I chose "both 2 and 3" and i'll explain why.
2) PGI may not have lied but they have broken promises (There will be no 3pv, there will be 3pv but seperate queues...). I understand that a company wants to make money but if you don't have faith in your own vision of the game you're making why make it? Oh yeah, because money beats integrity.
As for not listening to the founders, well i can't fault PGI for that. Buying early access and ingame items does not entitle you to have more input that other players. But PGI have shown that they don't listen to any of the players. They add somehing to the game in a way they think is right, and only after months of players complaining will they slightly change it, just enough to appease the majority of players who will accept a slight change instead of the needed change.
Also, saying "we need to get better at communication" doesn't fix the fact that you have already insulted players and shown you have no respect for them.
3) I don't like they way they seem to be moving further away from the Battletech game they claim to love. For example, why was there a need to give ECM abilities that it doesn't have in BT? Why is the AC2, which in BT does the same damage as an MG but has a very long range, now one of the highest dps weapons in the game?
I understand some things need to change for the sake of balance, like giving missiles more damage as they can't be aimed, but why put the weapon in the game, without increasing the range of the weapon like has been done with other weapons, then introduce other little things to "fix it" (i.e. appease players who don't use the weapon and complain about it instead of learning to counter it) with multiple small nerfs that never actually fix the problem (i.e. indirect fire).
Look at the heat system. Players have been saying all along that the heat system is bad, yet PGI refuse to listen to anyone and blindly follow their belief that "heat management must be an important part of MWO" while removing the heat system that was part of BT and giving players the mechlab which gives players the ability to create mechs with decreased heat generation. Do they not wonder why they have to keep nerfing popular weapons with "extra heat fixes"?
I just feel that PGI are using the BT IP to increase sales on a game that would have had much less support if they had created their own IP.
Do i want MWO to succeed? Of course i do. I still play and find what limited content there is to be fun...for now.
Do i care if PGI makes money? No. I won't spend any more money on the game until it is significantly improved and PGI show they have some idea of what they are doing.
And those who are telling people to grow up and make a better game if they think they can. I think you need to grow up if you think that there aren't MWO players, past and present, who couldn't make a better game. It isn't lack of ability that stops them, but rather time, money, and the law.
Imo MW:LL was one of those "better games" that unfortunately stopped development because of MWO, whether a C&D was issued or not. It may not have been the best game ever but at least that team had a grand vision and were sticking to it.
In the end though i only blame myself for believing that what PGI promised sounded like EVEOnline with mechs (so much that i thought the tiny maps we had in closed beta were placeholders just for testing things until the big release) instead of WoT with mechs. I guess i'm just naive