Part I notes and links can be found here:
Part III notes and links can be found here:
Disclaimer: these are the notes I've taken from the Bryan Eckman trilogy part 2. These are just the things that I wrote down, and may not be perfectly accurate, but hopefully you'll be able to get the information you're looking for. If not, listen! Please don't condemn me if I mess up a little. I'm not a professional note-taker! Don't ask me about details. LISTEN to the interview if something is unclear.
[EDIT: anything in a box like this is my personal question/comments, not part of/answered in the interview. - Peiper]
Duncan Fisher pukes.
Collisions will be back. Like MASC, needed HSRewind work completed before integration.
(Had to re-write cryengine because it's not server-side something or another, it will be a gameplay mechanic meaning viable?)
How will it work? Collision intentions: watch where you're going or you'll take damage.
Actual experience: Used as a weapon, forcing mechs to sit on the ground awhile before they stood back up, and was used as a griefing mechanism.
Might have a module or something to help you stand up faster to help alleviate the pain of crawling/sitting too long.
Technical parts of collision are done, but they're not sure how they're going to implement it yet.
"A good counter to a charge is a sidestep." - Bryan. [EDIT: but we can't strafe/sidestep yet, right? Is that a hint that sidestepping is coming?]
1PV vs. 3PV.
PGI/MWO Demographic/target audience? 'anyone who wants to play a giant robot game. Not JUST for 'sim heads.' Game is built for 'mech fans' of all types. PGI's goal is to make MWO as available and easy to get into as possible.
When asking new players that give up, why? They said: They had a hard time understanding their mech. Stats showing; new players play first 20-30 games in 3rd person, then switch to 1st! PGI goals achieved.
1 engineer putting in 3 weeks of work to make 3rd person as it is now. Looked at it, thought it didn't give a competitive edge.
Because MOST people play in 1st person, do we really need split queues? Split queues SEEMED like the solution, but they changed their mind because it split the player base/made weight times too long.
So, future solution: they 'understand' the competitive players pain, so: 1st person 12 v 12 queues is a 'first step.' [Paul's 1stPV poll.] 10 to 1 said yes, great idea!, so 1st person only in 12 v 12 queues will be in at launch.
CW leak: There's attackers and defenders in planetary conquest fight a series of pitched battles to take a planet.
Idea is: Defenders will be able to choose 1st or 3rd person or mixed to fight for it.
That part will be up for debate/not set in stone.
Other system: Private match solution. You won't get C-bills, rewards, etc... but you'll be able to choose how you fight in the match. Yes, you will be able to PICK YOUR OPPONENT. They will 'create a home for' us private lobby types.
(They will probably do a big post on this, but both of the above options will be introduced AFTER the CW presentation at the Launch Party 9/25)
Bryan had a long talk/beers with Black Widow Company at PAX, listening to the concerns of the hard core players.
Anything new for new players to learn how to aim and stuff?
More tutorials soon covering aiming, heat management, lance management, etc...
(Current problem is no way to tell new players how to find the current tutorial, UI 2.0 will have breadcrumbs for new players to follow/train up on.)
Weapon balance/theory:
Will PGI follow the timeline for new weapons like light gauss, snub nose PPC's, etc...
Devs mostly focused on Clan Tech at the moment. Still on 1/1 timeline, but looking to reset it to do the Clan Invasion properly. Might put it to community vote.
If they reset, will be reset late 3049/early 3050. Community vote will determine it.
What about 3067 tech? (MW4 stuff, think: Bushwacker, Thanatos, Fafnir, Nova Cat)
Options: maybe bring it forward as a prototype weapon before canon implimentation.
Other option is to SHARD the universe, so some people are playing in a different timeline than others!
Why does PGI change weapon stats/rebalance?
1. Community feedback/noise. Applies to pricing/c-bills, other things too supposedly. Silence often points to something that's TOO good, so they look at that too!
2. Compare to stats. Is what the community says true? Or are they freaking over a perception, also look at what is used or unused to determine useful/uselessness.
3. Pual and Dave in charge of weapons balance. Gauss idea explained: Gauss is meant to be fired seperately/like a sniper rifle with hold breath/trigger pull.
