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Patch Day - September 3Rd - LIVE!

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#541 DocBach


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:09 PM

Probably the best thing they've done to balance out the heavy long range guns. ER PPC's can still be used to snipe with, but players can't enjoy as sustained of DPS from long range cover, and the gauss charge up makes it difficult to use them all at the same time to put 35 damage into the same panel without some definite trigger discipline and success.

#542 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:10 PM

View PostLightfoot, on 03 September 2013 - 03:05 PM, said:

Don't know why you nerfed the Gauss Rifle, no one will use it now. I say this because there is little difference in Gauss Rifles and other projectile weapons, except in people's heads.

Maybe they will use it, but no one ever used the Bombast Laser in MechWarrior 4 and it had a similar set-up. It's just too far-fetched. And they don't have to use it to get the same DPS or better from long range ballistics.

I don't think they nerfed it, the change does reflect a real life necessity for a capacitor charge, something the PPC and ERPPC could also use. However, if they DO have a charge up on the gauss, unless the capacitors are charged or are in the process of charging, when they get hit, there should be no adjacent component damaging explosion.

and I saw this on page one:


Really? Slowing down PPCs is ridiculous. I can understand heat, but it's artificial lightning for christ sake, how is this supposed to do anything but make them useless?

Lightning is about as uncontrollable as it comes, like a woman with a high limit credit card in a store having a 75% sale. It isn't a ball of energy being projected by Goku or Vegeta. It is projected towards a target with an odd hit probability. Unless you're Tesla himself, of course.

Edited by Gremlich Johns, 03 September 2013 - 03:17 PM.

#543 Jakob Knight


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:11 PM

View PostBartholomew bartholomew, on 03 September 2013 - 02:47 PM, said:

Glad to see the orion, slightly amused that is the exact build you are trying to discourage.

And agree with others that the guass should no longer explode on impact since it is now a charge up weapon. Just consistent at that point.

However in the same name of being consistent, If you charge it up twice without firing, there should be a high probability of a capacitor explosion taking it out anyways.

If you don't want the gun to explode, then would you not agree it should be like any other low-heat projectile weapon in the game and have the ammo explode instead? Remember, the weapon is still a very high-damage, low heat, long-ranged weapon, and ammo explosions are part of the price of other weapons with these same strengths. Especially given that there are no ghost heat penalties for the Gauss Rifle (unlike the other weapons of the same class), the 'additional disadvantage' added on top of the usual disadvantages for other weapons. The charge-up mechanic is just the version of ghost heat that can work on a weapon that generates no noticable heat.

#544 Krivvan


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:11 PM

View PostKell Commander, on 03 September 2013 - 02:45 PM, said:

Am I the only one who feels it makes more sense to just have the gauss shoot once charged? Why would you have to let go of the trigger?

Having to let go actually makes it better than if it fired once charged.

#545 Effectz


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:12 PM

Gauss Rifle should no longer explode if it's in the uncharged state.Fixing the adv zoom module while nerfing sniping...lol.

#546 LoveLost85


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:12 PM

View Postnemesis271989, on 03 September 2013 - 11:48 AM, said:

ABSOLUTELY NO!!! Because LL spam will be there instantly....

i welcome it! now it will be all to apparent who uses balanced builds (the people not crying), and I welcome the laser spam, it will be all to apparent who actually has skills in this game. ive come back to this thread just to read and laugh at all the crying. magnificent!

#547 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:21 PM

View PostEffectz, on 03 September 2013 - 03:12 PM, said:

Gauss Rifle should no longer explode if it's in the uncharged state.

Roger that!
And Gauss projectiles are inert - they convey their potential energy into kinetic energy when they meet an object in their path

View PostNoXHeart, on 03 September 2013 - 08:47 AM, said:

The PPCs might run hot now, but they're supposed to be sniper weapons,

No, they are not. That's just one use.

Edited by Gremlich Johns, 03 September 2013 - 03:19 PM.

#548 Mechsniper


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:22 PM

This is another feeble attempt to balance the game without addressing hard point size restrictions. As said above there are mechs intended to mount 3 ERPPCs and be snipers in the game. To deny them that ability is as childish as players who are wanting lrms nerfed back to uselessness when there are LRM boats you can buy in the game. An LRM 20 should not fit where an LRM 5 was meant to be. An ERPPC should not mount where a medium laser was meant to be. You cannot have balance without these restrictions. The gauss mechanic is horrible and nearly makes the weapon unusable in a fight. The ERPPC and PPC heat make the 9M and 8Q about worthless. Please rethink your direction PGI or your release will be your end of the road for this game and unfortunately MechWarrior. I only post as much as I do because I loved all the previous MechWarrior titles. I bought the founders and Pheonix packages to try to help the game become what it once was. now this...... added to the 3PV debachle. Hotfix the Gauss and ERPPC heat at least. This whole patch reeks of overnerf for noob QQ's. Grow some skin.

