Riptor, on 21 September 2013 - 06:25 AM, said:
I like how most positive reviews all just say "Its fun" or "its great" but never explaining why it is a fun or great game.
Meanwhile the more critical reviews (and im not talking about the 0 rating, mwo is many things but not a 0, its average at best and below average at worst) go into great detail about all the flaws the game has.
In the end, neither of them are reviews. They are random/oranised bunch of sentences, but not a review.
A proper review does these things:
it's objective (like or dislike a feature, developer, etc. that stuff is what gets you an F if it appears in something you dared labling a review),
it summarizes both good AND bad points (so neither: "This game is fun, you should try it!", nor "This game sucks, you should keep clear!" in anything between such short sentences to a few page essays are really reviews),
it should have a summary and a final verdict, that is a finale of the whole work, not just a random rating/subjective opinion on the product (so no praising/bashing and then giving a score higher/lower than what would be the logical average),
and many more aspects that are far beyond the literacy of the average internet guy (which includes me, of course) or the so called "proffesional game reviewers." Don't call them reviews for the sake of all people who ever had the dis/pleasure of becoming a real reviewer and doing these things proffessionally, adhering to every aspect academics have put up for this subject to make something that is worth even looking at.
P.S. No offense to anyone who did a real review and posted it there (provided there is a person like that). I'm just fighting the ignorance in the gamer community.