Matta, on 17 September 2013 - 12:29 PM, said:

Dear PGI, check this out, this would be my launch day:
1. 1 day of premium time for all, we're celebrating "Launch Day" of our favorite game after all;
2. During the duration of "Launch Day" (that only 24 hours) next things would be available:
2.1. MC sale
2.2. ALL hero Mechs 30% off MC price
2.3. ALL champion Mechs 30% off MC price
2.4. ALL CB Mechs 30% off MC price
2.5. ALL camos 50% off MC price
2.6. ALL colors 50% off MC price
2.7. ALL premium time options lowered by x% (you pick the number);
3. Log in during 24 hours of "Launch Day" and play only ONE match and you'll get a shiny medallion for cockpit that will remind you on the "Launch Day" of your favorite game;
4. etc,etc,etc...
Now, wouldn't that be one hell of a "Launch Day" of our favorite game ?
And guess what - you would be earning. For that day alone, I'm 100% positive that people would disregard poor patch in overall (yet alone patch in "Launch Day"!), lack of promised major things, poor communication with community, and all those other bad things that I forgot about, if you just did SOMETHING to show respect to those who still push this game forward.
You may be said that "Launch Day" is just another normal day and that may be true content-wise (because you haven't delivered any), but it shouldn't be like that at least celebration-wise. I'm sure people who can't attend to your launch party would still remember that there was a launch of their favorite game and that they've also been a part of that launch in another way.
But I guess easiest thing is just not do anything...
This exactly, so much could have been done to make something of this launch but it's been handled the same as everything else.