This is a bug-fix release for 2.0.0 containing some minor UI improvements as well.
Please report any bugs here
Download here:
Changes since 2.0.0
* 'Mech quirks now correctly apply to projectile speed shown in tooltips in the 'Mechlab window.
* Weapons page has been revamped to make it more usable on smaller screens.
* Settings screen has been revamped to make it easier to use.
* It is now possible to input decimal values into the time and range text boxes under offensive stats.
* Made error and warnings more prominent when trying to equip the 'Mech with equipment that won't fit or function properly.
* It is now possible to use all characters in 'Mech names (previously slashes would make the 'Mech impossible to move in the garage).
* Fixes parsing errors since Cyclops patch.
* Maximizing windows now appears on the screen where the mouse pointer is even when the screen has negative screen coordinates.
* Opening a loadout now opens it on the same screen as the main window.
* Added the chassis name to the 'Mechlab window above the mass bar.
* 'Mechs in the garage are now sorted alphabetically (ignoring case).
* The renaming of loadouts has been improved. The text field will now behave as expected.
* LSML will no longer try to automatically connect to Smurfy if you asked it to store your API key.
Edited by Li Song, 03 September 2016 - 08:24 AM.