Never thought PGI could personally {redacted} me off until now.
They OBVIOUSLY think stats are going to give them
every answer in the
world, and represent EVERY demographic on top of real-time gameplay. They talk a LOT about demographics, which basically tells me that all forum users are in the "we don't give a {redacted} about them, they make up for less than a quarter of the player base" hardcore demographic.
They are barely listening to us, are VERY obviously talking about "new players registering and playing this month" to avoid the topic of many older users leaving the game, having their Project Pheonix packages refunded, etc.
I know at least 3 people that have refunded, 2 of which aren't going to touch the game after Nov. (Star Citizen launch). It's not like Star Citizen is causing them to refund, either, they have enough money for both games. They just think it's a waste of money on a doomed franchise. So don't think it's a small section of the playerbase that's leaving the game/refunding, odds are that if since met 3 people that are refunding thier Pheonix orders, at least 5% of PP purchasers...purchase-ees...are getting refunds [taking into account the fact that I've met at least 50+ people on TS3 recently that aren't, which are for the most part hardcore believers and therefore wouldn't refund...trying to equate for this, about 5% sounds like an OK number]. Ofc, yes, made up statistic, but the point here is that a lot of money is coming away from the game and towards other games/things, simply because PGI doesn't listen. Oh, 3PV brought new players to the game? How is that? Anyone with half a brain will play the game for an hour or 2 max in 3PV, then turn it off forever, realizing how much of a handicap is. If they don't ragequit by that point, which most casual players probably will, odds are. Not to mention that they can't really advertise 3PV in any way. I mean, they could add "NOW WITH EASIER LEARNING CURVE" to thier banner ads or something, but otherwise...
This game is slowing going down the toilet, and if this game takes one more step toward the c4sua7 C4ll of D4ty door, I'm going to quit playing. 200 bucks wasted, sure, but I've wasted more on lamer BS.
Besides, I mean, they are only
destroying arguably one of the best mech combat games of all time. Who cares? It's a stupid, old generation of gamers that play them anyways. Let them whine and cry, while we make millions on an ignorant generation of twitch-shooter kids that have little to no skill! And money! That'll work, right? The people that play this game a couple hours a month will think this game is worth their cold, hard cash....right??
Edited by Pezzer, 28 August 2013 - 01:24 PM.