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L&d: Act Ii, Rainbow Rising Rp Ooc


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#1 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 21 August 2013 - 09:43 AM

Hiya Folks! It's me again, your Uncle Thom, your least favorite Capellan!! And I'm bring to you the following public statement; After some reflection and consideration, as well as weighing the pros and cons, I've settled on the thought of doing a soft Reboot to Life and Death: A MechWarrior's Tale. I'm doing this for several reasons, but these are the most important ones... The following work needs to be credited to Sparks Murphey (nice guy)

1) People interested in reading fanfic can jump in straight away rather than having to wade through 400+ posts of story and 1700+ posts of OOC discussion.

2) New players can join without reading the above. This can provide some more lifeblood to the story. Edit.

3) We can advance the timeline. Properly. Not this hour-by-hour stuff that has seen us progress 19 days of story in a year and a half, but some honest-to-god downtime and world progression. Wounds are healed, tactics coordinated, characters get to know one another, Rainbow's agenda advances, etc.

4) We solidify the backstory. We don't need to go searching through the story thread for stuff that possibly contradicts things, the synopsis we start the new chapter with becomes gospel and we build from there.

Here is the character sheet I'd like you to use: I use it for all my characters.
Call sign:
Date of Birth/Age:
Current Mech: (If Any)
House Affiliation: (If Any)
Military History: (How long you've been a MechWarrior for instance)
Physical Description:
Open Background: (This is the readily available stuff. The stuff most people could look up about your character. Things like place of birth, schooling, etc.)
Deep Background: (This is where you put the skeletons you don't mind the other players knowing about, but the CHARACTER'S should not know unless they found out during the game.)

Character Example:
Name: DeMarkus Frankfurt
Rank: Sao-wei
Call sign: Hangman
Battlemech: Customized Commando 'One Eye'
Mech of choice: Cataphract
House Affiliation: House Liao (what a surprise!) but ties are strained at best, he did follow Pavel Ridzik off to form the TFR
Date & Place of Birth: March 31st, 2990 New Shiloh, Warlock, Capellan Confederation (Now St. Ives Compact)
Current Residence: Rainbow Stables, team one dorm

Physical Description:
Tall and slim with wiry muscles. Has a jagged scar running down the left side of his face. And his left shoulder is a road map of scar tissue. Partially from injuries he sustained defending Tikonov and also the myomer implant surgery to replace the damaged shoulder muscle. Hazel eyes and reddish brown hair shot through with the occasional grey which he has been letting grow out since the war. He's still letting it hang loosely, but it's now growing long enough to tie up in a pony nub. Normally wears a jumpsuit, but still totes around a standard CCAF field issue fatigues. combat boots. and black leather gloves. Has finally started acquiring something resembling a wardrobe, but the clothes are very basic and next to not really mentioning.

Notable equipment:
Jumpsuit, coolant vest, neural helmet and plasteel boots which he has stashed away in his duffle bag. Has an ancient 'Mickey Mouse' analogue watch. (why not?) and a needler pistol and roughly 30K C-bills, otherwise the very basics..

Military History:
Former lance commander in Stapleton's Iron Hand. DeMarkus led the rear guard that allowed Pavel Ridzik to escape Tikonov during the failed defense during the Davion Invasion. Has a wife and son (hey look everybody it's Thom!) which he left behind on Warlock. Impassioned by Ridzik's charisma, he followed him off to form the TFR. (and shoot at his fave enemies, the Leaguers) This action tarnished his rep and cost him his commission in the CCAF. After Ridzik's assassination he stuck around for a couple of weeks, then became disgusted with himself for following Pavel's ambitions and becoming a Davion lackey. Fearing Maskinrova reprisals against him for his actions at the end of the war he didn't travel back to Warlock, but instead made way for Solaris. Getting work on a dropship as a tech heading to Solaris was easy and it even earned him some cash to boot.

Dark Secret: Unbeknown to him, he is the illegitimate son of Pavil Ridzik (Hey dude was a womanizer, and he was trying to whoo Candance back in the day...) Has nightmares about the fall of Tikonov. Also stole straight from Ardan Sortek's desk upon his departure from the Tikonov Free Republic.


Got to give a shout out to my long lost Co-GM, Gozer for writing all most of this.

Notes on character creation:
NO HEAVIES OR ASSAULT MECHS PLEASE! We are starting off with hard scrabble, down on the luck, in the deep dark recesses of the universe kind of people here. However, characters that been through ACT 1 now have access to Heavies.

