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Und Update: 18/09/13

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#281 slide


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:12 AM

Ignore Mycrus, Wizz he is a known troll.

He is very good at getting a rise out of people and will even tell you so.

He was formerly of ARMD and quit before he got booted for his behaviour.

#282 RG Notch


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:17 AM

View PostMista Whizzard, on 11 September 2013 - 04:58 AM, said:

Please see post 272 for my reply to mycrus - and all of you, for that matter.


Wow, an "apology" worthy of PGI. You still sticking to your conspiracy theory since you're worried you don't have the numbers to make an impression so at least you can slander PGI if you fail so it's a no lose situation. Good way to get your movement written off as conspiracy lunacy. You've got unimpeachable anonymous sources or those you won't name that allegedly witnessed this scheme on a TS channel. Well that's good enough for me.... :)
No one was talking about this so kudos on getting it back in discussion with your conspiracy tale. Have you considered that you aren't getting the numbers because they don't exist? Nah, zealots never believe they can be wrong. I would suggest as the next scheme hint that PGI is looking to go after you for some type of DDOS thingee. I mean if you're going to make stuff up go big. :D

#283 Lord Ikka


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:30 AM

Whiz, while I don't really approve of the way uniteanddrop is going about things- I do believe you have every right to attempt it and wish you guys luck in getting the attention/changes you want. As I told you in my PM, this type of event is not one that I personally agree with but any of our unit is free to go ahead and drop with you guys.

I'm sorry you've been trolled and under stress- I understand the feeling and hope that you'll have some better times coming to you soon. Take some time off if you can and get some relaxation in- keep your ACs loaded and PPCs charged. Good Hunting!

-- Sho-ko Lord Ikka, Personnel NCO, 9th Sword of the Dragon

#284 RurouniJones


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:40 AM

View PostRG Notch, on 11 September 2013 - 05:17 AM, said:

You've got unimpeachable anonymous sources or those you won't name that allegedly witnessed this scheme on a TS channel. Well that's good enough for me.... :D

You expect the sources close to PGI who gave out this information to be named? That is not going happen. They have to be protected from any fallout.

Edited by RurouniJones, 11 September 2013 - 05:46 AM.

#285 RG Notch


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:47 AM

View PostRurouniJones, on 11 September 2013 - 05:40 AM, said:

You really expect the sources close to PGI who gave out this information to be named?....that is not going happen. They have to be protected from any fallout.

Or they don't exist, you decide. Me I'll believe these "sources" exist when they come forth, otherwise it's just like listening to PGI talk about a silent majority.
Hey I can do it too. I could just as easily say I have sources within unite and drop that have told me all types of sketchy things about the whole plan. I can't reveal them as they would face fallout. Trust me, my inside sources are valid. This is fun. See how easy it is to create a conspiracy. :D

#286 RurouniJones


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:53 AM

View PostRG Notch, on 11 September 2013 - 05:47 AM, said:

Or they don't exist, you decide. Me I'll believe these "sources" exist when they come forth, otherwise it's just like listening to PGI talk about a silent majority.
Hey I can do it too. I could just as easily say I have sources within unite and drop that have told me all types of sketchy things about the whole plan. I can't reveal them as they would face fallout. Trust me, my inside sources are valid. This is fun. See how easy it is to create a conspiracy. :D

Asking people to put their livelihoods on the line by publicly announcing themselves is asking for too much. However you are free to believe what you want. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

#287 RG Notch


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:57 AM

View PostRurouniJones, on 11 September 2013 - 05:53 AM, said:

Asking people to put their livelihoods on the line by publicly announcing themselves is asking for too much. However you are free to believe what you want. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Spreading slanderous rumors that could affect people's livelihood is going too far. If you can't source your rumor mongering don't rumor monger. Unless you goal is to spread slanderous rumors. I will believe what I have evidence of and you can believe what those who have inside sources they can't reveal say. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, mine just happens to be based on facts.

