note i am reusing parts of my previous bio. mainly the name and callsign. i like them.
bio- take 2.
Name: Takeo Smith
Call sign: Taki
Date of Birth/Age: September 3004 - 27 years old.
Current Mech: Stock Enforcer ENF-4R
House Affiliation: House Davion - Capellan March - New Syrtis (tis important to specify where he is from.)
Military History: 3022-3024 The Warrior's Hall Military Academy
3024-3026 corporal 5th Syrtis Fusiliers
3026-3029 Leftenant 5th Syrtis Fusiliers
3029-3031 Leftenant 6th Syrtis Fusiliers
3031 Discharged with full pension (you know how some places will offer a severance package that sometimes includes a pension to get you out early? one of those)
Physical Description: 5;8" Stocky, about 170 pounds. fit, but not extremely muscular. (high metabolism.) shoulder length dark red hair. (you know that fake ultra dark red hair people sometimes have (natasha kerensky,) that but natural.)
Open Background: Takeo was born on a moderate sized farming operation near the a major city on new syrtis. (yes i know it is an ice world, still gotta be some farming though importing a planet sized amount of food would be hard.) Youngest of 3 sons (he also has a sister who is 4 years younger than him. i plan to have letters home), he grew up knowing that he would not inherit the family business. At the age of 17 he enlisted as a mechwarrior in the warrior's school, a war academy on New Syrtis. he would graduate in the middle of his class, earning above average mech skills, but below average everything not physical. (aka science and stuff like that that every collegey thing teaches). After graduating he landed a slot in the 5th Syrtis Fusiliers. During operation galahad, Takeo showed leadership potential after his lance commander slipped off a cliff during an exercise. leading the remaining 3 mechs, Takeo still managed to complete the objective with minimal additional damage. (simulated fire but still.) After the exercises he was promoted to the rank of Leftenant in the 5th. He was part of the unit dropped on Sarna during the 4th succession war. Though the Fusiliers were virtually wiped during the campaign, Takeo's company remained the solely combat effective unit from the entire RCT, with 10 out of the original 12 mechs remaining. Their company held off a Mac battalion so the remaining battalion of mechs still functioning could bull back and regroup. though 7 of the 10 mechs were destroyed in the process, they successfully delayed the enemy and retreated. For his actions, including the downing of 5 enemy mechs. (enforcer's hurt yo) He was awarded the Silver Sunburst (lowest of the sunburst medals but still a significant medal)
After the sarna debacle was finished, Takeo was transferred from the wrecked 5th Fusiliers to 6th Fusiliers. There he remained until about a year after the death of Micheal Hasek-Davion. During this time, a large number of officers in the rct were purged to try and increase loyalty to the main royal line (didn't work). Eventually it worked down the chain. Instead of firing him like a lot of other officers, mainly due to the fact firing a sunburst medal recipient would look bad, they offered to buy out the rest of his service term and leave him with an honorable discharge and a full pension. Takeo accepted, as the other options were bad. Unwilling to return to the farming life, Takeo used a good chunk of his pension, and all the money he had invested over the years to rent passage to Solaris, the game world, as well as buy his old beat up enforcer to bring for the ride. (if it is old enough they would probably sell for cheaper to help fund new purchases. not to mention this way they hopefully kept these mechs from going to more hasek loyalists.(poor logic but i got nothing better).
Deep Background: Takeo was in a relationship with his commanding officer. She applied for a transfer but was denied until after the games. He blames himself for her death. He warned her about the rocks not being strong enough for mech travel. Her mech fell through a weak section and landed on its cockpit. he tried to save her but was stopped by his lance mates. He has nightmares to this day, but not as often as in days past.
whatcha guys think. this is the best i got at normal.
edit: i changed the years slightly to address discrepancies in the timeline. aka galahad.
Edited by dal10, 05 September 2013 - 08:32 PM.