No Age of War mechs either, unless you can write up a darn good reason why you have it.

No Clanners, their affiliates, lackeys or stooges. One Dragoon is way more than enough. Yes, I'm looking at you GW!!

Please give your character flaws. We don't need uber people (The clans aren't here yet) we want people who have failings and are interesting as characters. Note on personal opinion: Flaws and shortcomings are often more interesting that strongpoints or achievements.

The game is set in 3031 right after the 4th succession war. Our characters are starting off in Solaris so figure out how your character will be there on their own! This is key one character per player! "Extras" that come and go may be acceptable but don't expect to be calling in your own artillery division or aerospace fighter squadron.

So feel free to post your characters here. NO POSTING IN THE MAIN THREAD (the discussion thread is fine) until you are approved


What does that mean? Basically it means you can only post about what YOUR person says or does. Don't post reactions or responses from others unless you've worked it out with them here in the OCC thread or through PM's. Basically if your character can't cause it to happen don't post it.

This is god modding:

Bill Badarse walks into the bar and everyone turns to gape in awe at his greatness. He smiles, saunters up to the bar, and kisses Anastasia Allenwise hard on the lips and she starts to slap him, but sinks into the kiss with passion. As their lips part he smiles and yells the barkeep, "A round for everyone!" The bar cheers and gather around him thanking him for his greatness.

As you can see Bill took over any reactions or actions Anastasia might have had, let alone any other player characters that might also be in the bar. It is heavy handed and not very interactive.


Please post at least one paragraph and post whenever you can. If you're not going to be able to post for a foresee able length of time (relocating, school, work, flying monkeys, whatever) be sure to give me a heads up via PM or post it here.

It's pretty simple but if you don't have about four sentences worth of stuff to say/do/think don't post yet.

Leave the big things to us

Major story beats are going to come from the GM so please try to keep from jumping the gun and starting us on things we haven't set-up. :)

I know you guys want to find a hidden Star League era stash but that door could just as easily reveal pirates, grain, or be empty. So please don't give us major things (like a brand new Assault mech), I'm sure that running amok on the Game World will be giving you enough to play with don't worry. :)

All rules are subject to editing, rewording, deletion and addition. I'll be sure to pop a flare and let everyone know when changes occur! -_-

#2 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 21 August 2013 - 10:39 AM

The scene:
The setting is on Solaris 7 (The Game World) in June of 3031. The Owner/Operator (psychotic Loki Agent) of the newly founded Rainbow Stables, Countess Erin Hoffensdotter, has a hidden agenda. Her agenda's goal is to build up a champion that would inflame the passions of the fight fans on Solaris who's 'untimely' death will shatter the delicate peace that the whole Inner Sphere is enjoying. Her hopes and prayers are that the fight riots would urge the powers that be to declare war on one another and out of the maelstrom of war only one house emerges. House Steiner, minus the warmongering Davions.

She (Erin) has pumped vast amounts of cash into the stable, which is a four story building located in the International Zone along the Solaris River front. The building comes with 24 hour security (Lyran infantry) a full technical staff, administration personnel, living quarters for all techs and MechWarriors, a small cafeteria (who only GW eats at) closed circuit security, and following the latest assassination attempt the mechyard's roof is now covered with sheet metal awnings with ventilation fans.

Over the past month Erin has systematically weeded out all the flakes and wannabe warriors who's commitments to the stable were not up to her standards. She now is down to four mechjocks, (PC's) who've all been grouped together as 'team one.' These warriors consist of 'Firestorm' Bertie Walker, 'Mad' Jack Churchill, Dylan 'Big time bullet magnet' Wolf, and DeMarkus 'The Hangman of Tikonov' Frankfurt.

I'd at this time like to sent out invites to Nomad, Shep, and Spokes. You guys write great and would be honored to have you join us on here.

PS Nor Azman, Derek, and Gamma are always welcome to come join us.

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 21 August 2013 - 10:43 AM.

#3 RogueSpear


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Posted 22 August 2013 - 01:46 PM

Working on updating Jack's bio, just gotta factor in changes from the first chapter. Or do you want us to let you do that in the synopsis?

Edited by RogueSpear, 22 August 2013 - 01:54 PM.

