Carrioncrows, on 30 September 2013 - 11:32 AM, said:
I put a lot of work into all the threads that I believe matter.
If it doesn't go through it won't be because of failure on my part to explain it. However I also don't expect them to come right out and say: "Hawt Damn, Crow. This is a great idea! We will be using it. Here is 1 Free Internet!"
Sadly I blame myself at the Launch Event for not tackling a Senor PGI guy and getting them to look at this.(*sheepishly*, was rather busy) Until then I guess i'll just have to wait till the next "Ask the Dev's"
I at least like to think it's drawn someone's attention.
If not in ATD you should post it in NGNG's forums so they ask about it on their next podcast... I'd be curious to know if they even have plans to review some of the hitboxes the way you described at all or if they are satisfied with the way they are now.