This might end up being my longest post...but then again I typically like to keep it short.
I want to start off by saying thank you Bryan for making an effort to accommodate everyone who is interested in the game. I know it is impossible to make everyone happy, but an honest effort to hear people out is always welcome. I do however have a few concerns I would like to make known in a hopefully constructive manor.
1) I am concerned that this solution is passing a problem down on to your customers. That being it is often very difficult to get 11 friends on to play at the same time, especially if you have not conected with a unit yet. This could impact new players who are interested in a first person simulator. As anyone can note I am a member of a unit so this does not necessarily apply to me all the time, but I can still be effected. Which brings me to my second point.
2) There is the basic assumption in the poll that only "hard core" or "competitive" players would be interested in a first person only experience. I find that hard to believe, because I don't consider myself either "hard core" or "competitive". I like to play games with my friends and I enjoy the immersion 1st person only provides me. Although I have no hard evidence to support this, I truly believe I am not the only person with this view.
3) You yourself said "never say never". Is it perhaps a bit too soon to dismiss the idea of 3rd person and 1st person queues? I realize there is a concern about splitting the player base, but no one knows how many new folks and returning old folks will be back with official launch.
4) Associated with number three, I am concerned as a player and paying customer about the current activity level in game. I say this because if the activity levels are so low as to prevent two queues what will happen if people start to leave?
5) Assuming the casual player does want to drop in first person only, will there be support for this. For example: a lobby and in game voice chat? If such features are not included I personally believe it will be unlikely to see any growth in the 12 v 12 drops. So i guess in short do you plan on full supporting this as a feature?
6) This is my personal feeling on how the last state of the game made me feel as a customer. While I appreciate the concept of the "show must go on" I feel that your statements came off as cold. Let me explain some. Using terms like "vocal minority" and "on an island" imply to me that I am some thing to be "dealt with" and not taken seriously. I am sure that was not your intent, but that is certainly how you made me feel in your post. I am sure as a company you don't want to scare off any customers so please in the future remember that people might interpret what you call them as an insult.
I hope that this wasn't too long and that the feed back is considered.
Edit* fixed spelling mistakes
Edited by Mrllamaface, 28 August 2013 - 05:37 PM.