#4 dal10


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Posted 22 August 2013 - 02:30 PM

i might apply now, might not. but i am kinda annoyed you invited people to a supposedly open rp. (it is not because you didn't invite me either, i know my writing sucks.)

#5 RogueSpear


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Posted 22 August 2013 - 03:52 PM

Act One was open. Act Two is less so. Entrance requirements will be much, much stricter. This is a story in progress, so we don't want flakers/inconsiderate writers showing up and ruining the gig.

Edited by RogueSpear, 22 August 2013 - 03:53 PM.

#6 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 22 August 2013 - 03:58 PM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 22 August 2013 - 10:17 AM, said:

He knew that Vulpes was gone for sure though. Nobody saw him leave or even know how he left, all that they knew was there one day the next him, his mech, and all his stuff was gone. But he did leave gifts for his dorm mates.

Of course, I have my own theories about what happened to Vulpes and his Clint...

View PostSparks Murphey, on 08 April 2013 - 12:08 AM, said:

Name: Sasha Bibikov


Following the Fourth Succession War, Sasha continued his training on Gei-Fu, but dropped out to take a brief tilt at the Solaris arenas. He returned to the Confederation with a Clint in mid-’32 to join the MAC’s rebuilding efforts. Sasha served as a skirmisher and striker in the 5th Regiment for two years, before heading out on his own for a spell.

#7 cmopatrick


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Posted 22 August 2013 - 09:36 PM

Just how open is it really and have ya got room for an old cranky guy (not TOG, but maybe a lot like him...).

If I should go ahead and create a character, what 'Mechs are already involved? I need to look back through my level one for 3030ish, but off the top of my head I would lean towards a Wolfie or Blackjack.

#8 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 01:23 AM

I'm pretty sure "Blackjack" may be a magic word around Thom. I know I'm keen...

#9 guardian wolf


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:42 PM

Will be bringing in and updating Dylan's profile soon, along with his IC reason for getting a Warhammer, which if you'd like me to do, will be also done first thing in post. All I'm gonna say is that we need to take the group gambling, and stay away from the table, as it's gonna be rigged.

On purpose, and the table will be occupied with friends of Dylan's, that no one else knows.

#10 guardian wolf


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 05:20 PM

Name: Dylan Wolf
Callsign: The Lone Wolf
Date of Birth/Age: 2980
Current Mech: A WHM - 6R that will be acquired as soon as Thom lets me, with current mech being a FLE - 15
House Affiliation: Wolf's Dragoons
Military History: Up to date, Dylan has only taken small contracts, usually against pirates, and other small time rabble. He just arrived from the Periphery, after his second assignment, left him with the two small boys, now called by the rest of the crew Draco, and Phiro. He had taken them in fulfulling the last wishes of the lone mech pilot that gave his life to help them on their last mission. Since then, he was transferred over to the 7th Kommando, and put on a special assignment along with many members of his old unit. Wanting to see how people of the Sphere interacted, especially when not on the battlefield with each other, and wanting to see how their warriors conducted themselves off the field, Dylan was put onto the assignment of finding a mech stable with a good mix of warriors, and that was relatively unknown so that his coming wouldn't set off too many red flags. And so, they found Rainbow stables and placed Dylan there with a Flea battlemech, putting his Warhammer into a nearby warehouse for storage under another man's name until the rest of the stable was going to move up into heavier chassis. The plan for Dylan to regain this was to be a meeting that would result in Dylan acquiring it through a gambling session, in which the game was to be rigged in Dylan's favor, and have people planted there to make sure the deal went across smoothly. However, since his joining the stable, Dylan has been plagued with attack after attack, making him seem to be "assassin prone" (trust me, unless Thom orders me to, will not happen), and causing him to either be sent to a hospital, or, just left with some nasty gashes. As such, Dylan has taken to carrying his laser pistol everywhere, and has trained with it a bit, become a little better than an average shot with it. He has also dusted off his old skills in hand to hand combat, and now keeps himself fit, and active as he is a bit on edge a suspicious of everyone, now that his new directive is to keep everyone in the stable alive, using whatever means necessary.
Physical Description: He is about 6'3" and built muscularly, and is extremely lean. He has a scar going across his right eye from an encounter with a Strana Mechty Wolf.
Open Background: Not much is known about Dylan, he has a perfect combat record against pirates, four kills and zero ejections. He is a broad thinker, and is extremely good on his feet, though he is only acquainted with small arms. He also doesn't trust people very easily at all. He is also as sociable as some of his men. His recent run in with Rainbow has earned him the ire of Von Bremen, and has most thinking he's either very unlucky, or just horrible at knowing when to **** of a bad situation.
Deep Background: Dylan is now going to be very protective of the rest of the members of the stable, and is still receiving updates on Draco's training, which from what he's heard, is progressing well. He is also on the lookout for kids that show traits that he's looking for to start a unit up with the Dragoons, the 1st Hell Jumpers battalion, which is to be a combined arms unit where everyone will be trained as infantry first, and their other specializations second. As such, he will seem to be studying people almost to the point of stalking them if an interesting candidate arrives. He is getting used to the city now, and doesn't get lost near as often, but will definitely lose his sense of direction if they get him far enough away from the parts he's used to.

