dymlos2003, on 29 September 2013 - 11:36 AM, said:
You're the one using excuses. It's not an advantage. To Flip if you can't fight with the screen shake that says something about your skill. (Not yours flip just the pilots in general)
You guys are grasping at straws. 3pv isn't abusable. It's barely usable to be honest.
How about you guys tallk about something meaningful like how srms sometimes don't register anything? In a constructive manner of course not the usual "LOL PGI SUCKS"
I'll give this one last shot.
Try to understand something here: Using the 3PV to bypass the cockpit shake and therefore counter your opponents fire isn't an excuse for unskilled players, but it is a way to disable the shake and make it a LOT easier for you to respond. This is just a small example of things people can do, and believe me, once the CW comes out and we are fighting for more than C-Bills, I will make sure to use 3PV as much as possible to my advantage.
And if I will do it, others will too. What will happen to the game then? Well, if memory serves, other MW releases almost died due to such things.
All in all, people will always find a way to abuse it and believe me when I tell you that will happen.
I don't want the game to go on that road and for that reason (I love MW and BT too much to see it crash and burn, or even the chance of that happening) I am opposed to 3VP.
I know it has advantages, I know it can be abused and saying it's not a benefit on the battlefield is just like closing your eyes and say we can't see the people around us, therefore they don't exist.
Edited by flipover, 29 September 2013 - 12:08 PM.