1) People interested in reading fanfic can jump in straight away rather than having to wade through 400+ posts of story and 1700+ posts of OOC discussion.
2) New players can join without reading the above. This can provide some more lifeblood to the story. Edit.
3) We can advance the timeline. Properly. Not this hour-by-hour stuff that has seen us progress 19 days of story in a year and a half, but some honest-to-god downtime and world progression. Wounds are healed, tactics coordinated, characters get to know one another, Rainbow's agenda advances, etc.
4) We solidify the backstory. We don't need to go searching through the story thread for stuff that possibly contradicts things, the synopsis we start the new chapter with becomes gospel and we build from there.
Here is the character sheet I'd like you to use: I use it for all my characters.
Call sign:
Date of Birth/Age:
Current Mech: (If Any)
House Affiliation: (If Any)
Military History: (How long you've been a MechWarrior for instance)
Physical Description:
Open Background: (This is the readily available stuff. The stuff most people could look up about your character. Things like place of birth, schooling, etc.)
Deep Background: (This is where you put the skeletons you don't mind the other players knowing about, but the CHARACTER'S should not know unless they found out during the game.)
Character Example:
Name: DeMarkus Frankfurt
Rank: Sao-wei
Call sign: Hangman
Battlemech: Customized Commando 'One Eye'
Mech of choice: Cataphract
House Affiliation: House Liao (what a surprise!) but ties are strained at best, he did follow Pavel Ridzik off to form the TFR
Date & Place of Birth: March 31st, 2990 New Shiloh, Warlock, Capellan Confederation (Now St. Ives Compact)
Current Residence: Rainbow Stables, team one dorm
Physical Description:
Tall and slim with wiry muscles. Has a jagged scar running down the left side of his face. And his left shoulder is a road map of scar tissue. Partially from injuries he sustained defending Tikonov and also the myomer implant surgery to replace the damaged shoulder muscle. Hazel eyes and reddish brown hair shot through with the occasional grey which he has been letting grow out since the war. He's still letting it hang loosely, but it's now growing long enough to tie up in a pony nub. Normally wears a jumpsuit, but still totes around a standard CCAF field issue fatigues. combat boots. and black leather gloves. Has finally started acquiring something resembling a wardrobe, but the clothes are very basic and next to not really mentioning.
Notable equipment:
Jumpsuit, coolant vest, neural helmet and plasteel boots which he has stashed away in his duffle bag. Has an ancient 'Mickey Mouse' analogue watch. (why not?) and a needler pistol and roughly 30K C-bills, otherwise the very basics..
Military History:
Former lance commander in Stapleton's Iron Hand. DeMarkus led the rear guard that allowed Pavel Ridzik to escape Tikonov during the failed defense during the Davion Invasion. Has a wife and son (hey look everybody it's Thom!) which he left behind on Warlock. Impassioned by Ridzik's charisma, he followed him off to form the TFR. (and shoot at his fave enemies, the Leaguers) This action tarnished his rep and cost him his commission in the CCAF. After Ridzik's assassination he stuck around for a couple of weeks, then became disgusted with himself for following Pavel's ambitions and becoming a Davion lackey. Fearing Maskinrova reprisals against him for his actions at the end of the war he didn't travel back to Warlock, but instead made way for Solaris. Getting work on a dropship as a tech heading to Solaris was easy and it even earned him some cash to boot.
Dark Secret: Unbeknown to him, he is the illegitimate son of Pavil Ridzik (Hey dude was a womanizer, and he was trying to whoo Candance back in the day...) Has nightmares about the fall of Tikonov. Also stole straight from Ardan Sortek's desk upon his departure from the Tikonov Free Republic.
Got to give a shout out to my long lost Co-GM, Gozer for writing
Notes on character creation:
NO HEAVIES OR ASSAULT MECHS PLEASE! We are starting off with hard scrabble, down on the luck, in the deep dark recesses of the universe kind of people here. However, characters that been through ACT 1 now have access to Heavies.
No Age of War mechs either, unless you can write up a darn good reason why you have it.
No Clanners, their affiliates, lackeys or stooges. One Dragoon is way more than enough. Yes, I'm looking at you GW!!
Please give your character flaws. We don't need uber people (The clans aren't here yet) we want people who have failings and are interesting as characters. Note on personal opinion: Flaws and shortcomings are often more interesting that strongpoints or achievements.
The game is set in 3031 right after the 4th succession war. Our characters are starting off in Solaris so figure out how your character will be there on their own! This is key one character per player! "Extras" that come and go may be acceptable but don't expect to be calling in your own artillery division or aerospace fighter squadron.
So feel free to post your characters here. NO POSTING IN THE MAIN THREAD (the discussion thread is fine) until you are approved
What does that mean? Basically it means you can only post about what YOUR person says or does. Don't post reactions or responses from others unless you've worked it out with them here in the OCC thread or through PM's. Basically if your character can't cause it to happen don't post it.
This is god modding:
Bill Badarse walks into the bar and everyone turns to gape in awe at his greatness. He smiles, saunters up to the bar, and kisses Anastasia Allenwise hard on the lips and she starts to slap him, but sinks into the kiss with passion. As their lips part he smiles and yells the barkeep, "A round for everyone!" The bar cheers and gather around him thanking him for his greatness.
As you can see Bill took over any reactions or actions Anastasia might have had, let alone any other player characters that might also be in the bar. It is heavy handed and not very interactive.
Please post at least one paragraph and post whenever you can. If you're not going to be able to post for a foresee able length of time (relocating, school, work, flying monkeys, whatever) be sure to give me a heads up via PM or post it here.
It's pretty simple but if you don't have about four sentences worth of stuff to say/do/think don't post yet.
Leave the big things to us
Major story beats are going to come from the GM so please try to keep from jumping the gun and starting us on things we haven't set-up.
I know you guys want to find a hidden Star League era stash but that door could just as easily reveal pirates, grain, or be empty. So please don't give us major things (like a brand new Assault mech), I'm sure that running amok on the Game World will be giving you enough to play with don't worry.
All rules are subject to editing, rewording, deletion and addition. I'll be sure to pop a flare and let everyone know when changes occur!