How's that?

#11 guardian wolf


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 05:23 PM

Man I tell you, I'm really feeling the love with this Dragoon thing.... maybe I should drop Dylan and bring in Shade.

Edited by guardian wolf, 23 August 2013 - 05:24 PM.

#12 RogueSpear


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 05:41 PM


Also, word of warning. If you bring the group gambling, Jack is gambling. That just happens - it doesn't make sense for him not to. As soon as he realizes the game is rigged, he'll either rig it back (If he can win) or call them on it. Because subtlety is one of those things other people do.
If he realizes that Dylan knows the folk and this is all putting on a show, he might let it slide...but he'll be bringing it up later.

#13 guardian wolf


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 06:02 PM

Oh the table will be full, so Jack can watch, and it will only become rigged to Dylan's favor once Dylan confirms he's the contact they are supposed to be *cough* losing *cough* the Warhammer to. I do not advise Jack trying to get into that game, as he might be asked to leave, or wait until the next round to buy in.

#14 guardian wolf


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 06:11 PM

And take what back? Dropping Dylan, and bringing in Shade? Oh I think I'm starting to like that idea. Meh, maybe another time.

#15 RogueSpear


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 06:21 PM

Most casinos don't tend to ever ask someone not to play unless they've been there for a while and there's a queue or they're winning too much.

#16 cmopatrick


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 10:06 PM

(character removed per Thom)

Edited by cmopatrick, 29 August 2013 - 07:27 PM.

#17 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 24 August 2013 - 12:14 AM

View Postguardian wolf, on 23 August 2013 - 04:42 PM, said:

Will be bringing in and updating Dylan's profile soon, along with his IC reason for getting a Warhammer, which if you'd like me to do, will be also done first thing in post. All I'm gonna say is that we need to take the group gambling, and stay away from the table, as it's gonna be rigged.

On purpose, and the table will be occupied with friends of Dylan's, that no one else knows.

Note: I wrote all this down before reading all the post that you guys did today.

How about we don't do that? (rigged gambling)I don't want to get bogged down and bang my head against the computer desk anymore than I already do. I know I had Kay place some bets in my posts, but those was long shot odds and I had lots of IC work leading up to it. I'll most likely not do it again. Oh and incase you're interested, DeMarkus still owes big $ (400Kish) on that Commando and he has roughly the same amount of money that he did when he first started play.

As for the Whammy... you know that there may be some explaining that Dylan may have to do because he's gonna raise a lot of eyebrows when he pulls that thing out of his behind. Von Bremen: "Dylan, if you had a Warhammer all this time, why were you using that Flea? That just doesn't make any sence." To which you can (I know I would) say "Funk you because I can, that's why!"

View Postdal10, on 22 August 2013 - 02:30 PM, said:

i might apply now, might not. but i am kinda annoyed you invited people to a supposedly open rp. (it is not because you didn't invite me either, i know my writing sucks.)

They got invites because we're all friends on skype and sullbhrimp all the time on there. That, and how do I put this nicely? Hmmm... I don't. Oh-uh here starts the drama!

I don't question your writing ability, I've seen you write some pretty nifty stuff. What I question is your ability to play nicely with others and not over complicate things. Example: Not being willing to translate your dialogue in Midale where your character was speaking non English(Japanese?) to NPCs. You should have put a translation to the side for clarification out of consideration for the other PCs, especially after there were other people mentioning having problems with being able to look up translations because they only has internet access via phones or whatever the reason was. But in the end I guess I'm to blame because you asked about doing a post like that and I (in my half asleep excitement that someone was posting on there) said it was fine.

