guardian wolf, on 04 September 2013 - 06:45 PM, said:
I'm sorry Wolf, but you're dead wrong here. By 3031 the Dragoons have served with distinction in each of the five Great Houses, earning a reputation as one of if not the premier mercenary unit in the Inner Sphere. The Draconis Combine was the last House to take the Dragoons into their employ, and the Combine liked them so much that they decided first to try and force the Dragoons to remain in their service indefinitely, and when that didn't work the Combine waged a military campaign with the goal of wiping the Dragoons out.
The Dragoons won.
Victorious but badly beaten, the Dragoons left the Combine for the Federated Suns. Jaime Wolf traveled to Terra and badly embarrassed the Coordinator in a verbal confrontation just prior to the wedding ceremony between Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner.
It should be noted that there is a conversation between Jaime Wolf and Morgan Kell at that event, where Kell basically says the Dragoons have an extremely formidable reputation and that he would never want to see the Hounds have to fight them.
At the outbreak of the Fourth Succession War, Hanse Davion employed the Dragoons along the Draconis March border and essentially used them to bait Takashi Kurita into trying to crush the Dragoons when he could have been invading Federated Suns worlds that had been stripped of troops in order to feed the Capellan campaign. The Combine went after the Dragoons big time.
The Dragoons won.
Having learned from Takashi's mistake and knowing he could never prevent the Dragoons from eventually offering their services to another House, Hanse awarded the newly captured Outreach to the Dragoons immediately following the Fourth Succession War.
So by 3031, the Dragoons have established themselves as a veritable force of nature, and have started turning Outreach into the mercenary powerhouse it will eventually become.