planetswag, on 18 September 2013 - 12:46 PM, said:

I mean, I stay off the forums (a.k.a. warzone) because of all the complainers and that #whiningaboutwhatIwantMWOtobe thing, but at least thy shouldn't put this on Metacritic. They're not helping their case; they want the game to be changed, but by sending people away with negative reviews they don't allow new players to generate income for the game. The devs don't get income, the game never changes, and in the worst case scenario (sadly) the game dies. So they don't get what they want anyway. Unless of course MWO becomes a pay2win, which it isn't thankfully, and then people would start complaining more.
I've always loved battletech, I have the board game and I've played everything since MW 3. I really don't want this game to die. Sure the devs made some mistakes, but so do you and everybody else.