Don't get me wrong, Dal, You're an alright guy. You just have the ability to rub people the wrong way sometimes.

Nice bio Pat! With some Blackjack love, I love it! But before we get too excited about things. I do have some questions/concerns.

1. The hand loaded rounds for your shotty are made out of the DU shards from <em><strong>armor plate</em></strong> As far as I know, there's no depleted uranium armor plate, but there are depleted uranium auto cannon rounds, you meant those? The shotty itself (I'm thinking you like big guns.) is fine, and may fit with difficulty in the storage locker behind your command couch. But you may not have room for other survival supplies if you pack it in there.

2. C-bills are fine, gemstones though? *looks in the mirror* I'm not a gnome or dwarf so I'm not sure what they'd be worth, especially those sized carats in 3031. Now if you would include something in your bio about procuring them <em>with details</em> and their worth I'd be more willing to let them in. Like what I've said a few times before, 'If you're creative enough, and believable enough with enough (that's a lot of enoughs) I'd let you get away with murder. Just ask Rogue.

3. Kell Hounds on Styx. I'm not absolutely positive, but I do believe that there was something like only 13 hounds on Styx when Patrick fought Yorinaga, and I think all their names were listed in book one of the warrior trilogy. Where the Silver Eagle Incident occurs and most of them die. I <em><strong>REALLY</em></strong> want to say yes to this, and I think I shouldn't... but will.

But if I (or anyone else) comes up with the actual list of Hounds that were present there would you be willing to change names?


View PostSparks Murphey, on 23 August 2013 - 01:23 AM, said:

I'm pretty sure "Blackjack" may be a magic word around Thom. I know I'm keen...

I have more kills with that mech than any other... well cept for stuff with clan tech on it. BJ's rule, just ask anyone! Though I did take out four mechs in one match with a Vindicator this one time...

5. And finally, Patrick, it seems that sometimes you have difficulty taking criticism to your character. Now don't take this the wrong way, you're characters are always good, I'm just pointing that out and I hope that you don't take anything to heart.

So let me know what you think and get back to me whenever.

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 24 August 2013 - 12:44 AM.

#18 cmopatrick


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Posted 24 August 2013 - 05:43 AM


View PostThom Frankfurt, on 24 August 2013 - 12:14 AM, said:

Nice bio Pat! With some Blackjack love, I love it! But before we get too excited about things. I do have some questions/concerns.

1. The hand loaded rounds for your shotty are made out of the DU shards from <em><strong>armor plate</em></strong> As far as I know, there's no depleted uranium armor plate, but there are depleted uranium auto cannon rounds, you meant those? The shotty itself (I'm thinking you like big guns.) is fine, and may fit with difficulty in the storage locker behind your command couch. But you may not have room for other survival supplies if you pack it in there.

2. C-bills are fine, gemstones though? *looks in the mirror* I'm not a gnome or dwarf so I'm not sure what they'd be worth, especially those sized carats in 3031. Now if you would include something in your bio about procuring them <em>with details</em> and their worth I'd be more willing to let them in. Like what I've said a few times before, 'If you're creative enough, and believable enough with enough (that's a lot of enoughs) I'd let you get away with murder. Just ask Rogue.

3. Kell Hounds on Styx. I'm not absolutely positive, but I do believe that there was something like only 13 hounds on Styx when Patrick fought Yorinaga, and I think all their names were listed in book one of the warrior trilogy. Where the Silver Eagle Incident occurs and most of them die. I <em><strong>REALLY</em></strong> want to say yes to this, and I think I shouldn't... but will.

But if I (or anyone else) comes up with the actual list of Hounds that were present there would you be willing to change names?


5. And finally, Patrick, it seems that sometimes you have difficulty taking criticism to your character. Now don't take this the wrong way, you're characters are always good, I'm just pointing that out and I hope that you don't take anything to heart.

Ok, in order:

1. Dropped. While it is common on our battlefields and will probably be for many years to come, you are quite correct that dU in heavy armor plate does not appear in CBT. Rather than explain how Dusty got hold of an old M1A1 armor plate or how he got the dU out of said steel encased plates, I just dropped it.

2. Also dropped. Again, it was simply one of those odd touches that if it causes problems, I'm not invested in enough to fight for it.

