Keep in short:
-How do you plan to build up the match-making system?
-The balance based on what - tonnage, tabletop-game based BV points, or something else?
-There is can be build up a match with uneven numbers? Like 5 larger mech in one side, and 10 lighter in the other side?
-What kind of maps you imagined? Only "Team Death-Match", so just kill the opponents, or scenario-based (for example one team is defending a HPG uplink, the other team try to destroy it within 10 minutes, before the HPG send the crucial message)?
-Do you plan to counter the "minmaxing", in other world, how do you wan't stopping everyone only use the most powerful weapons? What kind of changes you plan in weapon mechanism? (a little explain based on table-top: AC/20: dmg: 20 point, heat: 7, weight: 14 tons (+5 shot / 1 tons of ammunition) vs. 4x. Med. Laser: dmg: 4x 5 (20) point), heat: 4x 3 (12), weight: 4 tons (plus you can add 5 tons of Heat Sink to reduce the heat build up the same level ( seven point ). So in the end, the 4 Medium Laser with 5 Heat Sink give the same range, and the same punch, but for only 9 tons (5 tons fewer, even without the ammo of the AC!), and you never run out of ammo - so there is no point to use the AC/20... if we count the cost, this is more uneven match (the AC/20 cost 300.000 c-bills without ammo, the 4 Med Laser cost 40.000 each, so even with the Heat Sinks, the laser option cost 2/3 as much as the AC!!!).
-We need a clearer picture how the playing build up. We are create a Mechwarrior, and we can buy Mech's in our garage? The advance based on what? We can buy and pilot an Atlas right in first day, if we have enough C-bills, or we need to grind a decent amount of XP, and get the necessary skills before this?
-What kind of "lobby" is planned? It is implement to the game (like in WoT), it is a different "starting" program (like how we can start a game directly from the Steam), or a web-based (like in the BF3)?
-What is the plan to counter the destructive players, team-killers, chat-spammers, etc.?
-What about the music of the game, any plan to make new, fresh tunes, or try to keep the legendary Mechwarrior 2 themes?
-There is any kind of public developer timeline exits (when the closed beta begin, when the open beta begin, etc.)? There is any plan to make such deadlines public?
-When we can seen in-game pictures and videos?
-Can we get a clearer picture about which weapons put into the game in the start? Namely we only get 3025 level tech, or we get the 3039 level (including the Streak SRM-2, LB-X 10 AC, Ultra AC/5, ER Large Laser, etc.). If we get the IS "reclaimed" weapons (like the ER Large Laser or LB-X 10 AC), then how we can be bought these?
Edited by Cifu, 12 November 2011 - 12:45 PM.