Zeusus, on 17 August 2013 - 08:21 AM, said:
OK so you are dueling, and now I run in front of you to take a shot for my buddy... enjoy being penalized because I broke Zell as an IS pilot? You can't properly enforce this in a computer game as really that isn't your fault. According to Zell I should be standing in a corner somewhere taking a nap until it's my turn to fight you...
Also easy to abuse. Oh no you fired missiles at me, hit shutdown! Now you lost honour. I turn on alpha you and shut down, you can't shoot back for risk of losing more honour. Stupid way for me to fight yes... but someone will do it... just to watch you squirm. Especially if they feel like they are losing the fight.
One VERY important thing you have to think about for any idea... how can it be abused, as it will be. And while the second point I made is something you could in theory cover in the terms of service (hard thought to enforce), but the first one not so much... "It was an accident I swear! Didn't know he was there!"
Also what if the IS doesn't follow Zell? Most clans never followed it with the Inner Sphere for this reason, I think the Wolves were one of the few who generally did (mind they were wardens instead of crusaders...). Would the rewards then not fall back on the way we have it now, as it was not considered dishonourable to then shoot whomever happens to be in front of you.
The IS is exempt from Zellbrigen and only the Clans are required to adhere to it. In this time frame, all of the Clans adhered strictly to the tenets of Zell, even in the face of the IS breaking it. It wasn't until the Battle of Tukayyid that the Clans rethought their adherence to Zell. Tukayyid is a full 3 years from now, so enjoy being handicapped by the rules of Zell.
http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Zellbrigen and Total Warfare pages 273-275.
EDIT: Under the Honor Rules on page 273, all of the Clans are currently at Honor Level 1 from 3049 up till May 20, 3052. Honor Level 1 states that the Clan mechwarriors will adhere fully to Zellbrigen regardless of the actions of their enemy. Thus at the beginning of each match, a Clan mechwarrior must declare a target of their duel. They are free to choose multiple opponents as long as every Clan mechwarrior present has a target. Thus, a Clan mechwarrior can declare up to 3 targets in a 10 vs 12 drop or he/she can declare two targets with another Clan mechwarrior declaring 2 targets or all of the Clan mechwarriors can declare a single target while the remaining two IS pilots can sit out the duels or they can join forces to focus fire on a single Clan mechwarrior. If the IS side focus fires on multiple Clan mechs and violates Zellbrigen, the Clans will still fully adhere to Zellbrigen.
This is easily programmed in and the system can see who shot whom. If a Clanner violates Zellbrigen and damages another mech they would be penalized severely when it comes to rewards i.e. negative rewards. It doesn't matter what the intention was. The only thing that matters is if a Clanner damaged a mech that wasn't their called target.
To designate a target, the Clan mechwarrior must declare so and so as thier target by using a keypress that designates it. This keypress also automatically targets the opposing mech with the lock subject to current rules already in game. Switching targets that are not designated as such is a loss of Honor and results in penalty.
If a Clan mechwarrior willingly leaves weapons range they incur a loss of Honor and results in a penalty. Leaving weapons range will be any action that results in them losing a lock on their designated target like ducking behind a hill for cover. Moving away from their target is also considered to be leaving weapons range. Sniping isn't allowed either since that doesn't give their target a chance to prove their worthiness as a foe, so that also incurs a penalty. Clan mechwarriors are great brawlers and duelists, so all combat they do must be done within 200m or less from their target. If they move beyond 200m after already engaging a target they will incur a penalty.
Clan mechs cannot mount TAG, BAP, ECM, and other area effecting equipment and weapons.
Edited by James The Fox Dixon, 17 August 2013 - 09:01 AM.