3. Sure, I couldn't find a list of those pilots, nor anything that confirmed how many actually died (as opposed to just their 'Mechs). So again, I'm not sold on "Dustin Mallard" as long as the call-sign "Dusty" is Ok. In fact, he could have changed his name after leaving the Hounds just to distance himself from the events; I actually like that idea and could just retcon the original name into the bio if you find one. Well, instead, I've just changed the bio to something that isn't directly linked to BT canon.

5. HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!!! (sniff, sniff, pout :P ). I actually understand, so you make the call. I'm fine with sitting this one out if that fits your dynamics better.

(edit: spelling)
(second edit: changed #3)

Edited by cmopatrick, 24 August 2013 - 12:47 PM.

#19 G is for Gamma


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Posted 24 August 2013 - 11:50 AM

Name: Arron Harold Baxa
Callsign: Roman
Date of Birth: 1st January, 3009.
Current Mech: Broken Hermes II (The Frumentarii)
House Affiliation: O'reilly
Physical Description: 5'9, 174 Lbs. Hazel eyes, Chestnut hair.

Notable equipment: Arron Harold Baxa doesn't own much aside from his mech, however sense gaining the “Roman” nickname from Bad Fight Magazine he has paid to have a plume of crimsion dyed horse hair attached to his neuro helmet.

Past History: The son of a patrictian (noble) house of the Marion Hegemony, Arron wanted for nothing as a child. As a member of the elite social class of the bandit kingdom Arron's education was provided for by the best tutors his father could buy, blackmail, or enslave. Though groomed to assume his father's seat in the Marion Senate, Arron's fascination with Battlemechs led him to follow in his fathers footsteps, joining one of the many “Legions” that raided nearby worlds for plunder and slaves.

Piloting a salvaged Hermes II gifted to him by his father Arron performed well as a raider, using the speed of his Hermes II to lead a heavy lance of Cannopian Highlanders into an ambush during a slave raid on Vixen, and acting as part of a rear guard during a “smash and grab” against House Mairk at Lahti.

Unfortunately for the young marauder soon found him self in exile after his father was accused of conspiring against the throne. His home and title seized Baxa made his way to the gladiator world in hopes of amassing enough wealth to reclaim his birthright.

Solaris VII was unkind to the outcast patrician, who quickly learned of the negative bias and hate the periphery received from the gladiator stables. Unable to afford even rudimentary housing for both himself and his mech Arron began to live out of his rented mech bay. Falling into a rut the young man learned that the only way to “get a break” was to make the break yourself. Returning to the byzantine politics he was taught as a youth Baxa murdered another warrior and took his place in televised match in the dreaded Scrap Yard arena of the Solaris Reach.

During the time skip:

After his initial victory in the Scrap Yard, Baxa's star began to rise as “underground” press began to cover the newly christened “Ruthless Roman”. In his second, and only other match to date, Baxa killed his opponent when his auto cannon rounds tore through the opposing Phoenix Hawk's cockpit.. Though the Solaris Gaming Commission found in Baxa favor during the investigation into the death. The damage dealt to his Hermes II may cause the young warrior to lose all that he has gained.

Deep: Proud of his status as a Patrician, despite his “temporary” exile, Arron Baxa has had a diffucult time adjusting to the Solaris VII and his new social rank. Though the original loathing he received due to his back ground has been replaced with a grudging respect for his recent accomplishments his ties to the Marion Hegemony and the critical condition of his Battlemech have prevented Baxa from receiving an invitation to any of the major or minor stables. On a world were only one can reign as champion, Arron has quickly found that a predator with out a pack will starve.

Edited by Gammadin, 24 August 2013 - 11:56 AM.

#20 dal10


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Posted 24 August 2013 - 06:00 PM

I don't question your writing ability, I've seen you write some pretty nifty stuff. What I question is your ability to play nicely with others and not over complicate things. Example: Not being willing to translate your dialogue in Midale where your character was speaking non English(Japanese?) to NPCs. You should have put a translation to the side for clarification out of consideration for the other PCs, especially after there were other people mentioning having problems with being able to look up translations because they only has internet access via phones or whatever the reason was. But in the end I guess I'm to blame because you asked about doing a post like that and I (in my half asleep excitement that someone was posting on there) said it was fine.

Don't get me wrong, Dal, You're an alright guy. You just have the ability to rub people the wrong way sometimes.

that sounds about right.

also, i get annoyed over the randomest {Scrap} ever. don't take it personally.

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