. ;)

#140 gamesguy


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 11:24 PM

View Postphelancracken, on 16 June 2012 - 11:12 PM, said:


LOL! What weapon(s) do twice the damage? Hmmm, come on, show me. Don't make it up. I saw the mechlab for this game and the damage for heat, tonnage and crits followed TT. Show me and show me what mech(s) have only half the hit points? I know the TT weapons charts by heart.

UACs do twice the damage of ACs. The only UAC IS has access to in this time period is the UAC-5.


I stand by what I said. The Germans slaughtered the American tanks. It was airpower that did in the German armour. Yes, airpower.

Where did the Germans "slaughter American tanks"?

If airpower was the reason, why did the Germans lose so badly at Arracourt, the second largest tank battle in WWII? The Americans had no air cover till the closing stages of that battle(when the Germans were already in full retreat).


If that wasn't true, which btw, by the Ardennes, most of our troops were NOT green after fighting since June 6th, 1944 on Omaha beach plus others. The Army General Command FORCED the Pershing, pardon, not patton tanks to the ETO. Tank command was following their current doctrine saying that tank destroyers hunted tanks. Not our tanks. So our "mighty" Shermans were being destroyed for 6 months while the Pershing tank was delayed by army politics.

Yes, and at Ardennes our tanks slaughtered German tanks. You do understand that the Germans attacked a couple of infantry divisions with very minimal armor support right? You do understand that for most of the battle the Germans heavily outnumbered the Americans, and yet still couldn't breakthrough. The legend of the 506th PIR was established there. You ever heard of the 705 TD battalion? They had a whole four M18 Hellcats yet they attacked an entire panzer division head on and won. They suffered no casaulties and destroyed 20+ tanks despite their paper thin armor that could be penetrated by a WW1 AT rifle.

Oh and when the American tanks did arrive in bulk(after driving nonstop for 100 miles which no German tank could attempt), they simply swept away the Germans.


As for Navyfield, you know how it's done on the split. It works, and honestly, torpedo bulges weren't doing much for the torp strikes. I was there when the subs were introduced.

No it doesn't. If you were in a non-japanese cruiser/DD you had a choice of either doing AA work or be worthless cannon fodder.


As for retail multiplayer video game, hmmm, lets see, you haven't aswered my questions on where your getting this wild double damage and increased hit points, show me. Oh wait, I know something, this is a TT adaptation to a video game. This isn't counterstrike or anyother FPS. It's battletech. So Let's see. Not having played Star Wars online games, maybe them. I just can't quite get into them. Love the movies and the books, just not quite into the RPG of the genre. Which if you follow Star Wars at all, the Imperial Star Destroyer was about equal to 2 Mon Calimari Star Cruisers. MC-80s class. That's a TT fact of that game and guess what, nobody complains about that.

What the **** are you rambling about? There is no multiplayer SW video game where you controlled star destroyers. The **** are you talking about?


BTW, when your a clanner fighting 5 v 12, you need every edge you can get to survive. Even if the IS doesn't gang fire on one mech, over two to one odds is poor even if you have superior tech.

If you were playing the game back in 1990, you would have felt the full horror of the clans. They have been toned down by BV.

Still waiting for you to name a retail MP video game where one side has to make up for weaker forces with superior numbers and each unit was controlled by a different player.

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 16 June 2012 - 10:27 PM, said:

can you back that up with a few examples? that sounds rather broad.

no, it is fluff/canon, both are in my experience interchangeable. What makes a fiction interesting is a healthy mix of gameplay and fluff. Clan fluff is neat, their gameplay however, is just IS tactics +1, that's not interesting thats munchkin tech, and clearly it worked because oh man are there tons of clan players. Never met a clan player yet that would play as a clan without the tech, and I can't really blame them ( I really don't, hence why I say the system needs to be changed)

Anyways I wouldn't worry too much about it. The devs have shown they are willing to put gameplay above fluff and have already altered the stats of several weapons, I expect them to do the same to clan tech.

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