Funkadelic Mayhem, on 25 September 2013 - 12:08 PM, said:
Truth hurts.
You saboteur spoiled brat, cant make your own game and attack PGI any chance you get. After reading this tread its clear. You QQers dont even know what you want anymore. All you know is you want what was never promised.
You seam to hate this game, yet still play. You cant let go even though you should. They make gaming addition therapy now. Check yourself into it. Better yet, go back to the game that started this attitude for you... WOW.
To clarify a couple of things:
1. There are other game developers who already were working with the IP. There were other developers who wanted to buy the IP and make a game in fact but Tinker and Smith held the license and settled on PGI via IGP (all the same people just with a holding company essentially) to make a F2P game to generate profit.
2. Many of us have tried for about a year to give constructive and helpful feedback to PGI on what would better motivate us to spend money on the game. We've White Knighted on various topics in that time and done our best to be on PGIs side for the sake of the franchise.
3. The franchise will outlast MW:O by decades and has always been a lot more than a computer game. The lack of interest in the IP has had more to do with some legal issues that are now settled and some ownership questions relating to the license for games, what's included, etc far more than any other factor. There will be other BT/MW titles regardless of what happens with MW:O, what MW:O has done is show that there's an audience and a market for the game who's passionate and wants to spend money.
4. The issue here isn't even so much development on MW:O. It's that we got sold the idea of the game and its future on a timeline and with certain content. Now, right before launch, we get told that A) thanks for the money but you're not actually our target audience, B ) all the pillars of gameplay we discussed, role warfare, just about every aspect of the game we told you were were building MW:O into? Yeah, none of that really. Now buy some premium time and a hero mech, C) they hate even having to talk to us at this point since there's no more money in it. We can't be re-sold on the same un-delivered promises because we keep asking uncomfortable questions. There was a time they could say 'CW IS COMING! BUY CAMO!' and we'd go do it because we believed them. Too many missed dates and backpedaling and broken promises.
Promise by the way: Here's the definition:
promise; plural noun:
a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen.
promise; 3rd person present:
promises; past tense:
promised; past participle:
promised; gerund or present participle:
assure someone that one will definitely do, give, or arrange something; undertake or declare that something will happe
2. give good grounds for expecting (a particular occurrence or situation).
Taken as a noun or a verb we were promised certain things around 3PV which were broken. As to the importance of having promises made to you by a business you give money to who then breaks that promise, well that is a more personal thing.
One could reasonably say that PGI lied. A more precise term is 'palter'. It's a form of equivocation (a form of lying) where you make promises that you later intentionally do not keep. This is separate from intentionally making a promise you have no intention of keeping. I'm not accusing PGI of knowing from day 1 that they would always have a combined 1PV/3PV queue and just lying about it but I believe they intentionally decided to not keep that promise and atrociously mishandled the communication of that.
At this point the issue comes down to how PGI has handled those mistakes - which is largely to blame the community and attempt to avoid us while still wanting our money. This isn't uncommon in businesses unfortunately. Say for example you buy a car from a local business and it turns out to have significant issues. They already have your money and have no interest in spending money and effort fixing the car - even if they told you that if it has issues you could bring it back and whatever it is, they'd fix it. They may have been sincere at the time but now that they are in fact going to be 'put out' in honoring that initial promise they don't want to and would rather just avoid you.
I don't want to 'see MW:O burn'. Look up one of the other posts linking to the various promises made by PGI over the last year or so about what they said they were going to make MW:O into. I just want that game, the one they said they were making originally, before they took everyones money. If they are not willing to do so then like any consumer I'm going to share my experiences with PGI and the product (game) they are selling. It's not all bad - I still play some and will until X:Rebirth comes out in November, since it's F2P and I've already spent as much or more than I would have on a full game.
To baselessly accuse me and people like me of immature or unreasonable behavior though is disingenuous. My responses are reasonable and rational in this situation. To expect me to submit to be lied to (paltered to if you will) and without comment accept insults from a company I've paid money to would be unreasonable. There's limits to what's acceptable and certainly people have gone overboard (threats being a huge example) and I agree that's unacceptable behavior.
PGI though has absolutely and methodically created the environment on these forums. You yell fire in a crowded theater and cause a panic you don't lay all the blame on the stampeding patrons. Yes, individuals in that group who go overboard deserve censure but at the end of the day the person who yelled fire is the source of the issue.
This game is a F2P multiplayer game. It is literally built to accommodate a community of players. The maintenance and support and good treatment of that community who in turn provide the content for the game (people to fight) lies in whole with PGI and their treatment of that community is absolutely responsible for the problems MW:O is having with reviews and player backlash. It is attempting to blame the players for responding to how they have been mistreated by PGI (and in a business sense it is a mistreat) that is irrational and unreasonable.