#288 RurouniJones


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 06:36 AM

View PostRG Notch, on 11 September 2013 - 05:57 AM, said:

Spreading slanderous rumors that could affect people's livelihood is going too far. If you can't source your rumor mongering don't rumor monger. Unless you goal is to spread slanderous rumors. I will believe what I have evidence of and you can believe what those who have inside sources they can't reveal say. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, mine just happens to be based on facts.

As I said, you are welcome to your opinion. It comes down to whether you believe UniteAndDrop lied or not. You have made up your mind and I am not going to dispute your right to have your opinion.

#289 Mycrus


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 06:42 AM

View PostMista Whizzard, on 11 September 2013 - 02:39 AM, said:

... The reason I ordered the timer to be frozen was purely based on a shift in my own beliefs. This was possibly not the best use of the information that I had been provided, and certainly not the best reaction I could have had to it. I did not think of anyone else other than myself. I was wrong and I apologise.

nice one Whiz! It takes a real man to admit mistakes and rise beyond it.

your explanation will go along way to helping the unite and drop cause.

View Postslide, on 11 September 2013 - 05:12 AM, said:

Ignore Mycrus, Wizz he is a known troll. He is very good at getting a rise out of people and will even tell you so. He was formerly of ARMD and quit before he got booted for his behaviour.

oh my Slide - i have never trolled anybody in ARMD (in public and on the mwo forums) and now you publicly call me out...

the gloves are off amigo and you will definitely learn the meaning of "do not feed the troll".

i'm actually very happy because you definitely started it :D

Posted Image

#290 Kobura


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 11:49 AM

View PostMycrus, on 11 September 2013 - 06:42 AM, said:

nice one Whiz! It takes a real man to admit mistakes and rise beyond it.

your explanation will go along way to helping the unite and drop cause.

oh my Slide - i have never trolled anybody in ARMD (in public and on the mwo forums) and now you publicly call me out...

the gloves are off amigo and you will definitely learn the meaning of "do not feed the troll".

i'm actually very happy because you definitely started it :)

Posted Image

This speaks for itself. The innocent let the evidence speak for itself. You don't have any evidence...

It's 150% tertiary to the point of this thread, but I assure you while neither slide nor I are perfect, anyone at odds with him has something to prove to me :*

You don't become a respected CO of a 500+person unit by being a tool, or a liar, or petty, and he has done that. Meanwhile, it might be anecdotal evidence, but your new unit tag points intentionally or not at a RPG system "FATAL" for Fantasy Adventure To Adult Lechery (ref: http://index.rpg.net...tml?mainid=3910)

Go on, certainly. And while I certainly appreciate the facial motif of the 1990s Joker, you could've done it without making me Open Image In New Tab and zoom out just to figure out wtf was going on...

So Whiz. Back on topic. I'm glad you steeled yourself and went on with everything. That's what's important, the result. No matter what came before, the event is on no matter the hearsay or prior action.

This isn't an expose about anyone's personal failures or stressors, it's just about Uniting and Dropping. Let's refocus on THAT. Merits and drawbacks of THAT. Whoever the organizer is shouldn't matter (anymore, now that it's all been re-initiated)

#291 Polojilarious


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 11:56 AM

Well, I somehow managed to miss finding this until just now, but it seems that everything is more or less on track despite some serious issues.

I am signed up and willing to play. I'll have to drag my butt out of bed at 7am to be on time, and I normally wake up sometime past noon, but I will set alarms and do my best to be there.

Thank you, Mista Whizzard, for taking the time to set all this up, and thank you for putting up with the trolls and detractors.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have several months worth of patches to install.

#292 King Arthur IV


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 02:26 PM


you assume too much.

#293 Mycrus


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 02:59 PM

View PostKobura, on 11 September 2013 - 11:49 AM, said:

You don't become a respected CO of a 500+person unit by being a tool, or a liar, or petty, and he has done that.

More like 250 and that is using PGI's fuzzy wuzzy logged in at least in the current month filter.

I know you "owe" a certain debt of gratitude to ARMD for use of the new home ts3 server by the sharks (your unit) but stay out of it bub... You know nothing of what went down and It is none of your beeswax..