To test if it worked:
1. figure intent: make gauss a weapon for specific situations.
2. check to see if the players are using it as such, and not using it like the used to be used.
3. Usually takes a month to analyse the effect, won't kneejerk change it again.
Why does the Gauss have delayed fire instead of PPC's?
Like the Gauss, the PPC's have had their heat/speed changed as part of the balancing cycle. The current weapon balance/stats are NOT set in stone, but take a month or so of study to see if the NEW change fixes it or needs another tweek.
They'll be going back to beam weapons again soon, they cycle through ALL the weapons, then recycle the list and start over with balancing passes.
NARC? Tough weapon to use, need some love. Part of an upcoming pass, so stay tuned.
Gauss might get audio/visual queues indicators. Bryan makes wub-wub-wub-wub noises.
UAC/5's? Will they look at it again? Yes.
More funky mechanics like the Gauss? Yes. Want to improve experience. Don't want alpha builds, want a variety of weapons and weapon 'feels.' Every weapon should FEEL and ACT differently for immersion, variety, and balance purposes.
RE: macros, Bombadil (host) tried a macro for the first time: 3xUAC/5 macro. His observation: 100% no jamming.
Bryan says he'll talk to Paul about that!
Phil and Daeron compare {scrap} sizes.
Release schedule for maps? Island City and Moon are in the works, others are not so much.
One map every 2 months release schedule.
Island City intended to be released middle of this month, might make 'the tournament' but just in case its still buggy, but probably not released until first Oct. patch.
Moonbase end of November/early December. No gravity differences on moon, because it will totally mess up HSRewind stuff. Maybe down the road.
We will probably see these in public test servers before release, like terra therma.
New game modes? [think conquest/assault]
1st new one will come with CW and be an attack/defense mode. Asymetrical game mode, defender will have base, attacker may have more numbers. Thomas is working on some radical game mode options. This game mode will be both part of public queue selection and part of CW/planet capture so all can play it.
2nd mode mentioned: [untintelligable timestamp 45:47, possibly team death match?] Same as assault without the bases. [EDIT ?: Bryan says they "just TURN OFF the bases." Why can't we have that right now if it's so easy?]
CW Teaser: Planetary capture will take several battles. (teaser of his CW presentation at launch party)
Example of 3 battle planetary conquest:
1. Drop on planet will be straight up deathmatch as desribed above, whoever controls dropzone wins.
2. Assault mode: meeting engagement, like we have now.
3. Attack/Defense: taking capital/defender's base.
Turrets and Dropships are in the works. [Merc corp/regimental assets.]
FAR FUTURE idea, not on the trestleboard yet: Bryan wants to put in a scenario where base has objects like power plant, com center, etc... people have to destroy to win, but said scenario may require multiple lives/respawns to fully impliment.
More CW spoilers [timestamp 49min]: Something about a Regiment holding a planet, and players are assigned to a planet. ONLY those assigned players can defend that planet.
He wants to have a dropship involved in moving units around in planetary conquest SO: if the defenders destroy the invading dropship, it might kill their invasion same as if the defenders lose their base.
Also, these things might be assets for merc corps to build/create, and so if destroyed, have to replace/repair. Assets might be turrets/base defense as well as dropships.
Steps toward more game modes: [how they test and vet game modes]
1. Get attack/defense mission and respawn mechanics out of the way.
2. Listen to feedback/vet it. Once these obstacles out of the way, opens up a 'whole slew' of options. Tanks and AI ARE possible. [Edit: think by August 2024?]
3. Play it forward and look at more complicated match types. Example: Look at matches that absolutely require respawns like tug of war/push-pull matches, and the 'whole slew.'

Solaris VII arena?
'like the E-sports' part of the game. They need private matches first, create RULES, then create team rosters, ladder/ranking, and so YES, it will be possible.
Bryan/PGI wants to satisfy the need we have for private matches/training drops/competitive leagues. They want to see that too!
Part III preview:
Customizable weight limits.
In game events
Clan invasion
rare and unique items and much more!
Concludes with some fun heavy metal music.
Robot by Suicide Denial
Edited by Peiper, 07 September 2013 - 03:20 AM.