Heffay, on 17 September 2013 - 06:21 AM, said:
The silent majority is the 95% of the people who never even bother to come to the forums.
If the number of player accounts is 1,300,000 and the number of player accounts that have posted on the forum is 525,000, I'd call the silent majority more likely 60%. This is ignoring things like alt accounts for free slots and cadet bonuses as well ignoring any alt accounts for post-trolling, but it still provides a tangible number.
Also, the most players I've ever seen playing online (back when we had a counter) was around 4,000, and it could go as low as 1000. The forum has maxed at 5,000 and currently has a little over 1000. I'd be willing to bet the poster to player ratio isn't terribly far apart.
Edited by Frenchtoastman, 21 September 2013 - 06:55 AM.