Colonel Pada Vinson, on 02 September 2013 - 10:05 AM, said:
I had a feeling you'd all keep trying to troll with this idiocy.
No one searches for "mwomercs" when searching for "mechwarrior online" and the term "mechwarrior online" INCLUDES "mechwarrior"
I understand you are trying to create the idea this game is "Dead", for whatever reason.
So, let's dig a little deeper into "real" results by using alexa.

From this alexa chart we can clearly see that World of tanks is very popular - no surprise given our google results. We can also see that the website receives more traffic than star citizen does.
Let's again bear in mind here - mwomercs is not a term people search for when searching for mechwarrior - they search for "mechwarrior" or mechwarrior online". since mechwarrior online is an INCLUSIVE search term, the term "mechwarrior equally applies. In the case of "world of tanks" world of is NOT an inclusive search therm, which again, skews results.
In any event, the point remains that you guys are still trolling and trying to skew results to create some bizarre idea that this game or website is "Dead" and you are showing us results that are not sensical - either because you fail to understand how Search works, or you don't want to.
Kudos for bucking up to that panada, while i dont agree with you i know you had to go above and beyond to get those results.