There are some of us that have been fighting since the beginning. Long before open beta. There are some of us who voice our opinions and pre-empted what has occurred in the last 6 months. There are some of us who know exactly what this initiative is about. The ideas that are being put forward by #savemwo are clear and conscise. What we are improving on here is the METHOD in which we demonstrate the number of customers who are unhappy.with what is happening. We are demonstrating that yes, there may be x people playing the game at any given time - but there are 2x, 3x, 4x people that are upset, and upset enough that they are no longer playing the game due to not only the games faults, but the faults of the devs and publishers also. The only way to do this is to allow PGI/IGP to measure this themselves.
They may infact be growing in "registered members" but how many are still actually playing the game? In closed beta, we used to have a counter showing how many users were online at any given time - that has long gone - Given that we are struggling to find premade 12 mans even in prime us time - i dont think they really want us to know the population of their servers anymore....
If you do not understand WHAT we want changed... i understand your hesitance, but right now I do not have the time to spell it out to you. I am NOT trying to undermind ANYTHING saveMWO has in mind, i am trying to compliment their efforts.
It is you that do not understand what is being proposed, please do not talk down to me. I will revisit the OP this evening and clarify further.
You do not mention #savemwo in your original post. That is why the first reply by some one else is telling you about it. Since I am not a mind reader I had no way to knowing what you wanted. I assume from this reply that you are part of #savemwo or agree with its statements.
As for measuring the people that agree with you its really very simple. Start a thread. and have each of the "5000" people to reply to the thread saying they agree. Do not have them agree for an entire guild but each person has to sign into the forum and do it. The most replys to any thread on this part of the forum is 134. If there are really 5000+ people then you would have a thread with 5000 replies. That clearly would show power behind the movement. It is also easier than syncdropping 5000 people. And more likely to get all 5000 people to take part. And it does not mess up the game servers while I am trying to play as it can happen over many days. But in the end with comments by other people you would have a thread that is say 8000-10,000 replies long. And the developers can check IPs and forum account historys to get an idea if most or all of the people are real. If there are really 5000+ people on a thread it will get noticed.
I did not understand what you want changed because you neglected to mention anything about it in any way
As for save #savemwo its OK. It has good ideas, ok ideas and not so good ideas. And no idea about what the numbers are. When people are signing for 1000 people and 500 people probably not 100% of those people agree 100% with every point from #savemwo. On the other hand there are also other people not signed who do agree.
And the reason it sounded like I was talking down to you is because your original post sounded so very very pompous. And you are the one that did not reference #savemwo in your original post. Maybe assuming people new who you were or something not sure. But I do think your plan is pompous and will effect my game play. A lot of us are having fun. A lot of us are not demanding refunds. A lot of do not like every point made by #savemwo. A lot of us think many people on this forum complain to much. A lot of us think that some parts of the community will never be happy no matter what PGI does.
And really a lot of us think you and many other take this game WAYYY to seriously. Not that we do not like Mechwarrior. But in life this game means almost nothing. I mean really with all that is going on in the world just move on. Its just a stupid video game.
So more than happy for you to try and make the game better. And #savemwo does have some good ideas. Just maybe try and do it in a less pompous way
And I know this is crazy but have fun. You really can have fun playing the game right now. I know it sounds crazy but its true.
Edited by XX Sulla XX, 22 August 2013 - 09:59 PM.