#549 Serpent 6


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:24 PM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 03 September 2013 - 08:26 AM, said:

  • PPC damage under 90m has been reduced to 0.
  • Gauss Fire Delay:
    • The Gauss Rifle requires a 0.75 second charge before it will fire.
    • Once charged, the shooter has 1.25 seconds to fire the round.
    • If not fired during the 1.25 second charge, the Gauss Rifle will instantly dissipate the charge and require another charge to fire.
    • Both the cooldown bar and the weapon group ready light will turn green when the Gauss is ready to fire.
  • PPC base heat increased to 10 (up from 9).
  • ERPPC base heat increased to 15 (up from 13).
  • PPC/ERPPC projectile speed slowed to 1500m/s down from 2000m/s.
  • Gauss projectile speed increased from 1200m/s up to 2000m/s, internal health increased to 5 (up from 3)

So what you are saying is, there is now no way to do damage if you are loaded with PPC's and gauss? If you are face to face with another mech with PPC's, how can you do damage to each other? Ram? This is bar far the dumbest fix I have ever heard of. PPC's are worthless close up. Gauss has a lag time to shoot. Light mechs have just got the upper hand on this one. Thanks for making my assaults complete piles of {Scrap}.

Edited by Serpent 6, 03 September 2013 - 03:28 PM.

#550 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:25 PM

I can snipe just fine with 1/2/3/4 ERPPC.

not sure why so many of you are claiming that suddenly the ERPPC is no good anymore, it's working just fine for me.

#551 glycerin


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:31 PM

Now that's how you patch! Good job with the PPCs. Gauss seems fine so far.

Still don't like 3pv and the way matches are set up, but this is a step in the right direction for some very stale gameplay. Good on ya PGI.

#552 Serpent 6


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:32 PM

View PostColonel Pada Vinson, on 03 September 2013 - 03:25 PM, said:

I can snipe just fine with 1/2/3/4 ERPPC.

not sure why so many of you are claiming that suddenly the ERPPC is no good anymore, it's working just fine for me.

You haven't yet played anyone yet. Brace for the bumbrush, that's what this game is going to turn into.

#553 Kell Commander


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:34 PM

View PostKrivvan, on 03 September 2013 - 03:11 PM, said:

Having to let go actually makes it better than if it fired once charged.

Now that I have played a few matches with it, really helps save ammo. I am a fan now.

#554 pantherzero


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:38 PM

No FFPV still is about all I took from those patch notes

#555 Shiro Kell


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:39 PM

Seriously...the PGI staff 'CLAIM' to be huge fans of Mechwarrior and Battletech. So why do you keep screwing with stuff that isnt broken. You keep catering to the whiners in the community and pushing away the hardcore fans of the game. THE GAUSS RIFLE NEVER HAD NOR DOES IT NEED TO CHARGE! IT HAS A CAPACITOR THAT HOLDS CHARGE WHICH IS WHY THE RIFLE HAS A CHANCE TO EXPLODE ON A CRIT! Not to mention you are essentially re-writing physics if you dont up the damage of a gauss projectile (or increase its base effective range back to the correct values) now that you have the projectile moving faster. DO YOU MORONS EVEN RESEARCH YOUR CHANGES OR ARE YOU NOW JUST MAKING STUFF UP AS YOU GO? Do yourselves a favor PGI...FIRE YOUR CREATIVE DIRECTOR!

Edited by Shiro Kell, 03 September 2013 - 03:46 PM.

#556 TheMazing


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:43 PM

Nice patch once again. I've never been a gauss fan, but I do like my ppc's. O-well time to change my loadouts once again. Thanks for keeping this game fresh for me, might start using more medium pulse now. We'll see how it goes.

#557 Symbiodinium


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:45 PM

Like the sound of the patch. The PPC should be a strong medium-range weapon and distinctly inferior for sniping compared to the gauss and it seems like they've done that, I hope the PPC heat nerfs weren't too strong. Prepare to see blue lasers, blue lasers everywhere. I still think SRMs might need a buff, but it will depend how well the hit detection is working now.

View PostShiro Kell, on 03 September 2013 - 03:39 PM, said:

lots of words

There, there. *pat on head*

#558 Alabaster Black


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:46 PM

Patch notes didn't appear on "Home" screen this week.

Just a thought, link to gameplay mechanic changes when we login so they aren't a surprise when we drop in.

I know it's patch day, but having to go the the site and search for changes rather than posting notes in the home screen is a small irritation.

#559 Thepotatomasher


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:50 PM

View PostSmokinDave73, on 03 September 2013 - 08:42 AM, said:

Was this really necessary??

100% necessary - first decent patch in a long time - maybe decent enough for me to log on for the first time in 6 months.

finally making changes to stuff that should have never made it out of testing.

MWO is one patch from a decent game and might even survive now.

Edited by Thepotatomasher, 03 September 2013 - 03:55 PM.

#560 King Harrod


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:51 PM

Who has 2 Thumbs and still a 6 PPC Stalker in his Mechbay???
<-----This guy!!!

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