So much entitlement, wow. "Why didn't they take ME into account and throw the party in MY town...wah"
Well, maybe because no matter where they throw it, lots of people are too far away. CA too far from Florida? Guess what, Florida is too far from CA. St Louis is too far from both. It's ONE event, how hard is it to comprehend that not everyone can make it? LOL I am at a loss to ANY other game designer or manufacture that has launched a game or anything in multiple locations at once. Sure, maybe a BIG developer with LOTS of employees and capitol base might do a US and Europe launch. But, they still can't win. Is it easier for a German to get to London for a UK launch than it is for an American in Iowa to get to Seattle?
Where's the anger and hate for the arrogance and planning of having E3 in a single location? Whey aren't there 100 E3s for every state and main continent?? WHY!?!?!?
Oh, reality.....yeah, reality sucks. Oh well.
Got my invite, I am 2 hours from SF, took TWO days off work cause if I am taking Thursday off I might as well take Friday and make it a weekend with purpose.
Should we get a confirmation email? I replied as instructed but haven't got a confirmation that it went through. LOL Hate to have it lost in a filter somewhere and miss out.