The idea is twofold, to raise the Max Armor value by the amount separating front and back torso sections from sharing armor points between them, and a slight tweak to Internal Structure values.
So for example, a Commando currently has 24 points to share been Front and Back Side Torsos and 32 for front and back CT.
The idea is to set the front side torsos to a cap to the full value of 24 and the rear side to half, so 12 for the Commando. CT would then be 32 front and 16 back. So that change would increase the potential max armor to 218 from 178, a possible increase of 40 armor points.
Here is a Chart brainstorming how the idea would look applied to other mechs, by tons, currently in MWO (just missing 20 ton mechs and I left in 55 ton by accident).
Also, with the idea, there is room to provide mech specific buffs.
For example, the four Hunchback variants (4G, 4H, 4J and 4P) could have an asymmetrical distribution, that gives more armor to the front right torso and the right internal structure, since it has more surface area and is bigger than the left side.
For example,
Armor Values
RT _ 60, CT _ 64, LT _ 48
RRT 12, RCT 32, RLT 24
Internal Structure Values
RT 48, CT 48, LT 24
And for quick reference here is a chart calculating how it would look adding the armor in 0.5 increments up to 24 tons.
Last idea with current Internal Structure Values what if we provide like a 25% boost to most of the mech from current numbers? Again it's just brain storming and can be restricted to certain classes as needed, if the idea could help.
Here is a chart of what I mean.
And numbers can always be changed, since the idea is to improve gameplay, hopefully without causing further imbalances. I guess I can also make a thread, but it would be about Armor also, so I'll wait to hear from the OP or a mod if I should do that or not.