I've been almost completely out of the gaming loop for a long, long time. Nothing captured my interest enough to keep me playing long. When I found MW:O last Nov., I found that it actually felt like I was really in a mech and in a very dangerous situation. (Perhaps my playing it on a 46" TV increased that sense, but still.) I haven't played any other games because nothing else gave me that sense of heart-pounding excitement from being in a brawl. It's been awesome and very fun!
When they announced 3PV, I was incredulous. Why would anyone want to play an immersive simulator in a way that breaks all semblance of immersion? They said it would help new players. I sort of accepted that reasoning but I still felt that if they wanted to attract players who are new to this franchise, a tutorial (with 3PV toggle, perhaps) would have been much more effective at teaching them movement and gameplay.
Even without a tutorial, it just really isn't that hard. I can do it pretty successfully and I'm a 40 year old who never really played any 1PV shooters (cuz I usually can't play them enough to get decent at them) and I typically only have a few hours a week to play because I work full-time and attend college part-time. (Disclaimer: I did play MW2 and a little bit of MW3, so the movement mechanics were not completely unfamiliar, but how many years has it been since then?)
Despite severe budget constraints, I've managed to spend more toward MW:O than any other game I've ever played. I had been saving up to purchase a Project Phoenix package to show my support but I honestly feel betrayed by their "changing their minds" about their unequivocal statement (promise) that 1PV-only would always be an option. Whatever. The 3PV players can have this game. You'll get no more financial support from me.
I've moved on. I hope Star Citizen will fill the void. Until then, I guess perhaps I should thank PGI for taking all of the fun out of the game for me. Now I have less excuse to avoid doing my assignments for school. Someone please let me know if they realize the error of their ways and bring the fun back in. I will miss destroying you and, yes, even being destroyed by you.