EDIT: just to prove that you don't know jack... Nav is the CO of ARMD and Slide is the XO... Nav is an even bigger tool than Slide so I could understand why you are confusing the two... Btw, you should really know your landlords better...

Posted Image

Edited by Mycrus, 11 September 2013 - 03:20 PM.

#294 Felix Reynolds


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 03:39 PM

Gentlemen, if you could kindly leave the off-topic personal jousting aside in this thread, that'd be ace.

The counter is back on, and in just over two and a half days the drop will commence- I hope many of you join in, at the very least I'll be there. Then I will sit back, boot Rome 2 back up for now to laugh at some crazy bugs, and enjoy myself for a few days while this game officially "Launches", where we will *fingers crossed* hopefully finally get a lot of the info many of us have been waiting for (and have been told repeatedly for close on a year that we'd get it soon™) on CW and other fun stuff.

Here's hoping!

Edited by Felix Reynolds, 11 September 2013 - 03:40 PM.

#295 RG Notch


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 03:55 PM

So it's back on unless there are more rumors or conspiracies or what have you? And folks wonder why this didn't get a lot of support. Be sure to have on your tin foil hats to maximize the effect of the "mass" dropping!
BTW I got an e mail from an inside source that said PGI was going to move everyone's clock up a random amount just before drop to mess with this. It might have been a joke but a number of reliable people I can't name heard it. :)

#296 Felix Reynolds


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 04:32 PM

View PostRG Notch, on 11 September 2013 - 03:55 PM, said:

So it's back on unless there are more rumors or conspiracies or what have you? And folks wonder why this didn't get a lot of support. Be sure to have on your tin foil hats to maximize the effect of the "mass" dropping!
BTW I got an e mail from an inside source that said PGI was going to move everyone's clock up a random amount just before drop to mess with this. It might have been a joke but a number of reliable people I can't name heard it. :rolleyes:

Notch- I'm pretty sure everyone here knows what you think about this, how you feel about the people organizing and taking part in it, and honestly outside of trolling and/or trying to get a rise out of people, I'm not quite sure what you're still doing here. You're entitled to your opinion, your thoughts on people's 'sources', and what you think of the drop. You've already made clear you don't support Unite and Drop and think we're a bunch of tin foil hat nutters, and even if you were 100% accurate in that assessment, we're allowed to be.

Kudos to you, good sir. Congratulations. Now if you'd kindly cease the trolling, that'd be ace too. :)

#297 Stalephreak


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 04:49 PM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 10 September 2013 - 03:27 PM, said:

[color=cyan]C'mon man, really? Why on earth would I bring down the servers for the ENTIRE GAME to stop this? Seriously? Also there haven't been '300 refunds', come on.[/color]

You'll troll here, but can't be bothered to make an educated statement regarding 3pv or ghost heat and how they relate to common good design (ie. Ockham's razor rather than Rube Goldberg?). Well, I know for sure of about 20 refunds. Fortunately, most of my group wasn't dumb enough to purchase Phoenix anyway.

#298 slide


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 07:50 PM

Apologies Felix, you are quite correct this is not the time or place for petty squabbles.

Mycrus, another time, another thread if you please.

Edited by slide, 11 September 2013 - 07:50 PM.

#299 Kobura


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 10:16 PM

Last time I checked a Lt Cl was "a CO", "a commanding officer". ARMD uses Star League ranks, a LTCL qualifies as that.

Also to be fair Garth, I know a LARGE pile of people personally are STILL waiting for their Phoenix refund responses. 20-30 personally.

I doubt I know 10% of the MWO playerbase personally...so I don't think 300 is even remotely too high.

#300 Mycrus


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 11:06 PM

View PostKobura, on 11 September 2013 - 10:16 PM, said:

Last time I checked a Lt Cl was "a CO", "a commanding officer". ARMD uses Star League ranks, a LTCL qualifies as that.

You all live in the same teamspeak server, go ahead and ask Slide or better yet ask Nav who the CO is...

Since you are so interested about lore ask about "isola" and how that pertains to you..

Buddy give it a break, you have already been asked politely.

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