TOGSolid, on 05 September 2013 - 10:06 PM, said:
I did make a constructive thread. you can see it here
and we were basicly told to go shove it. hence this thread. Which is basicly done for fun because of the exageration which you seam to have missed, and taken what i said to the utmost extreme of raging. if you had read this post with a bit of humor you might have laughed, can you really see a i pilot running out of his mech in the middle of a fight to unjam an auto cannon under fire? No you cant its not reasonable. But it is kind of a funny thought. I will apploigize for offending your delecate sensibilitys but do try to look at things in a less critical light.
Bottom line though for the rest of ppl reading this is the devs them selves said they would try to stick to canon as reasonbliy possible the guass nerf/lag what ever it is your calling it is not that huge but it did not need to be done and it could have been done differently while staying closer to the books. And yes i know that the books dont translate well in to game but if you do read them most of your weapons do not have super accuracy past 400m, so a fix could have been making the wepons miss a little more or modifying the convergance. Weapons did miss quite often in the books both table top and novels as well.
Now with this being said the point of above statment is if your going to say your gonna do something then do it. if your not then dont say you are. I really dont want to have to manualy toggle my auto cannon to reaload it self with a new magazine. (Im just using that as an example of some thing that could be changed) another example is if any one has played mech 2 and mech 3 and mech 4 the pulse lasers all fire different. So which way is right? no one knows. but what i do know is what starts as a small change can lead to bigger ones. and given the recent track record they are normally not good. Or there poorly executed.
There are other things that NEED to be fixed that are broke like maps and hit boxes on mech's and rewind servers and a whole lot more that have been broken since the founders packs and still have not been fixed. PGI took out collisions, that needs to be fixed and put back in but they might not decide to do that even though it is part of the MW world. So if you keep changing things some big and some small eventually if you take enough after awhile you dont have mechwarrior any more. All im saying is do not fix something that is not broken. Esp when there is plentey of things that are broken. so like the title says (What else will they break next.)
God im hoping for directional jump jets just like Mech 2!
Edited by Alisyn Chaynes, 05 September 2013 - 10:49 PM.